As reported in this article The average un-patched Windows PC last’s less than 20 minutes on the internet before it is compromised – according to data from the Internet Storm Centre. Apparently it is about 16 minutes connected before some sneaky devil will some how access your computer via a nasty Trojan… while in most case, you can sit there and go about your business without ever knowing you have been compromised, it is still a harsh truism that it is certainly un-wise to operate a PC ...
It looks like my days on the seven seas as a pirate are over... Valve have made it impossible for me to commit sotfware piracy for any longer... I purchased Counter-Strike. Here is the blurb on the box... Counter-Strike is the number one online game, Counter-Strike features strategic teamplay set in terrorist vs. counter-terrorist scenarios. Each team is equipped with custom ammunition and equipment, and each player is given the option to upgrade their equipment as their squad complete...
If I hate one thing about the internet, it’s all these over sensitive naïve f00ls that think if they are sensitive towards females on the Internet, they might score… I suppose it’s not just the internet, its true in group situations as well, it just pisses me off more on the Internet. I am a member of a few forums, and I see the same thing all over the place. Some guy will post an article on how he is disgusted that some guy treats some girl as a trophy or whatever, and how he is really ni...