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Muggaz Adventures
A day to day acount of the whacky and wonderful world of Muggaz - i tend to be having too much fun these days, and often cannot remember moments due to debauchery - its time the internet repayed my loyalty by recording my antics.
Retail Therapy!!!
I might as well be gay...
Published on March 6, 2004 By
Ok, i will be honest with you. I love shopping. Dont get me wrong, i will not wake up on a Saturday morning with the intention of cruising a street mall or a shopping centre, but when i am required to purchase good's, its not a duty i shirk.
Yesterday i went to pay a cable internet bill in the morning, It was $177.00 and it was pay day the other day, so i thought i had better pay it. I called them up, and their records showed that i owed them nothing - i remarked to the opperator 'this conversation never took place' I was ever so happy, because a penny saved is a penny earned! It wasn't really saved though, because Muggaz needed some new threadz.
I rang Caitlin when i woke up this morning, Caitlin has a lot of style, and when i buy clothes, i want to make sure i am looking my absolute best - and i am man enough to admit that perhaps i dont know what looks so cool and what doesn't. Caitlin acknowledges this, and most graciously helped me!
I got to Sean and Caitlins at about 3... I have had somewhat of a vegetable day... Plans to go to the beach weren't likely, because the sun - whilst out, was not warm enough for me to get my kit off, besides, the allure of purchasing some new clothes was too great!
Melbourne is a good place for shopping. For the elite their is Chapel St, i will not be caught dead down there simply because i find the amount of pretentious sorts sickening. There is also Brusnwick St, quite the polar opposite of Chapel st as far as the patronage and environment, but the clothes are just as cool - and not as expensive! We went to Bridge Rd though - its a perfect hybrid of the two. There are also stupendously large shopping centres, but i imagine they would be nothing compared to the Malls etc. you have in the States and Canada.
Whenever I come home from a day shopping, I have a really sore neck. It gets a lot of excercise from looking at all the beautiful woman flowing past me from every direction. I dont understand why more guys dont go shopping for this very reason... It shouldn't be too long though, with all those freaken metrosexuals inundating Melbourne, the ratios will probably turn sour soon.
Its not often that i try a pair of jeans on and they fit straight away. We went into a shop at the top of Bridge Rd, not to far from my work, and i saw a pair of jeans that i liked instantaneously. I showed them to Cailtin, and she genuinely liked them straight up, which was instant approval to try them on. The cut was perfect and the denim felt great! They have a really nasty light wash through them, and i haven't seen too many that had a cut like that... They are G-Star or some such brand. When you buy jeans, i cannot re-iterate enough that comfort is more important than style - i had found a perfect compromise.
They wont be the best jeans for dancing in, they are a little tighter than what i am used to, but for just cruising about Muggaz style, i think they will do the job well.
They ended up costing me $220... The highest i had ever paid for jeans prior was $120. I just got a payrise at work though, and i thought i should treat myself to some new clothes. Caitlin was having a great time... of course, Sean would never go shopping with her, but she was thoughroly entertained as we perused through the various stores trying to find me a shirt.
You would not beleive it, but we walked a bit further up Bridge Rd, and i mentioned a brand to Caitlin that i like, she said there was a cool store on Brunswick St, so we went there... the amount of stores i walked in and out of, and shirts that i looked at, not one grabbed me. Its not that they weren't nice, but there was nothing i hadn't seen before, and nothing original. I did see a few that half caught my attention, but with shirts, they really have to grab you and say something to you and about you.
I did see a few contenders that i could come back and purchase, though i want to have a bit more of a look around before i commit to them. There are a lot of cool clothes about, its just a matter of knowing where to look, or in my case, knowing girls who know where to look.
There are a few shops i am going to try tomorrow morning before i go to Vlats Grand Prix BBQ... i have to say, i have caught the bug again, because i haven't been shopping for a while, and I think Sean might get mad at me as well, because Caitlin has been rather inspired by our little journey today to undertake some therapy of her own. We promise ourselves we are only buying one thing though
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Self Loathing and Doubt.
on Mar 06, 2004
Retail therapy sucks mate. I blew over $5000 in two months after splitting with my ex, thus wiping out any and all savings I've managed to accumulate. Can't say it was worth it, quite the opposite. Where's a time machine when I need one
new-age nomad
on Mar 06, 2004
$220!!!!!!!! OH MY GOSH MUGGAZ!!! The most I've ever spent is....well....I'm not tell'n. I'm addicted to thrift shopping. I recently moved in with my sister and she wants me to be her high class, princess like little sister----I'll have no part in it. Good Will and Salvation Army for me all the way. Used clothes are the best.
You're insane. That's all there is to it.
on Mar 06, 2004
You must bare in mind Trin that in Us dollars that would be about $110.00. Still Muggy, you really should start shopping on ebay. GCJ
new-age nomad
on Mar 06, 2004
And GCJ, there are no pretty women walking by on Ebay...
on Mar 06, 2004
Touche Trin... Touche.
on Mar 07, 2004
sorry if this sounds strange, but... what's a metrosexual?
whatever it is, it doesn't sound like someone i'd want to meet in a dark alley. or a shopping mall. or anywhere, for that matter.
new-age nomad
on Mar 07, 2004
a metrosexual is one of those guys who primps and acts gay but really isn't
just so you know, that's from the dictionary of trin
and, just so you know, I can't stand metrosexuals. A guy who just came from the construction site with mud on his face is sooooo sexy.
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