A day to day acount of the whacky and wonderful world of Muggaz - i tend to be having too much fun these days, and often cannot remember moments due to debauchery - its time the internet repayed my loyalty by recording my antics.
I am glad i am in a passive Religious environment
Published on February 29, 2004 By Muggaz In Blogging
The Weekend has just gone and as always, it involved beer and conversation with friends.

It seems that no one can get enough of Religion with this fricken movie stirring everyones belief. I just read the 23rd thousandth article by my good friend Trin who admits that she would be lost without Gods direction.

I have to say - that is my major problem with Religion. No one trust's their own judgement anymore, and everything they do needs to be validated by God. Only he knows what is right or wrong.

I engaged in this conversation with my mates Room-mate... someone who has been to church 3 times in her whole life... she was telling me what she uses as a yard stick when acting on ay issue that has moral and ethical under-tones... she trusts her own judgement, i trust her judgement - how are some people able to survive and lead fulfilling lives without asking God the way? its actually very, very easy.

If one cant trust their own judgements when it comes to basic moral and ethical questions, i find it daunting that they wouldn't be able to trust their judgement when it comes to anything else. I am 22 today - i would like to think that 22 is enough time to hone my skills as to what is the best course of action - it would be arrogant of me to say i have learnt it all, by all means, i acknbowledge i am but a puppy in the scope of things. When i do have to make dicisions though, you will never ever find me asking for validation from a supreme being. To be a leader, you have to have utmost confidence in your integrity and ability to make good decisions - i guess thats why i am yet to come across a good leader of men that was overly religious.

Please... continue to live your life how you see fit. but the next person who preaces God on me, will feel the wraith of my dissapointment. I am going to see Mel Gibsons movie on Thursday night - i do have to say i am a little daunted by the prospect. I will approach it with a reverant attitude, simply because so many people see Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Its safe to say that i may be a little touched by the movie and its depicition of Jesus' last hours.

Essentially though, this movie will be no different to Cry Freedom or Schindlers list... someone being persecuted because they are different. Jesus is no savior to me, just some glorified dude who lived thousands of years ago, and this movie is just another fictional story made to make money and entertain the masses.

Peace Out.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Feb 29, 2004
Ben, I just think you're being silly about this. Not talking about a savior, the savior, is like telling us not to believe what we believe at all. Because part of what we believe is that making Him known is neccessary. .. (I know that was a sentence fragment, work with me here)...

I still love you do!

on Feb 29, 2004
I think you missed the whole point of my earlier post Trinitie. I'm not telling anyone what to believe. I'm just saying some people, myself included, don't enjoy being told what they should believe. I would never tell someone that they are wrong about their beliefs, but that is exactly what imajinit did to me and probably others. I never said that anyone shouldn't talk about Jesus and God, I was just saying that people should consider who they are talking to before they say anything and that the Internet is probably not the best forum since there are so many people of varying faiths and backgrounds.
on Feb 29, 2004
that simply makes the internet the BEST forum silly

on Feb 29, 2004
You are correct. I was not clear enough. The Internet is the perfect place for a discussion of religion, as long as it is a discussion or debate and not a crusade/gospel.
on Feb 29, 2004
Hi Ben,

Pleased to meet you!!! I agree with your first post wholeheartedly.

And if you guys (Dan and Trin) knew anything about me, you would realised that i dont bear grudges, and MJ is a cool dude... I just wish he would give me a little more credit and not discount my opinion merely because i choose to indulge.

if he DIDN'T die on the cross to save us, then he died for nothing. (and i refuse to believe that he died for nothing)

Its the same concept of beleif...

As far as i am concerned, Christians only beleive in Heaven because they beleive in Hell - Vice Versa... He didn't die for no reason if you BELEIVE he existed... so, for you MJ, he died.

If he was dying for me... he did waste his time.

on Feb 29, 2004
"I don't think you need to put preaching in quotation marks. The only thing that could make me feel like I was more in church was someone passing around a collection plate."

thanks Ben... that was the greatest compliment you could have given me... you just made my night.

on Feb 29, 2004
"If he was dying for me... he did waste his time"

'nuff said Muggaz... and i'm sorry to hear that
on Feb 29, 2004
Thats the thing... you are sorry to hear that...

Are you worried about my salvation? are you worried that i will go to hell???

If you are worried, you are wasting your time as well... all you have to do is realise that i am happy with the way i live my life... and I will decide to live my life to the fullest at the moment rather than any deal with and be afraid of consequences in a supposed afterlife.

Since no punches have been pulled, I am sorry to hear that your whole reason for living is based on a story that you canot validate from 2000 years ago. I am sorry you dont seem to trust your own judgement or possess the integrity to know and be confident that your decisions in life are the right or wrong choices...

I just dont understand the concept of people being so un-sure of themselves, that they dont have the confidence to make choices for themselves without asking the bible for validation.

It funny... even as a 17 year old - Dan knows that a lot of life is psychology. Those that master the head game, master life. Whether you admit it or not, Religion has been forced upon us by our fore fathers, and unless you have the courage to question it, there is always going to be that element in the back of your head that will never ever let you take full control of any situation - especially if you think its all part of Gods great plan. My life is my plan.

on Feb 29, 2004
Muggaz, will you marry me in Massachusetts?
on Feb 29, 2004
Are you an air-hostess??

on Feb 29, 2004
Muggaz, I find it really sad that you think life is about mastering the head game. That depresses me to no end. Forget about eternity, forget about religion. What do you want out of life on earth? If it's just to master the game of life, you're lost.

on Feb 29, 2004
Religion has been forced upon us by our fore fathers, and unless you have the courage to question it,

i did question it... i just came up with a different answer than you did.

and yes, i'm worried about your salvation.

but anyhoo... i don't wish to put a damper on your birthday of all days.

mayhap one day one of us will change our mind, although i'm sure neither one of us can see that happening any time soon. if it does, we can sit on the porch and either sip ice tea or smoke a joint (depending on who changes their mind)... then we'll rehash this discussion and talk about life, love and the pursuit of happiness.

until that day...

on Feb 29, 2004
I will smoke a joint with an Ice Tea. Excellent combination.


Call me Jaded, but life is about mastering the head game. I am simply not putting myself in a position to be dissapointed aymore than i have to. Just because i concentrate on getting my head right, it doesn't mean there is no room in my heart.

Everything is in your head... i used to hate tomatoes, but then i realised that it was in my head, i now enjoy them... I used to hate brussel sprouts, and i still hate them, but i eat them, cause i know my mental powers can overcome anything else that my body may process...

I am a very loving person, and my family and friends always come first... I live my life so that i am happy in my surroundings of loved ones and my day to day environment.

You shouldn't be sad, I would safely assume that i am one of the biggest optimists on this site... rest assured my dear Trin, I am not lost at all, and i know exactly what i want out of my life, and for the most part, where i am going to get it.


on Feb 29, 2004

on Mar 01, 2004
this post actually made me adore you muggaz! i was starting to feel like i was the only one on here who wasnt a die-hard Christian. i believe Jesus was a real person yes, and he went through great and terrible things-but in what i believe there is no graveling, no asking for forgiveness.....id be intriged to hear what is your actual view on religion in general....your beliefs and whatnot....
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