A day to day acount of the whacky and wonderful world of Muggaz - i tend to be having too much fun these days, and often cannot remember moments due to debauchery - its time the internet repayed my loyalty by recording my antics.
Muggaz's Articles » Page 17
April 30, 2004 by Muggaz
Look at the smile on that kids face - He has no idea what a Rave party is... BAM!!!
April 29, 2004 by Muggaz
This is just a big shout out to all the Australian’s here at JoeUser – I think you will find there are a few of us, and generally we are well liked and somewhat respected members of our little community, not unlike our country on the International scale!!! Hehe… First of all let me shout out to Mignuna – She hails from a much warmer part of Australia than me, and she has one of the most genuine and loving personalities I have ever encountered online. Her and I are definitely kindred spirit...
April 29, 2004 by Muggaz
I have found a passion in writing. I was never so into writing as I have been over the last few months. The concept of my opinion being viewed and thought about from all corners of the globe is rather enticing to me. I have had a lot of friends read and comment on a few of my pieces, and I can’t help to have my ego lifted a little by their compliments. This is what is doing my head in… I feel as though I am digressing around here. I have developed ambitions to write, and write well, and mo...
April 29, 2004 by Muggaz
This is going to be a bit of a rant… I am feeling emotional right now, so I need some form of release… guess what JU – you are going to get it. I feel absolutely crazy right at this instance. I am going to try to articulate it in words, If you have decided to read on, I wish you the best of luck. There is so much stuff going on that is making me feel both ecstatic and rather sad. It mostly involves chicks. There are a couple of chicks who I have been seeing lately… now, I have always be...
April 29, 2004 by Muggaz
There has been a bit of an hiatus from Agawria of late… It seems as though interesting things have been happening to all high council members, and we haven’t had the time or the commitment that is required of such a grand idea. Worry not faithful followers. I am taking the initiative to get the ball rolling again. I am testing myself in these exciting times of change, and embracing the un-known before me. To make Agawria what it deserves to be, I need to put some attention back into the co...
April 28, 2004 by Muggaz
Why don’t people realise hatred is a waste of time? Why cant people get over comments; and events in the past and realise tomorrow is another day? Another chance to prove your self worth as a human being? I am a very proud person, If someone insults who I am, sure, I see the red mist, however, usually I will swallow my pride, try and see where the perpetrator is coming from, and forgive, It is in my nature! Why can’t the entire world adopt this little policy? I am simply an arrogant young...
April 27, 2004 by Muggaz
Radiohead cancelled their gig tonight... there are about 50,000 dudes who are more dissapointed than me, but hey, that doesn't mean my feelings aren't important! Daniel went and saw them last night, he told me this morning that it went of, allthough Tom Yorke was losing his voice... I thought there could be a possibility of the show being cancelled, but the hope that they were professionals, and he would get through it saw me through the day... My sister rang me virtually in tears... I don...
April 25, 2004 by Muggaz
This weekend has been fun... as always... I have been really happy with the people i have been with and had a lot of fun. Got plenty of rest, and i am ready to take on the next week. I was at Eoin's house party on Friday night, and had a splendid time. I drank a fair bit of alcohol and dabbled in a little narcotics, but nothing extensive at all. I ran into an old friend from my high school... Its funny, I used to have the hots for this girl something chronic, but that was in the old days w...
April 24, 2004 by Muggaz
Interesting choice of Role Models you have over there in the USA... I was reading Shadesofgreys article on Pat Tilman , and no disrespect to this particular individual - but he is no role model for dying, or joining the army... He was merely a tool in a play between great evils... It was unfortunate he had to die, but dont glorify him because he could have been playing football... It doesn't make him any different from any other soldier that dies. Is that the kind of message you want to s...
April 22, 2004 by Muggaz
The weekend is here again, and you can tell I am home - Melbourne has just had two fantastic days I a row, roughly 26 degrees and the sun was shining... I woke up this morning to freaken torrential rain!!! Variety is the spice of life!!! It's a bit of a shame though because Eoin's house party is on tonight, and he doesn't really have much in the way of cover... No matter, he does have enough, and I think my status as one of his best mates should reserve me a place on the couch all night!!!...
April 22, 2004 by Muggaz
I have been an idiot. I have let some flippant remark get to me... For all those involved - Public forum... so everyone I guess... I am really sorry. I guess it just goes to show no matter what I may pretend to think, Everyone here means something to me. If anything, I suppose you all know me a little better now, and I know myself a little better - and than can only be a good thing, because I am an Awesome dude, and you can all count yourselves lucky to be part of what I call the ...
April 21, 2004 by Muggaz
Where will life's adventure take me when I am old and grey? Will I ever get to be old and grey? I hope I live by the seaside, with a nice place with really big glass windows, so I can see the bay and sit out there in the morning sunlight with a coffee and my newspaper. After I have read my newspaper, I will walk on down to the local school, where I am the lollipop lady. As I was driving to work this morning, I had recollections of the various lollipop ladies in my life. They hav...
April 20, 2004 by Muggaz
We must interupt whatever you are doing with this picture of a midget in a bath Oh yeah - 150th Blog BAM!!!
April 20, 2004 by Muggaz
Yesterday evening was certainly a most pleasurable one for me... In fact, it wasn't just yesterday evening, I would say the whole of yesterday was a glorious success. I really am guilty of using the term glorious loosely, but hey, it was better than a regular Tuesday, so I shall do as I please! Things certainly hotted up with one of the females currently in my life... suggestive emails were flying back and forth, and it just made the day go very quick and lifted my spirits... not that t...
April 19, 2004 by Muggaz
I have been staring blankly at this screen for a while now. I know how to handle it when someone complains or questions something I do or say... It makes it a lot easier when you actually know the person as well, so you can understand why they perhaps have been offended. I don't go around out of my way to offend anyone, although I really like to think I wear my heart on my sleeve and tell it like it is. I am admitting to you guys right now - I am so royally pissed at present it's not fu...