A day to day acount of the whacky and wonderful world of Muggaz - i tend to be having too much fun these days, and often cannot remember moments due to debauchery - its time the internet repayed my loyalty by recording my antics.
I will get over it though
Published on August 24, 2004 By Muggaz In Just Hanging Out
I really don’t like being blacklisted…

Oh well, I don’t come here to write on other people’s blog’s I come here to create my own, and as long as I have the chance to do that, I am quite content.

It’s funny – the blacklister on this occasion remarks “I don’t know why you have turned on me… yada yada yada” and then he does not allow me a chance to let him know that I haven’t turned on him, I just find this particular instance or sequence of events leading to my blacklisting very immature…

I know this is stupid, considering the offender of this immaturity is probably 3 times my age, but hey, I call it as I see it, and sometimes the truth can hurt…

I haven’t witnessed a concerted effort to ostracise since I was in high school… it was more frequent when I was 8 years old though, I merely pointed that out, and I have paid the price…

As far as I know, this is only the second time I have been blacklisted, and the first person has un-blacklisted me since… hopefully the perpetrator will realise I have nothing against him personally, and maybe un-blacklist me so I can share the Muggaz love…

If not, it’s his problem, not mine. It doesn’t feel good to have someone be so incensed by your comments that they disallow that privilege, but then again, It probably doesn’t feel good to be told you are acting like an 8 year old by some young dude… by the same token, I bet it feels rotten to have a concerted effort against you to make sure you don’t reach the top 10 blogs as well…

I am sorry if I offended you blacklister, but I know you know exactly where I am coming from, and it is consistent with whom I have always been… If I have turned on you, it is you who says it.

Blog on indeed my friends.


Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 24, 2004
Sorry someone blacklisted you..... I guess this will leave you more time to comment on your fav blogs!
on Aug 24, 2004
Oh Janders - always the optimist! I love it!!!

on Aug 24, 2004
Yay! This gives you more time to come visit my blogs!!! . Man who ever blacklisted you is crazy! I mean who doesn't wanna share the Muggaz love?

on Aug 24, 2004
Mugz, I'm surprised anyone would want to blacklist you. I know, you know, it's there loss though. So all is good!
on Aug 24, 2004
As far as I know, this is only the second time I have been blacklisted, and the first person has un-blacklisted me since

Hey, I'm first at something! Do I get a blue ribbon or something?

Actually, if I was paying more attention I'd have unblacklisted you a lot earlier.

I just find this particular instance or sequence of events leading to my blacklisting very immature…

Hmmm, guess I'll have to wait for Google's indexing to catch up to check this out....
on Aug 24, 2004
Man who ever blacklisted you is crazy! I mean who doesn't wanna share the Muggaz love?

Mugz, I'm surprised anyone would want to blacklist you.

Uh-oh. I have said too much. Forget I was here.
on Aug 24, 2004
Why would you blacklist the master, Mizter Muggaz? You the bomb Muggaz! I'll never blacklist you..though I'm sure you don't read my articles anyway, but you have my support!
on Aug 24, 2004
Mugz, I'm surprised anyone would want to blacklist you

Yeah - I was doubly surprised because I considered this person a 'friend' and it was TOTALLY unexpected... oh well.. moving on...

Hmmm, guess I'll have to wait for Google's indexing to catch up to check this out....

Int this time of great depression for me you still crack me up Gene... thanks for un-blacklisting me... that was pro.. now we can share dialogue like mature adults!

Yay! This gives you more time to come visit my blogs!!!

I always had time for your blogs Carebear!!! now I have more time to make in depth analysis!!! I am not sure you want that by the way

Why would you blacklist the master, Mizter Muggaz?

Well.... that remains to be seen... sometimes the truth hurts, and at the end of the day, it's his blog, so it's his right... I never meant to attack anyone, but sometimes the best defense is a good offense... which reminds me - Go Lithuania!!!

I never meant this to turn out into a "let support the great Mugz" blog, but your kind comments are all most welcomed, and appreciated - here is to progression through communication!!!


on Aug 24, 2004
Muggaz: I know the incident of which you speak (write?) and although I do not wish to take sides, I will say that the blacklister is quite a reasonable guy and if he takes the time to relax and think about what actually took place, he'll be welcoming you back in no time. I also think it is quite "big" of you to try to make amends with him the way you are.
on Aug 24, 2004
I will say that the blacklister is quite a reasonable guy

I know he is... thats what shocked me... I am a reasonable guy as well, obviously by blacklisting me, he does not think the same of me, and to tell you the truth, I am a little dissapointed...

But hey, not everyone can love the Mug Man right

Thanks for stoppin by TW

on Aug 24, 2004

Who blacklisted you, Muggy?  I'm missing out on all the drama.....will someone please tell me what hapened?

In a way I'm not surprised, but in another way I am.....I'm not surprised because you tend to get very passionate about things, and it takes a while to get used to that.  Until you understand that Muggaz has the ability to think what you are saying is wrong but love you to death as a person......well, it just takes a bit of getting used to is all.  I am surprised that any of the 'regulars' here would blacklist you.  I think that we all have seen how and who you are, and know that you mean any criticism to be taken with love and compassion. 

I'd still like to know who blacklisted you, dammit!

on Aug 24, 2004
Do not worry about being blacklisted dear boy, great men make many enemies. Alas, it is a mark of success to be feared and lied about by fools.

Think of all of the idiots that have blacklisted your liege, all of them pathetic moaners!

on Aug 24, 2004
heh....Muggaz love......sounds like prison material.......j/k.....someone must really be insecure to blacklist the great Muggaz.....you always bring a bit of warmth and humor to the table....

on Aug 24, 2004
LW - I have to say regardless of anything else Muggaz has said in past presnt or future I have to agree with him on this one.

Whether Tracy Givens is telling the truth or whether he's mentally unstable or whether its an elaborate hoax shouldn't make any difference to how we treat him as a human.
I read some of the comments you guys were putting on his blog - and I read the things you were saying about him on Gideons blog -- it was childish - and kinda mean
If this guy is sick then you're not helping him by paying him out - As far fetched as it sounds what if he is telling the truth?

Either way theres a guy out there crying out for help from someone and you're treating him like dirt beneath your feet -- You and Gideon of all people should know what that feels like by some of the personal things you write on your own blogs.

The bible says (sorry Mugz) that whatever you do to the least of these men you do to me! And to treat others how you'd wished to be treated.

The people on Gideons "funny" humorous blog where you were all enjoying yourselves are ALL regular top 30 members - you're respected and looked up to by new bloggers - Great example guys
on Aug 24, 2004
Don't sweat it Mugz, joke em if they can't take a....well, you know.
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