A day to day acount of the whacky and wonderful world of Muggaz - i tend to be having too much fun these days, and often cannot remember moments due to debauchery - its time the internet repayed my loyalty by recording my antics.
Muggaz's Articles In Misc » Page 2
September 21, 2004 by Muggaz
Oh the Irony of it all… Isn’t it funny that mistakes by ‘Intelligence’ are amongst the most irresponsible and stupid actions of all time? Lack of ‘intelligence’ also makes for some of man-kinds worst tragedies, yet we are all to eager to blame down right stupidity on ‘intelligence’ Australia’s prime minister has weighed in on the Pre-emptive strike debate, stating that he would have no reservations in ordering a pre-emptive strike on a nation in the region if he felt Australia was und...
September 13, 2004 by Muggaz
“Beer – helping ugly people have sex since 1862” – Some Random “Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.” - Ernest Hemmingway “Always remember that I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me.” - Winston Churchill “I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day.” - Frank Sinatra “An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be dr...
September 2, 2004 by Muggaz
Context: This speech was given by Victorian crime writer (and outspoken public education activist) Shane Maloney to an assembly of boys at Scotch College - a prominent private school in Melbourne. He had been invited to conduct some workshops on writing (which he did) and then to speak to the larger gathering (he was given no guidance on what to speak on). Needless to say his speech caused quite a stir, with some of the teachers and boys being very indignant. Address to Scotch College S...
August 14, 2004 by Muggaz
A freid was telling me a story the other day about how he was standing out the front of a shopping centre smoking a cigarette, and this slightly overweight girl approaches him, and asks him if he wants to come to the movies, she is paying... Now my friend is not an asshole generaly, but what I am about to tell you will probably disgust you somewhat - I was shocked. He goes into the movies with this chick, who he does not find attractive at all... she has obviously got him along to see a mo...
August 13, 2004 by Muggaz
Jim McGreevey - The Democratic Govenor of Jersey, resigned today after confessing to an aldulterous affair with another man. The Shock, the horror! Aside from being a crazy kook democrat, who had nothing but the well being of his constituants in mind as he was governing the state, it is obvious that someone who commits adultery, more specifically, homosexual adultery, should resign from public office... right? This is a very tough situation for the poor man. Of Catholic persuasion, a...
July 5, 2004 by Muggaz
Spider-Man isn't your typical superhero; he isn't perfect. That's why we love him, writes Danny Fingeroth. There are other superheroes, to be sure, and they all have their appeal. Everyone knows Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman. Even people who have never read a comic know Superman's "Up, up and away" and the catchphrases of the other heroes. But no superhero has ever captured our hearts like Spider-Man. What magic did Stan Lee and Steve Ditko unearth when they created the web-spinner ...
June 23, 2004 by Muggaz
What an emotion it is though. I watched a documentary on the Lackawanna 6 last night. The Lackawanna 6 is six American citizens who were one of the first terrorist sleeper cells to be discovered after September 11. Lackawanna is a Yemeni community in Buffalo, NY – 100 or so years ago several hundred Yemeni immigrants came to the USA to work the steel. The steel is no more, the jobs are gone, and Lackawanna is just like any other community in America’s rust belt – if not dead, close to d...
June 16, 2004 by Muggaz
It’s perfectly possible that everyone knows this already, but I just found out last night… The Simpon’s have sold out. I was watching the Simpson’s last night – It was a replay of the tenth Halloween special… A quality episode that features the collector trying to capture Lucy Lawless from a comic book convention as Xena, the warrior princess… his plans are foiled though, when he takes a mint condition double bladed lightsabre from its packaging – hence rendering it uncollectible… in the e...
June 1, 2004 by Muggaz
I am glad I am not going insane. It would appear that even an esteemed panel of judges believe Aussie chicks are the hottest on the planet as well!!! She is quite stunning - Check her out! although, I see hotter chicks than that every day, I am sure the ladies of Australia dont mind having her as the bench mark - it makes them all look good BAM!!!
April 13, 2004 by Muggaz
Who's idea was it to stop the Milkman service? What has changed in our world today, that the need and want for the milkman is any less than it was 15 years ago, when I last remember any semblance of a milkman service. People still need milk don't they? Why, just last night, I myself was in requirement of some Milk, and how I dreamed of past glory days where I could wake up in the morning to find bottles of milk at my door! Was it because to many mysterious looking children were popping ...
February 17, 2004 by Muggaz
It would be obvious to me that Dodgy people seem to flock to the Western side of Every City. I have been looking into this a little bit lately, and I have no reason behind this gross generalisation other than mere observations, but in every city I go to, hear of, it seems as though dodgy or outcast type people live in the Western Suburbs. In Melbourne we have Broadmeadows, Ascot Vale, Sunshine (Scumshine), and Altona. I have grown up in the Eastern suburbs all my life, and all I have heard...
February 15, 2004 by Muggaz
A lot of people in temporary positions of authority are absolute jerks. The main perpetrator’s here are nightclub/pub bouncers or security guards. As a general rule, these guys are meat heads, and are security guards because they couldn’t pay for their souvlaki any other way. It takes 6 weeks to get an accredited security guard licence, after that, you can start your own firm, or you are pretty much guaranteed work within another firm. In Melbourne, a popular sports figure has just d...
February 15, 2004 by Muggaz
Anticipation and expectation will knock you down. One of my all time favourite bands before this weekend was Incubus… I was a really big fan of their album S.C.I.E.N.C.E and Make Yourself was good as well, Morning View was Ok… their newest album was so crap, I haven’t even bothered learning its name. The things I like about Incubus are their really raw sound, a lot of great lyrics combined with in your face rock. My favourite songs include Vitamin, A Certain Shade of Green and Pardon Me. T...
February 15, 2004 by Muggaz
I have come to the logical conclusion that stupid people like chicken. On Friday night we were making our way to the pub. Brad dropped us of at Surry Hills train station. I was planning a big night, so there was no chance I was drinking. We had 30 mins to wait for the train, and we were all starving – so we make our way to Red Rooster, a popular chicken fast food chain in Australia. When we got inside, there were 3 women who had all arrived at the same time, and just before us. The firs...
February 5, 2004 by Muggaz
Ok, some 'cooler' members of this site have been discussing pants... i will let you know what i think of that. It is a well known fact amongst guys that pants can be worn for 1-2 weeks no worries, unless a disaster like curry or sweet chilli sauce happens. Some people here say they wear jeans for 1-2 weeks... i say they are Novices. Jeans, they are different you see. Some uber thread (the clothing kind) God came down and he said to some German dude "here is Denim... it rocks." and...