If you want a Grand child, give me a club!
As far as the human race has progressed over the millennia, there is at least one facet of our great society that seems to be traversing backwards, woman and men alike can both agree; Masculinity seems to be a dying trait. Whilst it is foolish and outright wrong to say that manliness is lost in this day and age, the chaps of today don’t have the same qualities or traits expected of our grandfathers.
Movie stars like Jude Law and Hugh Grant epitomise the elegance and sensuality of today’s modern man – purchasing beauty products from saloons rather than corner stores, and spending as much time grooming themselves as their female counterparts. Many women would not deny a night with Jude or Hugh, but for raw sexuality you can’t go past the likes of Collin Farrell. As a young man who has grown up without a father from childhood, it is all very confusing to know what women want in a man, and harder to find a sense of identity without a father figure to guide me.
I was raised from the age of 11 by my mother, and if I do say so myself, she has done a mighty fine job – however, for advice in the field of courting and relationships, attracting the opposite sex, and keeping them attracted – she has failed miserably. Only in the last few years as I have found my own sense of self and become emancipated from family confines have I discovered what a woman wants in a man. Let me stress that knowing what a woman wants in a man is very different to actually having it, but I am working on it.
When a young lad asks his mother how to impress a woman, standard response is usually – buy her flowers, gifts, go out of your way to please her and such. If anyone can tell me what your dad said on the matter, I would really like to know. From what I remember of my father, he probably would have said “don’t worry about them – they will come to you” Pretty sound advice I must admit. Any time I spoke to my mother on the issue of the opposite sex, I thought she knew exactly what she was talking about – well, because, she was of the opposite sex. I learnt pretty quickly not to ask my mum about girls any more, well, because, she was a girl, and girls have no idea what creates that gut level primal attraction that was in nature’s grand plan for procreation.
Women don’t like the way things are turning out for them. Real men are few and far between these days, however, as a young lad, it’s is extremely hard to tread the fine line between boorish oaf and sensual man. On one side of the coin, we are being told that metro-sexuality is cool and chicks dig it, yet when we let our feelings get the better of us, woman have an uncanny ability to see right through any façade we may present and witness our insecurities first hand. When it comes to relationships, it would appear as though both men and women are settling for mediocrity. There is an omnipresent fear that we will end up alone, so we can take what we will based on superficial attraction.
Meanwhile, I am working on my designer stubble, and nonchalant hairstyle, whilst all the while smelling nice, busting moves on the dace floor, and letting my girlfriends know they can lean on me. I do know that when I have a son, I will not be letting my wife near him when he needs advice on the ladies, perhaps I am getting too far ahead of myself, because I need to find the mother of my child first – not an easy task – but full credit to my mother, she never said it was going to be easy. Women can rest assured there are a few of us ‘Men’ who get it, or who are willing to learn at least.