A day to day acount of the whacky and wonderful world of Muggaz - i tend to be having too much fun these days, and often cannot remember moments due to debauchery - its time the internet repayed my loyalty by recording my antics.
I don't think so
Published on October 10, 2004 By Muggaz In International
Well, he has done it again. John Winston Howard, leader of the Australian Liberal party, has won a fourth term in office - running second in length of time served only to Sir Robert Menzies. The Liberal party won in what can be a considered a landslide, the trends were showing a comfortable win on the cards half an hour into the polling, and I guess that is pretty convincing. I always watch the polling, the over-indulgence of graphs and pie charts is a treat.

What does this mean for Australia now? John Howard went against the general wishes of the nation when he sent our troops to Iraq, and certainly when he implemented the GST a couple of terms back, yet he still manages to convince the voting public he is the right man for the job. Due to preference deals with right wing parties - such as the 'Family First Party' of which a standing member
remarked 'Lesbians should be burned at the stake' , the coalition government will also have a great majority in the senate as well - Greens leader, senator Bob Brown has remarked that this will lead to a 'Nastier Australia'

Labor pundits are attributing the victory to a Liberal scare campaign at the possibility of rising interest rates should the Labor government resume office after a 12 year break - Australia has a lot of families with mortgages, so rising interest rates would inflict a severe vice on the economy, and to an extent, it was a justified scare tactic, it certainly worked. Liberal heavy weights such as Peter Costello attributed a 3% swing in Victoria because of the state Labor governments backpeddling on an election promise to impliment tolls on the Scoresby freeway... many will say Liberal won based on a lack of faith in the un-proven Mark Latham.

Bob Brown and the greens can pencil in a million votes at least, which shows Australians aren't an entirely apathetic population, however, the two party preferred system means these votes will mostly count for naught in the running of our country - I hope the major parties do pay attention to Australians wishes and environmental concerns though.

The last 3-4 years would be difficult for any governemt to run our country. The election results will tell you that John Howard and the Liberal party have done a passable job over the last term - they even gained more seats. The political climate is hard to judge at the moment - with a majority of polls sugesting that it would be a close election, and groups like the Greens and Democrats faring exteptionally poorly. I hope this result doesn't lead to a nastier Australia, as Bob brown gloomily predicts. Hopefully John Howard realises the Australian people respect him enough to give his party another chance to atone for judgemental errors in government... only time will tell I suppose.


Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 10, 2004
Bread and butter concerns over an unpopular war?--hard to fathom.
on Oct 10, 2004
"Bread and butter concerns over an unpopular war?--hard to fathom"

Unless you consider how overblown and self aggrandizing anti-Bush "movements" are all over the world. Just my opinion, and I might be wrong, but I think in a few weeks it will be apparent that all this "outrage" is pretty overblown here in the US, too...
on Oct 10, 2004
With Howard back in and what looks like his control of the senate which hasn't happened in a long while, this means that Howard will pass whatever he wants, including the full sale of Telstra, unfair industrial relation policies, further destruction of the environment and greater reforms to the welfare system.. Howards true colours will come out now, declaring once again that the nation has given hima mandate to do whatever he wants. I can see him gloating over it now and it really sickens me. It sickens me firstly to know he aligned himself with the looney family first party and that he claimed a greater majority so soon. Hmm it isnt hard to see what this country is going to be like in the next three years time. I just cannot believe how scare tactics can influence a nation in voting. Is this the trend with the upcoming US elections? I think so. War? what war?
on Oct 10, 2004
I know Kerry sent his sister over to help fight against Howard. Could you please keep her?
on Oct 10, 2004
I wonder what he's going to do now that there is nothing to stop him. At least over the last few years the senate was able to stop the more draconian laws. Without a hostile senate all it will take is another terror attack for whatever rights we currently have to be stripped away. I'm not too concerned about Howard actually winning the election, but I'm disappointed that the Australian people gave him a majority in the senate. That means that for the next three years the only practical limit to his power is his own party, and we all know how much the Liberal Party is a cult of the individual.
on Oct 10, 2004
, you guys are talking about Howard as if he was Darth Vadar. Do you really think that your ideas are this universal? If they were, I doubt he'd be back in office.
on Oct 10, 2004
'You say something?' - Vader

on Oct 10, 2004
Vote Vader: He's the man to get rid of those pesky kangaroos and homosexuals... ...

Come on guys. Maybe if the moderate voters disagree with you this much, maybe you and your ideas aren't as moderate and "common sense" as you like to think.
on Oct 10, 2004
If you haven't heard my views on the majority of people already, I'll spell them out to you. Time and research have proven that the majority of people are almost without question morons. They don't think for themselves and they rely on others to provide them with every scrap of information they know. If you ask them who was involved in the S11 attacks chances are they will say, "Iraqis". If you ask them what a GM crop is they probably won't understand what you are talking about. If I was temporary dictator you'd need to pass both a written and practical exam to gain the right to vote in elections. I don't care if I'm moderate or not. Being one of the vast mass of sheep which makes up the average and the median has never been attractive to me.

What I do care about is making sure noone has limitless power. For the next three years the only limits on the Liberal Party's power will be sourced from the High Court, and over the last eight years or so Howard has been responsible for making sufficient selections that the majority of the High Court is his brand of conservative. This worries me. it doesn't worry the majority of Australians, but personally I don't see that as surprising. There are more pertinent problems for the majority of Australians such as housing, food and maintaining social status. As someone who plans on extensive travel overseas, the potential damage to my country's reputation and the potential damage to my country's sovereignty is of serious concern.

Don't forget that it was under Howard that several thousand square kilometres of Australian soil were stripped away. It was under Howard that Australia abandoned its own citizens to an American military court, without recourse to either the justice of Australia or of the country in which they had previously resided and for which they had legally fought. And it is with Howard that we have become too close to the US to avoid the inevitable fallout of their less wise actions. Australia is and probably always will be a nobody in international politics. But once we were able to use our low profile as protection. As an self-avowed (later denied, but not before the damage was done) deputy sheriff there is no longer the possibility of going incognito, of ignorance amongst terrorists of who exactly we are. That is a great loss, and I hope that Howard in these coming years will reign in his beliefs for the good of Australia.
on Oct 10, 2004
"Time and research have proven that the majority of people are almost without question morons. "

Oh, GOD, I get so tired of that tactic. When the people oppose the Left, they are sheep and morons, when they are on the side of the Left, they are wise and not to be fooled with.

Not a wise arguement. You are essentiatlly saying that you must have lost, not because your ideals were rejected, but because the average voter is too stupid to get it. That is the downfall of the Left, imho. When they win, they degrade people, when they lose, they degrade people.

That was the exact point of my response. You guys are so impossibly set in your opinions you just can't fathom the idea with anyone with half a brain could disagree with you. Election after election, you are proven wrong.
on Oct 10, 2004
"Time and research have proven that the majority of people are almost without question morons."

While I strongly disagree with that statement -- I think people are generally rational -- the Left hardly has a monopoly on that view.
on Oct 10, 2004
I hardly think that the belief the people are easily led is a symptom of leftism. Entire industries (spin doctoring, advertising, etc) are built around this very concept. It's not that I don't believe people with a brain could disagree with me; after all, a good communist, socialist, corporatist, fascist or anarchist will be intelligent and know what they are talking about.

However I have difficulty believing that everyone is equally well educated or perceptive. The evidence of my own eyes and the research of thousands suggests that this is not so. Without the benefit of either an excellent education or a natural tendency to above-average perception they might be rational decision-makers, but only within the context of their own limited knowledge.

I'm not saying that people are stupid because they voted for Howard. Many intelligent, good people voted for him, and I respect their decisions. But I have serious doubts about the probability that most Australians voted on the basis of solid research and a sound understanding of their future. The majority of those who voted Labor or Green or anything else for that matter are likely just as moronic.
on Oct 10, 2004
Oddly, I can't seem to equate:

" the belief the people are easily led "


"Time and research have proven that the majority of people are almost without question morons. "

If any of you would like to point out a circumstance where a Republican here reacted to a popular loss with "Yeah, but you know the unwashed are morons..." feel free. I do think people have been mislead, Republicans and Democrats alike, but I find it pretty hard to believe you think we'd react to a Kerry win by saying the average voter in America is stupid...

If anyone would like to hoist me on my own petard, feel free. I'll happily admit wrongdoing and apolgize.
on Oct 10, 2004
I'm not an American and I've only been on this site for a few months. I can't point to a victory/loss for examples for either party in American politics (a political system for which I have only passing interest in any event). But history is replete with examples of conservative parties who viewed their constituents with the utmost contempt. There are tons of quotable quotes for Churchill in particular.

As for equating "the people are easily led" with "the people are almost without question morons", consider it a concession and an alteration in argument. I do concede your point that the majority is not all moronic in a strictly intelligence-based sense. But the limited nature of their knowledge makes it easier for others to manipulate them, thus facilitating the processes used by spin doctors and advertisers to control their wants and desires. This makes their capacity for rational voting limited as they often are only aware of the policies for one side, whether Labor or Liberal. I consider this ignorance to be dangerous and thus a symbol of intellectual incapacity, and thus the use of the word "moron".
on Oct 10, 2004
As I said on another forum recently, the Right and the Left probably have an equal amount of intelligent people, the Right simply have more morons. Just take a look at the Chaser's "This Preson Votes" skit. There was a guy who said he was voting for Labor because he didn't like John Howard's eyebrows. Now I'm not saying he's smart just because he voted Labor. But nor will I say that the woman who when asked why she was voting for Howard simply regurgittated word for word the Liberals' ad was smart either. A lot of people simply swallowed the lie about interest rates because most people are very politically uninformed. A friend of mine who is extremely bright and a scientist recently told me he wouldn't know a good policy if he saw one. I tried to inform him a little and he sounded left leaning, but don't try and convince me that just because Australia voted Howard in that they are informed. I've met people at Uni who don't even know the difference between the Reps and the Senate in Australia. There are so many gaps.
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