Oh! Now I get it! If you express an opinion, then you are invoking un-educated people to do bad things, so then you are as bad as a Muslim cleric?
Gee...this makes more and more sense all the time.........So, they are "impressionable" and "uneducated" so we shouldn't state an opinion on what is happening over there right now?
Sorry, but that is just backpedaling. Muslim clerics don't just incite hatred- they torture and kill people. Greywar was expressing an opinion. There is *no* way that the two compare no matter how you try to justify it. "Pushing buttons" and terrorizing people are not the same. Stating an opinion on verifiable events (it's easy to verify the torture and deaths that are happening over there) and being the person to tortures and kills are not in the same league no matter how you try to justify it. I am starting to think that you have no ability of moral relativism what-so-ever.