A day to day acount of the whacky and wonderful world of Muggaz - i tend to be having too much fun these days, and often cannot remember moments due to debauchery - its time the internet repayed my loyalty by recording my antics.
Muggaz's Articles In Blogging » Page 5
May 17, 2004 by Muggaz
I didn’t let anyone down this weekend – what a corker it was… Great people, great music, and fantastic foreign substances!!! Friday night could not come round soon enough, and when it did, I was most happy to just go home and chill for a bit.. I am almost finished Knights of the old republic on X-box, so I might just complete that tonight, if I don’t go and see Kill Bill 2, which I probably will do… so I guess it can wait! Glen came over at about 9.00pm with his customary 1.1L bottle...
May 11, 2004 by Muggaz
I am at the age where I need to decide… what would I rather be, a Jedi, or a Vampire? In the realm of the super natural, the choices have boiled down to these two, and I am really having a tough time deciding where my allegiances lie. Should I make myself available for the creatures of the night to take me and make me one of their own? Or do I try and fine inner peace, and become one with the force? Please, don’t try and tell me none of these super natural elements are possible, because...
May 4, 2004 by Muggaz
I sat at work today, talking with my friends located in various offices all over Melbourne, and other friend’s from office’s around Australia… I even spoke to friends who are located overseas – all thanks to the information age, because I live in 2004 instead of 1904. We banter about what we are doing on the weekend, what we are getting mum for mothers day, or who is winning the footy… how trivial this all seems, and it got me thinking, what did 22 year old guys do for fun in 1904? How did...
May 2, 2004 by Muggaz
I am just waiting for the time when I have to tell all you guys about some crap weekend that I had where I had no fun whatsoever… doesn’t look like happening any time soon! The whether wasn’t so great here on the weekend…? It was really freaken cold, and I couldn’t hack it… I had to drink a lot of alcohol to get the blood flowing red again! – This did not prove too difficult! Adrian came over after work on Friday and we went to the Skinny Dog Pub in Kew – It has the best chicken parmaga...
May 1, 2004 by Muggaz
Please read this Link It's an email that Highbass obtained... Just listen to the message we are trying to share. BAM!!!
April 30, 2004 by Muggaz
Look at the smile on that kids face - He has no idea what a Rave party is... BAM!!!
April 29, 2004 by Muggaz
This is just a big shout out to all the Australian’s here at JoeUser – I think you will find there are a few of us, and generally we are well liked and somewhat respected members of our little community, not unlike our country on the International scale!!! Hehe… First of all let me shout out to Mignuna – She hails from a much warmer part of Australia than me, and she has one of the most genuine and loving personalities I have ever encountered online. Her and I are definitely kindred spirit...
April 29, 2004 by Muggaz
I have found a passion in writing. I was never so into writing as I have been over the last few months. The concept of my opinion being viewed and thought about from all corners of the globe is rather enticing to me. I have had a lot of friends read and comment on a few of my pieces, and I can’t help to have my ego lifted a little by their compliments. This is what is doing my head in… I feel as though I am digressing around here. I have developed ambitions to write, and write well, and mo...
April 28, 2004 by Muggaz
Why don’t people realise hatred is a waste of time? Why cant people get over comments; and events in the past and realise tomorrow is another day? Another chance to prove your self worth as a human being? I am a very proud person, If someone insults who I am, sure, I see the red mist, however, usually I will swallow my pride, try and see where the perpetrator is coming from, and forgive, It is in my nature! Why can’t the entire world adopt this little policy? I am simply an arrogant young...
April 27, 2004 by Muggaz
Radiohead cancelled their gig tonight... there are about 50,000 dudes who are more dissapointed than me, but hey, that doesn't mean my feelings aren't important! Daniel went and saw them last night, he told me this morning that it went of, allthough Tom Yorke was losing his voice... I thought there could be a possibility of the show being cancelled, but the hope that they were professionals, and he would get through it saw me through the day... My sister rang me virtually in tears... I don...
April 25, 2004 by Muggaz
This weekend has been fun... as always... I have been really happy with the people i have been with and had a lot of fun. Got plenty of rest, and i am ready to take on the next week. I was at Eoin's house party on Friday night, and had a splendid time. I drank a fair bit of alcohol and dabbled in a little narcotics, but nothing extensive at all. I ran into an old friend from my high school... Its funny, I used to have the hots for this girl something chronic, but that was in the old days w...
April 20, 2004 by Muggaz
We must interupt whatever you are doing with this picture of a midget in a bath Oh yeah - 150th Blog BAM!!!
April 16, 2004 by Muggaz
March 30, 2004 by Muggaz
Whether you like it, i like, or Brad likes it, around here the term BAM!! has become synonomous with yours truely. Some of you claim i ripped it from some Emeril Lagassi chef or something... I categorically state this is not true... I ripped it from Elzar, a character in the FOX show Futurama... a damn funny one at that. I suppose this character *could* be based on this chef... seen as though he is a chef in the series... but i honestly have no idea who this Emeril chap is. I have grown...
March 23, 2004 by Muggaz
This morning i woke up feeling a little sorry for myself. Tuesday was your regular day... just work etc. I finished early though because i am off my probationary License and i needed to get my photo taken for my full license. There was this young lad there who must have just passed his learners permit or something, and he didn't really look as chuffed as you would imagine as he was getting his photo taken - he had the glummest look on his face. I am glad he was there, because i conciously ...