A day to day acount of the whacky and wonderful world of Muggaz - i tend to be having too much fun these days, and often cannot remember moments due to debauchery - its time the internet repayed my loyalty by recording my antics.
does the good measure up to the bad?
Published on January 7, 2004 By Muggaz In Personal Relationships
How can one continue to maintain a positive attitude towards relationships when there is so much stuff going on that will only jade your visions?

I have found myself more often than not being a silent observer from the side lines… admittedly, I will discuss situations with others, but when it comes to relationships, it is almost impossible to get involved.

I have two really good friends… they have been together in a relationship for a fair while now, I think approaching 5 years? I love them both quite dearly – but their relationship is eating them both up inside, and I am not the only one that admits this. They just aren’t meant to be together, but they are so comfortable that I could not imagine it ending without a hell of a lot of drama. It’s not as though this is the only relationship that I witness as failing as well… it seems as though we all know of a few people who are in this predicament, and I constantly find myself asking – why do people put up with this, when surely they must know it is not the best?

I would never say anything to either of them about this, as it is not my place, but I can still express my concerns… its just getting to the stage where I cant stand to be around them both alone, because they will most certainly have a fight, and make me feel most uncomfortable… I really don’t like that… I guess I will sit tight and observe… and if they confront me as to why I haven’t been around lately, I think it’s probably best if I tell them that they make me feel uncomfortable… this probably wont change anything, but maybe, just maybe they might open their eyes, and realise that they are better off without each other.

To some extent, i really wish someone stepped in with me and my ex when we were together... surely someone must have seen what the situation was. Its rediculous how Love can blind you, because i was absolutely smitten with this girl, and i really thought she loved me back, but i was nothing to her, and i really would have appreciated knowing that a lot earlier, because effectively it was a waste of a good portion of my life... while i was with her, i was a happy guy, evidently, i could have been much happier.

I think i can confidently say that this is my peaken most happiest time of my life right now... and i am still quite single, as i have said before, there is a part of me that craves a girl i love to fall asleep in my arms... but observing all the failed, failing, turbulent, and troubled relationships in my life, i find myself asking at this point in time... is it really worth all of the heart ache???

People with no emotions are able to get along in life without fear of guilt or reprisal... ignorance is bliss... you have to step all over people to get anywhere in life...

I suppose i am writing this for self validation... do i continue to wear my heart on my sleeve?

Or is it more beneficial to adhere to cool and calculated methods of dealing with people???

Oh the predicaments.

on Jan 11, 2004
your paradox is instinct versus conscience: you want sex and its' associated comforts, yet you're involuntarily using past experience to occupy the space between intention and action. i sympathise. it is not only really annoying but it tends to make debauchery a little less, well, debauched. i have no clue what to do about it though.
on Jan 11, 2004
Haha... insightful none the less!!!!

Its funny how you still feel better when you know what your problem is, even though you cant really do anything about it consciously!!!

on Jan 12, 2004
The old story: treat them like shit and they'll love you; be a nice guy and they ponder why--he can't be real.
on Jan 12, 2004
well then m, whichever one of manages to temporarily disable conscience in order to engage instinst first has to reveal the details ... agreed ?
on Jan 12, 2004
Its rather disenchanting to know that you have to be an arrogant/cocky bastard to pick up chicks, and then as soon as you act submissive and nice, all attraction is lost...
on Jan 13, 2004
If you believe the world of entertainment is a guide to love, then you must be idiotic and lascivious to be in tune with your counterpart--even women watch the Super Bowl and six-pack with the guys.
on Jan 13, 2004
stevendedalus, can we please just agree to disagree ? ... i'm not big on arguments. australians have a relaxed way of communication that doesn't always translate to text. i'm all good with respecting your opinions. just take it easy on the nastiness. it's uncalled for.

and muggaz... "s" ... pet... i best reappear elsewhere in your blog. which i will now do. ciao. "v".