A day to day acount of the whacky and wonderful world of Muggaz - i tend to be having too much fun these days, and often cannot remember moments due to debauchery - its time the internet repayed my loyalty by recording my antics.
Published on April 4, 2004 By Muggaz In Just Hanging Out
I really don't know what to think of this place lately. This is my 135th article, and I am sitting comfortably poised as JU's most entertaining, comical and original blogger. I don't know how many people voted, it doesn't really matter... my ego is happily saturated with good thoughts though, and I am happy I have received recognition just for being myself, I cannot emphasise that point enough.

I have got to say though, I am becoming a bit apprehensive about airing my dirty laundry on this website. Certain private issues that should not be discussed between individuals on public forums just keep on popping up, and its making me angry. This is probably one of the few Blogs you will see from me about blogging, but its simply become part of my life, and I cant ignore that anymore!

Its also weird, because as my JU career continues, you find out who your real friends are and the people that really do care about what's going on in your life, as compared to the post whores who just want another 5 points. The people that care, you know who you are... and if I haven't done it enough over the past few days, I must continue to thank-you. You also learn that people who you were good friends with at one point of time on the site, have simply grown apart because of revelations of beliefs etc. simply different people, and there is no point trying to get a long with them if they don't agree with who you are.

I am also undergoing a dilemma as well... a lot of my friends ask me about thoughts on happenings, musings or antics, and I want to point them to my blog, but I don't really think that's a wise idea in most cases. I relish the privacy and the will to type whatever I want... however, all they need do is type Muggaz in Google and my game is up... I am not afraid of anyone reading anything, because I would have said it to them in real life anyway, just the fact that it's playing on your mind 'what if' so and so reads this???

I suppose JU has just become another of lifes little problems, because i am struggling to fit in here at the moment... people are making me angry, and sometimes showing their true colours, and they are not the people i took them for. It seems the only true ally i have at times is Sir Peter Maxwell, for which i am most grateful, if were to choose any ally, it would be him!

I just want JU to be fun, and unfortunately, actually building relationships with certain people has only let me down. It's not often you will get a whinging blog from me, and I would just like to finally note, that i have faith in everyone on the website, except Marvin Cooley, and JU will still become one hot location for Blogging superstars (Sir Peter Maxwell) and groupies (Myself), please just remember it is public forums, and there are some things we just dont want to know, and because it is a community, you may just burn more than one bridge.


Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 04, 2004
Teenagers are never what you expect, Muggaz. I'm hope you're not too terribly dissapointed in us.

on Apr 04, 2004
Well, I hope that I'm not one of the bloggers you're referring to....but if I am, please tell me so! I'd prefer to be told straight up...

I think I know what/who you're talking about though....
on Apr 04, 2004
I was talking to my Dad today, Muggaz, about my church. He told me that many people tire of churches because they expect life to continue as it was for the first few months of attendance. He called that period the "honeymoon period," which he defined as the type wherein all your needs seem to be fulfilled by that venue.

And then, he said, it starts to break down. Why? Because things get real. All the easy, fluffy stuff is rubbed away and you're left with two abrasive personalities that don't always click perfectly. So what do you do? Just say, "there is no point trying to get a long with them if they don't agree with who you are"? I say no. I say relationships aren't something you just give up on because they're difficult. Everybody knows love is difficult. Even the optimistic gullible morons that walk the street know that love takes work, even if they're not willing to put forth that effort.

You can't throw things away because they get hard. In fact, when something gets hard, that may be the surest sign that it's really worth something.

on Apr 04, 2004
That got an "insightful" rating, Dan.

on Apr 04, 2004
Muggzy, stop whinging mate. Ah, that feels so good, for once I get to tell you that instead of you telling me

Relax mate, it's all good. Though I have been sharing the same apprehensions after discovering that some people I never wanted to find my blog went out of their way and found it.
on Apr 04, 2004
I think that I missed something in your article Muggaz. The replies seem to be toward some sort of conflict with someone, but I don't seem to get it.

Maybe I need to re-read your article.

Anyway, I hear you about not wanting to tarnish your identity. I find myself doing some self-editing before I post certain things. In the long run however, I think that is a good thing. I wish that everyone were able to present an upstanding public face.

If people thought a bit more before posting, maybe the true essences of their lives would come out in the subtlety of language and word-choice.
on Apr 04, 2004
Moving away from the situation at hand.....

I can totally feel you Mark. Blogging is like opening yourself up to a second world of pain....making yourself vulnerable to a second group of people....even moreso than those in real life. I've thought about giving up on this thing many times because, well, no one is every going to fully understand me. But then I think, no one is ever going to fully understand anybody, not even in real life. And, you know, relationships really are worth the pain. They are so worth the pain.

Contrary to YOUR popular belief.

on Apr 05, 2004
LOL guys... its not just you two Dan and Trin... certain other users are involved here as well, but i am no figure skater, so i aint slandering no one.

and Dharma, s'if i wouldn't tell you you are aknob if i thought it, which i dont, so be quiet...

Mack, it felt good hearing it from you!!!!

Dan, If Blogging is church, all Praise Muggaz!!!!!

Thanks for your comment guys!!!!

on Apr 05, 2004
Good evening Muggaz old boy, thankyou for the compliments. You must remember that a large proportion of the people here are plebs with no social skills in the real world so they bring unnecessary tension to what is supposed to be fun. Maybe they are taking their frustration out on other people due to their failures in life.
on Apr 05, 2004
Muzzaz...............You don't like me??? Why not?
on Apr 05, 2004
"Dan, If Blogging is church, all Praise Muggaz!!!!!"

I don't know if you've noticed, but we've been praising you for months:)

on Apr 05, 2004
This is where it gets interesting... at least, for me. How much to reveal, why do I hold back in other areas? Making decisions about fellow bloggers because of what they write on a day to day basis.

In the end, we are all just strangers tied together through Joeuser. Without this forum, how many people would keep up some sort of correspondence? I don't think it's wrong to step outside of 'the circle', but it certainly makes things more challenging. As far as personalities go, I often wonder why some people even bother blogging. If I, a complete stranger, am questioning their 'realness', I wonder how 'real' others who seem to be honest really are? I've never understood the point in presenting a different image other than what you really are. Seems like an awful lot of work to maintain the facade. Although, I guess Pete did point out that some of the finer qualities about blogging on Joeuser is having fun. Way to go, Sir Peter.

I agree with that, at least.
on Apr 05, 2004
I know how you feel about letting friends read this.

I always feel like this site (and what I write, which very well could be what you're talking about) is just a wee bit too personal for my friends. I don't know why. It just makes me uncomfortable thinking that they're reading my articles, and I don't even know which friends they are, or what they're thinking, or anything.

Anyhow. I'm not sure what you mean about the overly... personal? Annoying?... blogs you speak of. I'm just confused.


on Apr 05, 2004
"This is where it gets interesting... at least, for me. How much to reveal, why do I hold back in other areas? Making decisions about fellow bloggers because of what they write on a day to day basis. "

Honestly is the best policy. If somebody hates you for something you say in all sincerity, it's better than them liking you for something you're not.

on Apr 05, 2004
Muzzaz...............You don't like me??? Why not?

Because, you are a joke. One of the most ignorant people i have ever come across, in my whole life... ever.


After something a blogger said to me on another thread, i have formulated my policy on dealing with other bloggers on a personal level... Its a bit of a joke, but yeah, i have decided to keep it simple... whats the point of making new friends... I have to remember i came here to blog about my antics, not to actually care about other people...

Dont get me wrong, as far as things go already, i am really happy, i have struck up some awesome relationships here, i guess it's just down to personal choice... some of these relationships have the mileage to actually turn into a beer or a coffee should the oppurtunity present itself... i guess some haven't.

Thanks again all! Anne you Spaz, ur always confused! lol.. *spesh*

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