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Muggaz Adventures
A day to day acount of the whacky and wonderful world of Muggaz - i tend to be having too much fun these days, and often cannot remember moments due to debauchery - its time the internet repayed my loyalty by recording my antics.
Me and my buddy Osama
Published on September 7, 2004 By
I can tell you one thing my friends, Me and Osama have the same kind of relationship as I do with George W. Bush, I like neither of them, and If I were their biggest fans, I would be whispering similar sweet nothings into both their ears in regards to how I am in total disagreement with their methods.
The reason for this blog was a comment made on the
Muggaz appreciation thread
– I was referred to as Osama’s biggest fan, and a coward among other things. Unfortunately, I don’t have the power of seeing how people perceive me, nor do I know why they would perceive me as such. I hope I would have done enough to prove that I am a genuine, peace loving young man, rather than a vitriolic hate filled person that the jaded among us would have others believe.
My greatest fear in this world is not the world I live in, but the world my children will live in. If caring about that makes me evil, call me Satan, because I am as evil as pie. When I see article’s professing hatred of Islam, my concern is not for the wellbeing of the terrorists, it is for the wellbeing of the general populace of the nations terrorists inhabit, and as a further extension, the general populace of the world. It has come to my attention that in my concern for many people, I have offended but a few with my remarks.
If what I say can only incite disdain within individuals of this community, I am genuinely apologetic – I cannot apologise enough to a certain individual who sincerely believes I would have him dead – I cannot re-iterate enough times how that is not the case at all, and Greywar – if you knew me at all, you would believe me and my sincerity. I cannot redeem what I have said, but by the same token I do not take those remarks back. The article in question is reason enough for Islam to hate western society. My ideals involve Islam understanding the west, and the west to understand Islam – I may be glorifying the readership, but articles like that are genuine steps backwards – you are a member of the armed forces, it is those in the armed forces who should desire peace the most. Islam by its current interpretations is backwards, but flaming Islam itself rather than the thugocracies who hide behind it will not get us anywhere.
If I were Osama’s biggest fan, maybe he would listen to me, when I tell him that America and her allies is not the enemy, do you think he would listen if I showed him the hate filled articles that come from this site alone? If I were George’s biggest fan, I would tell him to stop doing business with the thugocracies of the Middle East – get out of Saudi Arabia whilst their establishments encourage Anti-Infidel sentiments… I am neither biggest fan, and neither would listen to me.
Whilst I cannot influence their actions, I can control my own – and if this involves me being hated by those who see nothing but evil in Islam, and hated by those who blindly follow George W. Bush, I can’t do anything to change that, those that would make enemies out of me will always believe I am attacking them and their ideals, and those that would have me as a friend know exactly what I am about as a person.
I hate having to justify my actions and comments like this, I have always been taught to see the best in people, and that is what I try and do, If people choose to see the worst in me, it is their prerogative, I can assure you though – I am no fan of Osama bin Laden, I am certainly no coward, and when certain individual’s have to draw the line some place and write entire blogs flaming me, drawing the line is what I am doing when I see hate filled articles that only encourage regression and contempt for other people just because of their religion.
I have no authority within this community, I have integrity though – and I will never let anyone try to intimidate that out of me.
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Self Loathing and Doubt.
Comments (Page 3)
3 Pages
on Sep 10, 2004
Okay this is what I think. I KNOW your not an osama jr or whatever cause I know you on a personal level. I respect your views and opinions even though I don't always agree with them. I think your a pretty cool person, pretty nice (with the exception of calling me fatty
) and your very smart. I just fail to see why you let this Lil WHIP lady let you down. Why waste blogs on talking about this on going battle u two have. She's obviously insecure if she's going to harass others on this site for some points. Don't sink down to that same level by writing blogs abotu the situation....that might give new readers the suspicioun that your insecure as well and that is why you spend a whole blog justifying yourself. You know I have your back! IF that bizatch says stuff, I will defend you. Just chill!
YOu know wel all Love you....and must partake in the mugz love....lol
on Sep 11, 2004
I am just lucky I have sexy Claifornian chicks looking out for me...
I cant look after myself
on Sep 29, 2004
Regardless, it simply has nothing to do with the topic at hand, ie: your disgusting support of terrorists, and i really think the fact that you bring it up so often indicates a rather unhealthy dwelling on my sexual practices.
You say that the topic at hand is muggaz disgusting support of terrorists. No its not. Where did you read that, i must have missed it. Actually, i haven't missed anything. I'm yet to see anythign that muggaz has written in his bloggs that indicates he is supportive of terrorism in any way shape or form. Which leads my to my next question. What the fck are you going on
about ? What cupboard do you keep YOUR white hood in ?
So far, He's the only man ive met in my 43 years on this earth that has been capable of earning it. You referring to my sexual preference as if that submissive part of my personality should apply in my dealings with you as well.....heh, all i can say is "dream on, lil' Osama, it just aint happening
I think what you're really saying is something more along the lines of "I like to fool myself into believing that I actually had a choice all these years but the cold hard truth is just that it's taken me 43 years to find a man who will have sex with me. I wish he had teeth though".
3 Pages
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