A day to day acount of the whacky and wonderful world of Muggaz - i tend to be having too much fun these days, and often cannot remember moments due to debauchery - its time the internet repayed my loyalty by recording my antics.
but ever so close.
Published on February 24, 2004 By Muggaz In Blogging
The Blog world is so interesting.

Not a day goes by where I don’t marvel at the wonders of technology. Only through the internet have I been able to expand my perspectives on our global community.

Of course I can’t really judge a whole culture on a small number of people within a blog community, but I had absolutely no idea that church and god was such an important part of so many for your lives.

It seems as though every forth article has a reference to bible studies, or going to church, or praying to Jesus… I find it absolutely amazing.

Religion and God just don’t exist for me in the same capacity as he so obviously does for the majority of our little community here…

I have mentioned this before - I was brought up as a Catholic… going to church every single Sunday until 1997. I simply couldn’t handle it anymore… I hated church, I hated being there, I don’t owe God anything, as I don’t expect him to owe me anything.

Its funny, I can look at myself 10 years ago, and see myself in my little altar boy costume, getting communion ready for the priest, and thinking I was cool within our little church community… I am a very different young man compared to the child I was.

I studied Religion throughout high-school, I even majored in Religion and Society in year 12 and it was my second best subject. The other students in the class thought I was some crazed lunatic catholic fanatic who had studied the religion from birth… I didn’t study it at all though – I was forced to go to church every Sunday and take religion classes all through my academic life until that point…

The guys in that class probably believe in God, JC, Moses… If only they could see me now, it would probably be a shock to their system….

Because I know all about Roman-Catholicism and its origins, I find it much easier to be a sceptic.

Your devotion to your God and his ways though is nothing short of admirable… I don’t think he can help me anymore… I don’t really need his help anyway, but I am glad there is something out there filling the void that people so obviously need and welcome.

If it wasn’t for Religion, a lot of people would be lost.

I dare say a lot of you would be included.

on Feb 24, 2004
I'd just like to say that I dislike church most of the time too. I dunno if I hate it, but give me another decade and then maybe. I don't think church is what it should be... sry for that, bud.

on Feb 24, 2004
lol... I am sorry for that as well...

My church is the beach.

My God is Mother Nature.

on Feb 24, 2004
I'm not religious at all. A friend of mine is a missionary, and she's been to Australia. She says you guys are just very passive about your faith....it's either all or nothing. Not judging, just passing along what I heard. Nice article. I would be lost without God, but not religion.

on Feb 24, 2004

" I don’t really need his help anyway"

You never know, Muggaz, you might get more help than you think.  I don't blame ya though, people come to their own realizations, and God understands.

on Feb 24, 2004
I've had my ideas about God messed up a bit, and then was introduced to the concept of the Creator, and have looked at several other people's different views on a higher power. I don't know about any of it... like you, I respect others' need for this in their lives, I just don't know if it fits into my own lifestyle. Organized religion scares me when I think of the impact that certain faiths have had on various societies. I do believe that it is proper to give respect to those whose motivations lie towards loving each other, helping others, and trying to prevent injustice in the world. In one of my articles that I wrote recently, I think someone alluded to me being a radical. I don't know if that's it exactly... but I think the sentiment was there.
on Feb 24, 2004
Call me insanely individualistic, but i beleive the answers people seek from God can simply be found on ones own.

Every problem we face as individuals can be solved within our own means...

You never know, Muggaz, you might get more help than you think. I don't blame ya though, people come to their own realizations, and God understands.

what is that supposed to mean?


on Feb 24, 2004
I'm quite the opposite, I didn't care much for religion as a kid, only to have found it much later in life. Having said that, as I've pointed out quite a few times, I'm not fond of the Roman-Catholic church I'm a part of. I do have faith though and ultimately that is the only thing that counts as far as I'm concerned. I don't walk around and preach my beliefs and I can't stand people who do. Religion and faith should be our own business and nobody else's. It's a subject I prefer not to air my views on. And I just did. I'm a hypocrite. Woohoo.
on Feb 24, 2004
personlallyI have Psalms 83-18 and need little more .Churches are symbolic,and don't support their intended purpose.
on Feb 24, 2004
Again I agree with you muggaz, I have nothing against religion but I hardly get why so many post are full of god and religion. I always believe that faith is something personal that doesn't need to be demonstrated. (I had a french education so you might guess why...)
on Feb 24, 2004
People like to express themselves, if their government allows them to. I don't understand why people would want to constantly share the details of their drug use with the world, but you see a lot of it. Personal expression takes the form of whatever you deem important. To a really devout person religion takes up a larger part of life than politics, and there are a lot more political posts than religious.

Thankfully most civilized nations accept that you can express yourself without trying to convert people. Granted, there are some less-evolved places that if you wear a particular kind of hat or jewelery you are seen as a threat.

on Feb 24, 2004
Ah Baker Baker Baker...

I dont think i need to tell you not to compare drug use to religion again.

your a naughty boy.

on Feb 24, 2004
Muggaz, Muggaz, Muggaz...

Isn't religion the 'opiate of the masses'? Go scold Marx.

I know devout people that talk about church less that you talk about dope. I'm just saying that if you can mention in casual conversation how good X is for ya, it isn't strange for as many or more people to do the same thing with religion. MOre religious people than users, right? Not addressing right or wrong, but your question as to why you see it so much.

on Feb 25, 2004
I have never preached drug use upon anyone else mate...

If anyone else chooses to use drugs because of the rosy picture i may paint, its their choice.

I dont quote Cheech and Choong like Genesis gets quoted...

on Feb 26, 2004
Cheech and Chong rock! I was raised on that business. On Christmas, our tradition was to listen to "Santa Clause and His Old Lady" hehehe "And a little bit more magic dust, and a little bit more magic dust..."

If no one knows what I'm talking about, I'll feel like an idiot.

on Mar 06, 2004
Alot of people don't care for church because they feel the church requires too much of them personally. To some extent they are right. The problem with todays churches is that they have become buisness corperations. Almighty God is too often being overshadowed by the almighty dollar.
Church has become full of man made traditions and foolish customs. Why just look at the way the pope dresses. Do you think the first apostols doned themselves in all that garb and carries a cross around. Please, put that tall hat in a yard sale.
No sweat though... Know why? The church didn't die for us, Jesus did. He don't require near as much of us as the church does. Only that I believe on Him, repent of my sin and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of my sins (past present and future) see Acts 2:37, 38) and love Him with all my heart and love my neighbor as myself. Thats it really.. and I am promised eternal life. And if in the end we discover that it was all a meth? What have we lost? Nothing. If it wasn't a meth then we have everything to gain. Either way I can't lose. GCJ