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A White Supremacists Dream!
say it aint so!
Published on September 23, 2004 By
As I was reading the transcript of George W. Bush’s address to the United Nations, checking for spelling errors, and I came across the proposed
Global Peace Operations Initiative
– basically, Bush and his cronies want to train up 75,000 African troops to keep the peace in that region, along with international deployments where required.
I must have missed it when it was proposed at the G-8 summit earlier this year, or I was looking in the wrong places, but I really don’t know what to think of such an initiative. Effectively, it would be another 75,000 dispensable troops used at the discretion of the US administration.
There would be several advocates of this initiative in the Deep South of the United States, where organisations such as the Ku Klux Klan would sponsor use of the black man to fight the white men’s war! It’s been done before – Imperial England used to utilise the sub-continent colonies for forces fighting Imperial battles – why can’t the US take a leaf out of the glorious past of England and emulate such an obvious positive of their Imperial history!
To quote Joseph Collins, the Pentagon's deputy assistant for stability operations - "We are always going to do our share of peacekeeping," Collins said. "What we want to avoid is doing more than we have to."
Of course!!! Everyone wants to avoid doing more peacekeeping than they have to! I have a suggestion for Collins and his goons though – why doesn’t the US refrain from invading places like Iraq based on a hunch! I am sure peace keeping requirements would be kept to a minimum, and we wouldn’t have the US Marine Corps suffering needless peacekeeping casualties!
Of course, a 75,000 strong group of African fighters is a novel idea! Their families don’t have to vote in the US elections, and they are from the hardened African environment, rather than the sloth like society of the United States where air conditioning and obesity are the norm – Black people fighting Arabs is a US ideal!!! I shall propose this as a clause to the Global Peace Operations Initiative – The Africans should get a 5 year tenure in the forces, and when that tenure is up, they and their entire families should be allowed a green card into the United States, and become fully eligible for all welfare benefits a US citizen enjoys!
After all, they would be fighting for American ideals, rather than their personal reasons – and who can forget, Islam is the fastest growing religion in Africa, so we can all imagine the Africans flocking to fight for American ideals, against their Muslim brothers in Iraq! Muslim’s fighting each other at the behest of the United States would go down rather well in Alabama!
I don’t even trust the US when it comes to deployment of its own troops, I imagine, when they don’t have to worry about a voting public losing their own brothers and fathers gallivanting around the globe under the guise of peace, an even more willing attitude to combat may be assumed – is it working together? Or is it working for the US?
I can see the Africans Peace Corps. chanting “YeeeeHawww!!!” as they charge into battle now…
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Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 23, 2004
muggaz........you are paranoid. bush is trying to help the black man by allowing him to police themselves. we are trying to bring freedom to a dark and violent continent that has never known anything but tyranical dictatorships.
on Sep 23, 2004
Maybe I should remind you Muggaz that the Australian troops are fighting alongside the Americans in Iraq.
And this is through the policies implimented by the
While your attacking the Bush administration why dont you step back a little and revisit the similarities and alliances that the Howard government has with the Bush administration and what a re election of the HOward government would mean to the people of this country Australia.
on Sep 23, 2004
If I am paranoid - you are naive.
Bush want's more troops of different nationalities on the ground so that he can win votes with less of his troops dying in needless wars. It's a fat $660million bribe.
on Sep 23, 2004
PB - You need to pay more attention to the policies rather than incidents...
Over again, I don't think John Howard would be so naive... I just dont trust Latham... and voting for the Greens is a Donkey vote, with preferences for Latham...
Talk about it on another thread
Grim Xiozan
on Sep 23, 2004
Muggaz must have spent TOO much time in the south.
I must have missed it when it was proposed at the G-8 summit earlier this year, or I was looking in the wrong places, but I really don’t know what to think of such an initiative. Effectively, it would be another 75,000 dispensable troops used at the discretion of the US administration
For that to happen the US would have to have complete decision and control over the Security Council, last time I checked you paranoid loon, they didn't.
If the Africans can police Africa than the hundreds of thousands killed in Rwanda, Somalia and the Sudan would not have happened, this looks like to me a basis for or a start of an African Union sort of like the European Union, first step is a method of military control over the area. This might be good for Africa, considering there have been too many civil wars, warlords, ethnic cleansings, etc. This could have prevented what has happened in Somalia, Rwanda, and Sudan.
Do you oppose peace in Africa? Who is the racist now? Can't trust the African people to police themselves?
- GX
on Sep 23, 2004
I just dont trust Latham
But I thought you voted for policies rather than people??
I just dont understand why you are attacking the americans at the moment when you allign yourself with the coalition party in Australia. The coalition party mirrors its policies on the bush administration. We went to war in Iraq, just as the Americans did.
I agree with Grim here, helping Africans to help themselves isnt a bad idea. Why should the Americans always go in and save the rest of the world and then get the flack for it?
on Sep 23, 2004
For that to happen the US would have to have complete decision and control over the Security Council, last time I checked you paranoid loon, they didn't.
If the Africans can police Africa than the hundreds of thousands killed in Rwanda, Somalia and the Sudan would not have happened, this looks like to me a basis for or a start of an African Union sort of like the European Union, first step is a method of military control over the area. This might be good for Africa, considering there have been too many civil wars, warlords, ethnic cleansings, etc. This could have prevented what has happened in Somalia, Rwanda, and Sudan.
Do you oppose peace in Africa? Who is the racist now? Can't trust the African people to police themselves?
It's not a UN initiative... it's an American - Italian Initiative - the US would have control, and Nato at best... no one said anything about the UN.
It might be good for Africa - it's better for Americans... George Bush doesn't have African interests at heart here... like I said, he is just buying votes at the expense of foreign lives who will be discarded at America's whim... if this peace corps. existed now, they would be in Iraq... not protecting themselves from Warlords, but fighting on behalf of the United States of America...
I will accept this Peace Corps. if it is wholly administered by an African entity... the US must have no hand, alas, read the article, this force will be deployed for international peace keeping missions at the behest of the US... and you must have a short memory... what happened last time the US tried to help a buch of people by training them and giving them weapons?
I smell a whole lot of wrong with this.
Gideon MacLeish
on Sep 23, 2004
Welfare benefits the average US citizen enjoys? Mugz, you haven't been reading my blogs, have you? There ARE NO "welfare benefits" beyond food stamps (which don't buy clothing, toilet paper, pay the rent, etc) for a good number of us.
Grim Xiozan
on Sep 23, 2004
I smell a whole lot of wrong with this.
Oh yes, just like how control the Bundeswehr and the Japanese SDF, come one Muggaz, I though you would think about it more.
Does the United States control the Military forces it trained for South America? Does it control the Japan SDF? Does it control Germany's Army? Seriously you are paranoid as hell. What do you think this force would be used outside of the confines of Africa? What evidence do you have to back up the claim that ultimately the US has control over this force?
- GX
"I have no answers to your questions, but I can question your demands." - Motto Inspired by Laibach's WAT
on Sep 23, 2004
There hasn't been peace in Africa, Asia or the Mid-East since the end of European colonialism. That's a radical statement, and it's going to be unpopular, I'm sure, but it's true.
As much as those on the Left would love to believe the ideal of free people governing themselves peacably, the cold, sad fact is that, for whatever reasons, tribal, political or economic, some people just can't seem to govern themselves.
Look at Central Europe, for example...those people had been fighting for millennia. The only time they had even an uneasy peace was when they were under the thumb of a greater power that came in and told them how it was going to be. From the Romans to the Ottoman Turks, then the Austro-Hungarians, then the Nazis, followed lastly by the Communists. When The USSR fell apart, the old animosities sprouted again, and the fighting started over. So, the UN(mainly meaning the US), had to go in and settle things down.
Africa is the same way. Why shouldn't we train Africans to police Africa? Why should we always have to be the ones to spill our blood to quell the unrest fomented by others? Everyone always looks to the United States to handle things for them (but when we were in our time of need, where were they? You know, Florida could really use some help right now. I wonder how many foreign relief workers there are in Pesacola, right now?). It's ridiculous.
You know, though, the idea of giving African soldiers American citizenship for their service might not be such a bad idea; in fact, that's what the Romans did for their foreign legionaires. But then, they're supposed to be trained for duties policing in Africa; so that's where they should stay.
on Sep 23, 2004
And one more thing: who has time to check transcriptions of political speeches for spelling errors? I hope that's what you do for a living....otherwise, Good Lord man! Get a life!
on Sep 23, 2004
And one more thing: who has time to check transcriptions of political speeches for spelling errors? I hope that's what you do for a living....
I was a joke based on prior displays of Geroge Bush's ineptitude, and there would be no spelling errors in a transcript mate... lighten up...
And I will happily assume the paranoid tag and bestow the naive one upon you.
Every body is happy... I guess we will only know in 10 years time when a war is stig on in Iraq and the African Peace Corps. are the ones suffering the casualties instead of the poor boys from deep south America...
Welfare benefits the average US citizen enjoys? Mugz, you haven't been reading my blogs, have you? There ARE NO "welfare benefits" beyond food stamps (which don't buy clothing, toilet paper, pay the rent, etc) for a good number of us.
I am sure they are better than any welfare system in Africa mate... well... I hope they are...
Spc Nobody Special
on Sep 23, 2004
I'm a little confused here. I'm not saying that the plan is necessarily a good idea, but how does it favor white supremacy as you suggest, if we take tens of thousands of Africans, train them to fight, give them money, food, and arm them to the teeth? Somehow, I don't think they would use their newly given power to support "the man."
on Sep 23, 2004
I wonder how they could be controlled at all. All that equipment and training would probably be used to take over a fair chunk of Africa as a personal fief - or at least that's what often happens when warlords are armed in Africa.
Grim Xiozan
on Sep 23, 2004
Though a Mercenary group kept Rwandans realtively peaceful until France took over, personally if you put the group under a central African control instead of one nation of Africa, it could work to keep the peace, what else have we not tried that could work in the place of this idea?
- GX
"I have no answers to your questions, but I can question your demands."
- Motto Inspired by Laibach's WAT
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