A day to day acount of the whacky and wonderful world of Muggaz - i tend to be having too much fun these days, and often cannot remember moments due to debauchery - its time the internet repayed my loyalty by recording my antics.
Published on April 4, 2004 By Muggaz In Just Hanging Out
I really don't know what to think of this place lately. This is my 135th article, and I am sitting comfortably poised as JU's most entertaining, comical and original blogger. I don't know how many people voted, it doesn't really matter... my ego is happily saturated with good thoughts though, and I am happy I have received recognition just for being myself, I cannot emphasise that point enough.

I have got to say though, I am becoming a bit apprehensive about airing my dirty laundry on this website. Certain private issues that should not be discussed between individuals on public forums just keep on popping up, and its making me angry. This is probably one of the few Blogs you will see from me about blogging, but its simply become part of my life, and I cant ignore that anymore!

Its also weird, because as my JU career continues, you find out who your real friends are and the people that really do care about what's going on in your life, as compared to the post whores who just want another 5 points. The people that care, you know who you are... and if I haven't done it enough over the past few days, I must continue to thank-you. You also learn that people who you were good friends with at one point of time on the site, have simply grown apart because of revelations of beliefs etc. simply different people, and there is no point trying to get a long with them if they don't agree with who you are.

I am also undergoing a dilemma as well... a lot of my friends ask me about thoughts on happenings, musings or antics, and I want to point them to my blog, but I don't really think that's a wise idea in most cases. I relish the privacy and the will to type whatever I want... however, all they need do is type Muggaz in Google and my game is up... I am not afraid of anyone reading anything, because I would have said it to them in real life anyway, just the fact that it's playing on your mind 'what if' so and so reads this???

I suppose JU has just become another of lifes little problems, because i am struggling to fit in here at the moment... people are making me angry, and sometimes showing their true colours, and they are not the people i took them for. It seems the only true ally i have at times is Sir Peter Maxwell, for which i am most grateful, if were to choose any ally, it would be him!

I just want JU to be fun, and unfortunately, actually building relationships with certain people has only let me down. It's not often you will get a whinging blog from me, and I would just like to finally note, that i have faith in everyone on the website, except Marvin Cooley, and JU will still become one hot location for Blogging superstars (Sir Peter Maxwell) and groupies (Myself), please just remember it is public forums, and there are some things we just dont want to know, and because it is a community, you may just burn more than one bridge.


Comments (Page 3)
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on Apr 06, 2004
Muggaz...............I'm a joke and ignorant too???? When one jokes, he is not serious. When one is ignorant, he is serious. So what am I ...........a joke or ignorant???? I can't be both. Your not making sense, Muggaz.
on Apr 06, 2004
Marvin i wish for you to pray for the safe return of my missing wife as i know you are a religious fellow, thankyou old bean.
on Apr 06, 2004
Get on the 'anti-republican conspiracy' tip if you want to hear insults. I got a teflon-coated skin I put on before coming here. It is after all, a site motivated toward politics and with it comes the opinions of people, places, and things. We're all one of them awaiting an adjective or expletive of one kind or another.

Any time anyone gets on your nerves, think of me out here throwing future mud pies with the republican owners, and taking the heat - till they come true.
Or worse, don't (ask SPM about that). Blog ON.
on Apr 06, 2004
Marvin, your Ignorance is a joke.

Actaully, this whole place is becoming farcical. Something is aggreiving me quite substantially, and it's immature of me to let it get to me, but it's happening again... and it wont stop happening anytime soon, i have to build my own inner bridges i suppose.

WA - I absolutely love that about you... you have taken the fight to them... Its great, no matter how many times you get referred as a crazy kook, you keep on fighting the good fight! Respect.

If i didn't have all your support and opinions, as shown here in this brilliant thread, i am telling you all right now i would be gone... I suppose i am just letting my love and respect for all you guys outweigh whatever is aggreiving me...

I hope the point that i would be nothing without you all has sunk in...

on Apr 06, 2004
what IS aggrivating you? I'm very curious.

on Apr 06, 2004
I would love to tell you Trin,

But I can't have any outside communication with any more bloggers, especially you. You're just too wonderful and you can't be messing around on your Dan.

hehe.... actually thats a lie, i will communique with whomever i want, whenever i want, it would just be you that has those restriction's it seems...


on Apr 06, 2004
Hmm.. the plot thickens..

on Apr 06, 2004
Dont read into that too much mate... I am just being a smart ass.

on Apr 06, 2004
So what's new?

on Apr 06, 2004
I am one of the bloggers that prefers to keep my private life pretty private. I don't mislead or lie. I just don't offer up any unneccessary details. I don't talk about anything too personal because I have friends and family that have been reading JU since before I started blogging (they don't neccessarily comment so don't bother trying to figure out who they are).

I enjoy the personalities on JU and think about the people often. I care about them to an extent but am not one to say someone is my "friend" casually. I can say I think I would be friends with some people hear if we interacted in the real world but friendship, to me, entails a certain amount of emotional commitment that you just don't get in cyberspace.

It is fun to interact with "friends" here on JU but realistically, none of you are going to be running to my side in tough times, right? I try to treat people with respect and give them the benefit of the doubt. It is easier to do that when you have no preconcieved notions about the individual. I think it is more enjoyable too.

That is just me though. I enjoy hearing about others' deepest thoughts, fears and desires. I am just not one who will be putting myself out there like that. If I do keep a log of such things, I make it private.

Keep on being a smart ass Muggaz!
on Apr 06, 2004

I was just about to hit you up for some change to do the laundry.

I am not that mad.
on Apr 08, 2004
Priceless, Jamie! Yeah, I don't know quite understand why you can't call us friends. I mean, crazy llam 96 is a friend of mine that I chat with almost every day. I don't see why you can't make friends in cyberspace. I actually talk to her more than most of my friends now because they're all too uptight about everything. And now there's people like Mad, who treats just about everyone like a friend. I'm sorry, but if that's wrong than man this is a corrupt place that shouldn't allow teens on it.

Capt. over and out!
on Apr 08, 2004
I love Muggaz just the way he is. He wouldn't be the Mug Man if he were to be any different....
on Apr 08, 2004
Hey ! Who says I'm a crazy? I'm not crazy. And neither am I.
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