A day to day acount of the whacky and wonderful world of Muggaz - i tend to be having too much fun these days, and often cannot remember moments due to debauchery - its time the internet repayed my loyalty by recording my antics.
Love of honey? Or love for Money?
Published on September 29, 2004 By Muggaz In Misc
This isn’t the first blog I have started regarding the entrapment of society, by society, and it won’t be the last either, but being a crazy liberal kook slash hippy, it really is my prerogative to lovingly point out that there really isn’t any love at all.

If there was no love in this world, there simply would be no world – Love really does make the world go round, I don’t know who said that, or when, but I wonder if they knew about the different kind of love that ensnares modern society today – the love of money and power.

Goals are good to have, but there is that feeling of anticipation before you reach that goal that is un-surmountable – To paraphrase from my favourite book – “The Tao of Pooh” We all know that bears like honey, but there is that feeling just before eating the honey, that the honey is going be to be exquisite, but once the taste hits your mouth, it wasn’t quite as good as you had hoped it would be, yet it is good enough to want more, and more, and more, so much that your heart can’t really be content until you have all the honey in the world!

Luckily for Pooh bear, honey is easily obtainable, but as society, what exactly is honey to the normal person? Normal is nothing more than a setting on a washing machine, and we all have our respective ‘honeys’ although, when we assess the motives behind obtaining the ‘honey’ that’s where the trouble comes in. Honey to me is Love, which equates to true happiness, that’s probably why the word ‘honey’ is used as a term of endearment… sweet like Love!

Some people want all the ‘honey’ in the world so they can personally be happy, and regulate its expenditure – It is their goal to be the most powerful honey magnates imaginable, yet when they have all the honey, they have no desire, and they are content – unfortunately, or fortunately – it depends on whether you are a Pooh bear or a honey magnate, there is an infinite amount of honey in this world – for Pooh, enough honey to satisfy his appetite will suffice, for honey magnates, they will not be content until they control all the honey.

The honey magnates of this world, George Bush, John Howard and Rupert Murdoch etc. They all want what is best for them, and their respective families, there is no denying this, but they don’t realise they will never truly be content in life until they have all the honey – which is damn near impossible. These men are amongst the most respected in the world, because they have all the money and power, yet, they always strive for more – will they ever really be content?

Pooh would not be content if he worried about how much honey the magnates were obtaining, he knows he has all he needs, and the friends to share it with – It’s a different kind of love for honey, a love of ‘honey’, rather than a love for money. Pooh is able to be fulfilled to his hearts content, because he has eliminated the desire. Spiritual fulfilment can only come when the inclination for material desire is restrained – Pooh isn’t trapped by others telling him this is good, or that is desirable. We are always told by billboards and commercials that the coolest and best are eating the latest and greatest honey – it’s all still honey after all.

Has the worlds need for love been superseded by the worlds love of money? A love of money can be developed from the necessity of money, we need money for education, health care and basic day to day living, some people love living the high life, so they love more money – and people who don’t have a lot of money, can’t possibly be loved as much as those that do – and of course, we love our children, so we want as much money as possible to make sure they can cope. Out of the two kinds of love, the love for honey will have the world continue to spin; the love for money will result in an eventual grinding halt.

I am not calling for massive social reformation, because we are born with the greatest gift imaginable – the right to choose, we can choose to maintain rigid social conformity, or we can choose the love of honey, over the love of money.


on Sep 29, 2004
read ur article...rather liked the part about pooh reaching for the honey that doesn't taste so e xquisite afterall...
wud like to kno u better ...wer u frm...wat u do...etc
check out my blog
on Sep 29, 2004
You have to love capitalism it breeds greed and innovation all in one swing.  In addition I think that for socialism to work the quality of life for everyone would have to be equal and also satisfactory.  Everyone gets enough honey and doesn't have to work harder than anyone else to have it.  The question is what is the standard in a world where greed exists?  Good article muggaz, liked your analogy.
on Sep 29, 2004
we can choose the love of honey, over the love of money

it's honey all the way in this world, muggy ... and i love the pooh-bear analogy

mig XXX
on Sep 29, 2004
Good article muggaz, liked your analogy.

i love the pooh-bear analogy

... great minds think alike and all that, huh carlos ?

mig XX
on Sep 29, 2004
Yes indeed, Vanessa.  I missed having the input of the great minds here on ju.
on Sep 29, 2004
I liked this article! I think you can be in love with love too, in love of interpersonal relationships, ect. Just my 2 cents
on Sep 30, 2004

umm cough cough.....*feels bad* *feels guilty*

I just wanted to say, I'm sorry for all the things I said about ur blog.....and that You really do have soem great points and express them in great ways....

cough cough

forgiveness? lol.....you should write an article titled "I think The world Needs to forgive and forget...."
on Oct 04, 2004
Fine writing that shows that the rich always strive to be richer, while portraying a deep faith that the poor should be poorer.
on Oct 04, 2004
Thanks for your comments guys!

Stevendedalus - that was insightful - the really poor people of this world usually don't know any better... and while they live lives of what we consider poverty, they are generally content with their lot in life, and see no reason for change... the poor are often the most rich of anyone.
