A day to day acount of the whacky and wonderful world of Muggaz - i tend to be having too much fun these days, and often cannot remember moments due to debauchery - its time the internet repayed my loyalty by recording my antics.
I am glad i am in a passive Religious environment
Published on February 29, 2004 By Muggaz In Blogging
The Weekend has just gone and as always, it involved beer and conversation with friends.

It seems that no one can get enough of Religion with this fricken movie stirring everyones belief. I just read the 23rd thousandth article by my good friend Trin who admits that she would be lost without Gods direction.

I have to say - that is my major problem with Religion. No one trust's their own judgement anymore, and everything they do needs to be validated by God. Only he knows what is right or wrong.

I engaged in this conversation with my mates Room-mate... someone who has been to church 3 times in her whole life... she was telling me what she uses as a yard stick when acting on ay issue that has moral and ethical under-tones... she trusts her own judgement, i trust her judgement - how are some people able to survive and lead fulfilling lives without asking God the way? its actually very, very easy.

If one cant trust their own judgements when it comes to basic moral and ethical questions, i find it daunting that they wouldn't be able to trust their judgement when it comes to anything else. I am 22 today - i would like to think that 22 is enough time to hone my skills as to what is the best course of action - it would be arrogant of me to say i have learnt it all, by all means, i acknbowledge i am but a puppy in the scope of things. When i do have to make dicisions though, you will never ever find me asking for validation from a supreme being. To be a leader, you have to have utmost confidence in your integrity and ability to make good decisions - i guess thats why i am yet to come across a good leader of men that was overly religious.

Please... continue to live your life how you see fit. but the next person who preaces God on me, will feel the wraith of my dissapointment. I am going to see Mel Gibsons movie on Thursday night - i do have to say i am a little daunted by the prospect. I will approach it with a reverant attitude, simply because so many people see Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Its safe to say that i may be a little touched by the movie and its depicition of Jesus' last hours.

Essentially though, this movie will be no different to Cry Freedom or Schindlers list... someone being persecuted because they are different. Jesus is no savior to me, just some glorified dude who lived thousands of years ago, and this movie is just another fictional story made to make money and entertain the masses.

Peace Out.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 29, 2004
Muggaz this is totally off topic old chap but i notice you have a link to soccernet, Which team do you support old chap. I am a shareholder in Arsenal FC
on Feb 29, 2004
Mug, i'm glad to hear that you're going to see the movie.

on Feb 29, 2004
I think you'll like the movie. Mel Gibson, btw, said the movie wasn't made for money. It could be bull but he's never been a blatant liar in the past.

I trust my own ethical and moral judgement, and I rarely require a great deal of prayer to reach a decision. To say that everything requires prayer is similar to saying that a child should remain forever dependent on their parents. However, Christianity is the basis on which my moral and ethical absolutes were created. That said, where do your absolutes come from?

on Feb 29, 2004
muggaz does drugs. i don't know how often, but if i had to guess, I'd say that it's on a fairly regular basis. (correct me if i'm wrong Mug)
that alone causes his credibility to be shaky at best in terms of Religion and all things related. To accept God, he would undoubtedly have to accept that his drug use is wrong. that's enough for any 'user' to deny God. Couple it with the fact that he's convinced that he can "make it on his own" without any help, and you've got a true dis-believer.

"...and the Truth shall set you free..."
on Feb 29, 2004
When I was an atheist, I even even considered a Christian wearing a crucifix to be forcing their beliefs upon me, and I was considered to be one of the most tolerant (which is a bad word among atheists) atheists!
on Feb 29, 2004
MJ - i have to say that is the stupidest comment i have ever had directed towards me.

You dont know me as a person, and just because i indulge in substances of the illicit variety every now and then doesn't make me or my opinion any less credible. If you indeed beleive that to be true, i feel sorry for you.

If i was a fascist, i would probably delete that comment, but i sincerely thought i had made enough of a reputation for myself as an intelligent person who likes to have fun. You like everyone else, are valid to your opinion, and i must admit, i am a little shocked that is your opinion of me, but i will let the other users decide whether i am credible or not.

Sir Pete, I am an avid Manchester Untied fan, and i am afraid your old boys seem to have won it this season.

on Feb 29, 2004
oh please imajinit, you make it sound like thats all he does?, that all he is, is a druggie!...
You don't know him.

I can say that i have never been to church, im 20 and never set foot in one! to tell you the truth they scare me, i dunno why!
im not going to say i don't believe in god or anything, because i don't know! it may be real how would i know, i don't know enough about it.
but i hate listening to ppl force there opinion onto other ppl. everyone has there own opinions on it, so leave it as that!
Say what you have to say, and just leave it as people have different views and noone is right or wrong when it comes to this!

on Feb 29, 2004
I don't mean to offend anyone here, so forgive me if I'm stepping on toes, but I just think religion is one of those things that just shouldn't be discussed. Ever. At least, outside of a church, mosque, synagague, etc. I mean, if someone has religion and it helps their life, that's fantastic, more power to them. And at the same time, if religion isn't important to someone, that's their choice as well. But any time anyone even mentions the word religion, everyone's radar goes way up and they go on the defensive. There are hundreds of religions in this world and the people who practice each own all believe that they are correct, which means no one else can be, at least in their eyes. And so any time religion is uttered, it almost becomes like a debate, no matter what the context the discussion is in. To me at least, even bringing up your religion is a way of preaching to people. I'm not saying there's not a time and a place for religion, but at the same time, I am almost certain there are times and places when it's not wise to discuss it, and one of those is on the Internet where there could be anyone of any belief that you don't even know ready to get offended at the drop of a hat. I'm not saying that nobody should be able to talk about religion if they want to, I just think it should be considered a Pandora's box that people need to use more caution before unleashing, and I'm talking in general, not just here. Man, I'm glad I got that off my chest despite not knowing whether it was welcomed.
on Feb 29, 2004
Man, I'm glad I got that off my chest despite not knowing whether it was welcomed.

my point exactly
on Feb 29, 2004
I really hate it when people make judgements about other people and feel that it's all right to do so, because they've got religion. I realize that Muggaz left the front door open when deciding to post about a religious topic, but I don't know if that gives anyone the right to slam his credibility. Like Ben stated, there are hundreds of different religions, many that refer to their higher power as God... but it doesn't make them all one and the same. Or any one else's more 'right' than the other.

I've got a Jehovah's Witness problem going on. Every week, they come by my place to pass on their Word. I get nice little flyers, and equally nice offers to help me learn about their God, regardless of the fact that I continually state that I have my own belief system going on. I could be mean and slam the door on them, or get out the old shotgun, but really, it's not so hard to listen for a few minutes accept their stuff and wish them a happy day. I've read through some of it, but still believe that my way is the right way for me. I'm glad that they have the courtesy to respect my beliefs, and don't blame them for coming by... it's impressive; their devotion to their own God. We have a nice respectful thing going on... and I am open-minded enough to keep reading, and not resorting to awful threats and scenes.

It's interesting to learn about other people's beliefs, but there's a difference between sharing opinion and plain old imposing your beliefs on others.
on Feb 29, 2004
noooo, I don't want Imajinit and Muggaz fighting. <---very sad.....

I'm not going to make a comment on what Imajinit said, mostly because I don't know who I agree with---most likely niether of you. Imajinit really shouldn't have put it that way. Kiss and make up guys!!!

on Feb 29, 2004
I'm going with Trin on this one. Come on, Muggaz and Imajinit... you guys are two of the coolest people on this entire site, and I'd hate to see you two fighting. :-/

I s'pose I should talk about the article too...let's see...

noone is right or wrong when it comes to this

I believe there is a God and if you don't believe that you're going to Hell. What can I "not be right or wrong?" Sorry, my naive little girl, there's no ambivalence or political correctness when it comes to religion.

on Feb 29, 2004
'religion' is what pisses people off. the thought of 'this religion' and 'that religion'... i swear if i hear this crap about "we all have our own religions and we all think that ours is right, which means the rest must all be wrong" one more time i'm gonna puke...

ok, that last statement wasn't very Christian-like... strike that

once again let me point out that The Truth is out there, and that lots of people have the wrong idea about what "the Truth" really is...

This is what i know to be a fact. 1. Jesus came to this Earth and was crucified by the very people he came to save.

2. if he DIDN'T die on the cross to save us, then he died for nothing. (and i refuse to believe that he died for nothing)

beyond that, nothing else matters. all the religions in the world may be right, they may all be wrong, it truly doesn't matter. the ONLY thing that matters are those two facts.

civilizations, sects, groups, organizations, etc all take the facts that are written in the Koran, the Bible, the Apocrypha, etc, and build these great 'belief structures' and 'religions' around them... when and how to take communion, how to do this and how to do that, traditions... oh don't even get me started about traditions...

who cares about who's right and who's wrong? all that matters is that Jesus died to save us from our sins... the rest are just details!!

once you come to terms with those two facts, the rest of the pieces just begin to fall into place on their own...

i may be 'preachin' and i may be pissin people off... but this is all i can do...

on Feb 29, 2004
amen brotha, amen

on Feb 29, 2004
I don't think you need to put preaching in quotation marks. The only thing that could make me feel like I was more in church was someone passing around a collection plate.

>>who cares about who's right and who's wrong?

Uh, maybe the people who you just said were wrong.
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