A day to day acount of the whacky and wonderful world of Muggaz - i tend to be having too much fun these days, and often cannot remember moments due to debauchery - its time the internet repayed my loyalty by recording my antics.
Published on September 7, 2004 By Muggaz In Blogging
I can tell you one thing my friends, Me and Osama have the same kind of relationship as I do with George W. Bush, I like neither of them, and If I were their biggest fans, I would be whispering similar sweet nothings into both their ears in regards to how I am in total disagreement with their methods.

The reason for this blog was a comment made on the Muggaz appreciation thread – I was referred to as Osama’s biggest fan, and a coward among other things. Unfortunately, I don’t have the power of seeing how people perceive me, nor do I know why they would perceive me as such. I hope I would have done enough to prove that I am a genuine, peace loving young man, rather than a vitriolic hate filled person that the jaded among us would have others believe.

My greatest fear in this world is not the world I live in, but the world my children will live in. If caring about that makes me evil, call me Satan, because I am as evil as pie. When I see article’s professing hatred of Islam, my concern is not for the wellbeing of the terrorists, it is for the wellbeing of the general populace of the nations terrorists inhabit, and as a further extension, the general populace of the world. It has come to my attention that in my concern for many people, I have offended but a few with my remarks.

If what I say can only incite disdain within individuals of this community, I am genuinely apologetic – I cannot apologise enough to a certain individual who sincerely believes I would have him dead – I cannot re-iterate enough times how that is not the case at all, and Greywar – if you knew me at all, you would believe me and my sincerity. I cannot redeem what I have said, but by the same token I do not take those remarks back. The article in question is reason enough for Islam to hate western society. My ideals involve Islam understanding the west, and the west to understand Islam – I may be glorifying the readership, but articles like that are genuine steps backwards – you are a member of the armed forces, it is those in the armed forces who should desire peace the most. Islam by its current interpretations is backwards, but flaming Islam itself rather than the thugocracies who hide behind it will not get us anywhere.

If I were Osama’s biggest fan, maybe he would listen to me, when I tell him that America and her allies is not the enemy, do you think he would listen if I showed him the hate filled articles that come from this site alone? If I were George’s biggest fan, I would tell him to stop doing business with the thugocracies of the Middle East – get out of Saudi Arabia whilst their establishments encourage Anti-Infidel sentiments… I am neither biggest fan, and neither would listen to me.

Whilst I cannot influence their actions, I can control my own – and if this involves me being hated by those who see nothing but evil in Islam, and hated by those who blindly follow George W. Bush, I can’t do anything to change that, those that would make enemies out of me will always believe I am attacking them and their ideals, and those that would have me as a friend know exactly what I am about as a person.

I hate having to justify my actions and comments like this, I have always been taught to see the best in people, and that is what I try and do, If people choose to see the worst in me, it is their prerogative, I can assure you though – I am no fan of Osama bin Laden, I am certainly no coward, and when certain individual’s have to draw the line some place and write entire blogs flaming me, drawing the line is what I am doing when I see hate filled articles that only encourage regression and contempt for other people just because of their religion.

I have no authority within this community, I have integrity though – and I will never let anyone try to intimidate that out of me.


Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 08, 2004
Great article!

I have given you an, "insightful," on this one.

I get the impression that some people feel, that if you don't think like them, that you're an "idiot" or that you must belong to the "other side."

Sure, I've seen some of your "Posts" that may stray off the beaten path a bit, but that's ok. We're not going to agree with everyone all the time.

To my way of thinking, the world is not, black & white.

"You are either with Us, or against Us."

Give me a break!
Switzerland has been a neutral nation forever.
on Sep 08, 2004
Uh, What?!?! How can you say that *saying* something is as bad as *doing* something? One is an opinion, the other is killing people. How can you justify that?

You really need to put it into perspective... Go and read Greywars articles... it's is clear to all concerned that the man has an unfortunate hatred for all things Islam... We are lucky enough to live in an educated society though - we aren't as impressionable as those in the middle east - because our society is not run by thugocracies, and we do have freedom of expression...

let us hypothosise for a moment... put the shoes on the other feet, and suggest that we aren't as educated as we fortunately are... if I read Greywars articles, I would be marching to the beat of a drum to kill all things Muslim... thats the picture he paints of them... lucky for greywar we aren't all as unfortunate as those in the Middle East...

By mentioning that he is as bad as a Muslim cleric, he is inciting hatred for the other side... no one mentioned anything about doing anything... he is certainly pushing the same buttons though - I am just glad that we live in an individualistic society where we can make up our own minds.

Please describe what you think an average muslim is like. Because from what you've posted so far (in a variety of posts and threads), the impression I have gotten is this:your average muslim is a depressed, self-hating, world-hating, hyper-sensitive, suicidal moron.

The 'average' Muslim that I know is the same as you and me - well, those are the Muslims that live in Australia... as far as Muslims in the middle east go - I would be brash enough to say they are un-educated and down trodden, as that is within the thugocracies interests to keep the fear of Allah in their hearts... of course, that is speculation, but one humble persons opinion.

For the record, it's statements like those that get you in hot water. First you are acting like you are apologizing to Greywar, now you are saying he is as bad as a cleric.

For the record, I was apoligising to Greywar, because he thinks I want him dead - I dont want him dead at all, but I live in the same political climate you do, and I can visualise in my head why un-educated, radical Muslims would want him dead, and how can I possibly apologise to them for him writing hate filled articles?

I am in no way apologising for anything I have done, or said. I am apologising for the way it has been interpreted.

Carry on...


on Sep 08, 2004
I'm just going to pick on one small thing for starters:

I can visualise in my head why un-educated, radical Muslims would want him dead, and how can I possibly apologise to them

And why in hell would you feel the need to apologize to un-educated, radical Muslims?? (This is a serious question, I'd really like an answer.)
on Sep 08, 2004
And why in hell would you feel the need to apologize to un-educated, radical Muslims?? (This is a serious question, I'd really like an answer.)

I would want to do everything within my power to try and educate them.... It's not so much the radical I can apologise to, they wouldn't listen anyway... It's the moderate Muslims I want to apologise to - I want them to know that not all of western society thinks they are savages just because of their religion - it is probably best explained here Link

Read into that what you will - you have all made your mind up about me anyway...

on Sep 08, 2004
okay, part 2:
I am in no way apologising for anything I have done, or said. I am apologising for the way it has been interpreted.

This right here, to my mind, demonstrates one of two things: either how bad you are at expressing yourself, or how arrogant you are. I'm still trying to be nice and give you the first interpretation. But really.
You've just said, in effect, "I'm sorry that you're too stupid to understand what I've been saying." That is not an apology, that's an insult.

I would want to do everything within my power to try and educate them.

How does apologizing to them (hopefully in a more appropriate manner, I might add) help to educate them? Any Muslim with a modicum of sense already knows that there are tons of varying opinions about them, and there are plenty of Westerners more than willing to defend even Islam's most heinous offenses that many Muslims themselves would denounce if asked. Just as any Westerner with an ounce of sense knows that most of the world's terrorism problems stem from one small branch of radical Islam that is not followed by the vast majority of Muslims.

Again I ask, why do you feel the need to educate them? What purpose will it serve? What benefit will be gained from it?

on Sep 08, 2004
This right here, to my mind, demonstrates one of two things: either how bad you are at expressing yourself, or how arrogant you are. I'm still trying to be nice and give you the first interpretation. But really.
You've just said, in effect, "I'm sorry that you're too stupid to understand what I've been saying." That is not an apology, that's an insult.

Read into that what you will - you have all made your mind up about me anyway

Just as any Westerner with an ounce of sense knows that most of the world's terrorism problems stem from one small branch of radical Islam that is not followed by the vast majority of Muslims.

So why do these Westerners with an ounce of sense slam the whole Islamic faith rather than the small branch of Radical Islam? duh?


on Sep 09, 2004

You really need to put it into perspective... Go and read Greywars articles... it's is clear to all concerned that the man has an unfortunate hatred for all things Islam... We are lucky enough to live in an educated society though - we aren't as impressionable as those in the middle east - because our society is not run by thugocracies, and we do have freedom of expression...

Oh!  Now I get it!  If you express an opinion, then you are invoking un-educated people to do bad things, so then you are as bad as a Muslim cleric? 

Gee...this makes more and more sense all the time.........So, they are "impressionable" and "uneducated" so we shouldn't state an opinion on what is happening over there right now? 

By mentioning that he is as bad as a Muslim cleric, he is inciting hatred for the other side... no one mentioned anything about doing anything... he is certainly pushing the same buttons though - I am just glad that we live in an individualistic society where we can make up our own minds

Sorry, but that is just backpedaling.  Muslim clerics don't just incite hatred- they torture and kill people.  Greywar was expressing an opinion.  There is *no* way that the two compare no matter how you try to justify it.  "Pushing buttons" and terrorizing people are not the same.  Stating an opinion on verifiable events (it's easy to verify the torture and deaths that are happening over there) and being the person to tortures and kills are not in the same league no matter how you try to justify it.  I am starting to think that you have no ability of moral relativism what-so-ever.

on Sep 09, 2004
I draw reference to the same issue of time LW - where it states

"The vast majority of of the worlds more than 1 billion practicing Muslims are peaceful citizens getting on with thier lives. But interviews by TIME with religious leaders, Islamic scholars, government analysts and ordinary citizens in dozens of countries areound the world reveal that the fervor of those who adhere to the radical forms of Islam has intensified since 9/11. While Muslims continue ot consume and even celebrate Western pop culture, hostility to the policies of the West, in particular the U.S., appears to be on the rise. It is being propelled in part by anger at the U.S.'s staunch support of Isreals policies toward the Palestinians, contempt for the U.S.'s occupation of Iraq..."

"We are passing through the hardest moments of spreading the moderate voice of our religion," Says Sheik Khaled el-Guindi, 42, a moderate imam in Cairo, "Most of the pictures we see are of Iraqi heads stepped on by American Army Boots. It is no longer an occupation, but a humiliation." Says Hafiz Hussain Ahmed, A Pakistani cleric and Member of Parliament: "The U.S. and it's allies must realise that by this occupation, by killing and dishonering Muslim women - such as in the Abu Ghraib jail in Iraq - they are sowing the seeds of hatred"

"In Britain, a recent government survey put the number of hard core Muslim radicals at 10,000 and growing.A poll of British Muslims in March found that 13% believe that further attacks by Al-Queda or similar organizations on the USA would be justified. In Indonesia, the worlds most populous Muslim country, only 15% view the US favorably, compared with 61% in 2002.

In Saudi Arabia, according to a recent poll, 48.7% of the population sympathizes with the aims of bin Laden.

Why exactly do you think this is LW? Do you think they dont like America, and it's policies because it is the flavor of the month? you read the article, you know how many muslims dont support al-Quada, yet when people write articles like Greywars that started this whole argument, why would they place faith in redemption through moderate Islam? Just because I am trying to view the world from an every day Muslim's vantage point - does not make me Osama Jr.

When I speak about education - I refer to Moral education...which involves moderate interpretaions of Islam. You know what I am talking about - why is the American government pumping so much money into education in Pakistan? because the fundamentalist schools are still able to recruit students, because of the anti-US sentiment... I mean it with the utmost respect, but when 48.7% of a general populace supports a madman, the thugocracies are responsible for that attitude.

I put this question to you LW - how does America assist the global population in improving it's foreign image? - hence stemming the problem of fanatasicm. Another quote for TIME - "The U.S. will spend $1 billion on public diplomacy this year, a figure that has not increased since Sept. 11 and that ammounts to 0.3% of the countries defense budget." You pay your taxes, so I guess you dont plan on contributing to this foreign diplomacy right? Well, consider what I do to bridge relationships free to uncle Sam - the only charge is you putting up with it without speculating that I am in league with one of the most evil men in my life time.

on Sep 09, 2004
And LW - I dont know what the problem is - but i seriously cannot comment on your blog - the warning was a personal one... you are backing me into a corner, and when I have no place to go, I come out fighting... continue referring to me as Osama Jr, and show your true colours... you think I am going to give in to you? I thought you were the submissive one... dominance just doesn't suit you ok?

I have asked none of my friends for sympathy - they have offered to comment for me, and as I had no other choice, i had to accept their offers... don't bring them into it.

I dont understand why you hate me so much... surely you have seen I am genuine in my sympathy? you think I care for the Islamic populace because I dont like Americans? I have news for you - life is to short to hang around a predominantly American blog site where i "hate" everyone. I have strong sentiments of dis-like towards you right now, but I am here because I like it, I enjoy it, and there are many Americans I enjoy the e-company of... so find some more ammo to use against me ok? You have read all my blogs trowling for dirt - look harder - there is heaps of crap in there!

It's been real.

on Sep 09, 2004
Sir Peter was right all along... you have the hots for me... two comments and I am obsessing? This is too funny... sorry 'babe' not my type.

Shall I now drag up where you have complained about semantics LW? it's all contextual... and talk about obsessing.... sheesh...

run along and play with the people you like, quit annoying those you dont.

on Sep 09, 2004
put this question to you LW - how does America assist the global population in improving it's foreign image? - hence stemming the problem of fanatasicm.

Are you going to answer that question? or are you going to continue claiming I am a hater?

on Sep 09, 2004
"The U.S. and it's allies must realise that by this occupation, by killing and dishonering Muslim women - such as in the Abu Ghraib jail in Iraq - they are sowing the seeds of hatred"

What intrigues me in all of this, though...is the only way that the Muslim community could have missed the fact that we have CONSISTENTLY DENOUNCED Abu Ghraib is if their media is as biased as ours...oh wait--it is!

This has been one of the major factors playing into the hate--the media spin on both sides of the fence. Many in the media seem to WANT a war--it sells newspapers.
on Sep 09, 2004
So why do these Westerners with an ounce of sense slam the whole Islamic faith rather than the small branch of Radical Islam?

Well, first of all, apparently I should have said "a few small branches", as there are indeed several of them. Secondly, they slam Islam as a whole because Islam as a whole appears to tacitly condone the behaviour of their radical elements. As Gideon has been pointing out repeatedly and at length for quite some time, if Islamics don't want their religion to be judged as a whole they have to make some effort to differentiate themselves from their terroristic cousins, who claim to be acting in the name of Islam, not in the name of "radical Shia'ra Islamic Church of Najaf".

Thirdly, I would still appreciate an answer to the rest of my post which you ignored. Namely, why do you feel the need to educate them? What purpose will it serve? What benefit will be gained from it?

And to add on to the list of questions, how does acting as a champion of Islam here on JU and denouncing any criticism of it as "inciting hatred" serve whatever greater purpose you are trying to achieve?

Again, I ask these questions honestly and curiously, and with no malice intended. If I appear to be giving you a hard time, it is only because (as previously stated) I don't feel that you are expressing your true intent in a way that is understandable.
on Sep 10, 2004
Many in the media seem to WANT a war--it sells newspapers.

I couldn't agree more Gid.

Thirdly, I would still appreciate an answer to the rest of my post which you ignored. Namely, why do you feel the need to educate them? What purpose will it serve? What benefit will be gained from it?

Ask the American government why they are putting so much money into Pakistan - If you can't acknowledge that moderate education is the key here, well... i dont know what else to say to you Cithellion -count that as a personal victory if you will - I just beleive fundamental Islam must be halted.

It is you who see's me as Champion of Islam - I am not defending terrorist's, I am just pointing out the moronic behaivour who paint all that follow Islam with the same brush.

Another note - I removed this from the forums not because I fear retribution, or because I think I am digging a hole, or because I think I am wrong. The jaded among us can speculate as they see fit.

on Sep 10, 2004
Secondly, they slam Islam as a whole because Islam as a whole appears to tacitly condone the behaviour of their radical elements

Thats rubbish - The Qu'ran has always been open to interpretation - some say that prisoners of war must be set free, others say they must be decapitated... The Qu'ran has also certainly been interpreted to condemn the attack of non-combatants, as it has also been interpreted to condone the murder of all infidels... fortunately for us - there are a lot more sane Muslims rather than militant radicals.

And to add on to the list of questions, how does acting as a champion of Islam here on JU and denouncing any criticism of it as "inciting hatred" serve whatever greater purpose you are trying to achieve?

My ultimate goal is to negate anti-US sentiment - by greater extension, anti Western sentiment... When I see articles that I percieve fuel the fire - i.e. articles professing the 5 pillars of Islam are Hate, Rape, Murder etc... My goal is to ask why the author would beleive that based on one regime - and point out that all Muclims would be offended by that - not just the regime in question - hence creating more anti-US sentiment, hence increasing the chance of fundamentalism... thats my justification, pick as many holes in it as you see fit.

I answer these question honestly, and in spite of what others would have you beleive, their is no malice intended.

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