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Muggaz Adventures
A day to day acount of the whacky and wonderful world of Muggaz - i tend to be having too much fun these days, and often cannot remember moments due to debauchery - its time the internet repayed my loyalty by recording my antics.
Who's Blogging What now?
In the where?
Published on September 14, 2004 By
Just Hanging Out
A blog can best be described as a frequent, chronological publication of personal thoughts and web links. As with everything in life, it is good to question what you are doing, and why you are doing it, and also why you are doing it where you are – i.e. me at Joeuser.com.
I can hear the sighs now – “oh no!, not another blog about blogging!” Well, essentially, this isn’t really about blogging, it’s about me blogging, so keep your pants on, and don’t storm off in a puff just yet.
Blogging was originally used as a tool for computer geeks to share thoughts and opinions on coding and other nerd stuff, yet with the increased popularity of the internet, with expanded demographics; it has become a tool of so much more, used by so many people.
It’s not un-common to hear someone within the blogging community remark “the Golden Days of blogging are over” to them I say – bah humbug. According to the technically proficient amongst us, blogging is just another trend, like
Some complain it clogs up Google with useless crap and it will die just like all popular culture trends do, well I just don’t think that is possible.
Blogging is all about ego – I don’t care who tells you otherwise, but it is an opportunity to have thoughts and opinions expressed and heard by an audience you would never get to reach if it weren’t for the medium of the Internet – this is the reason that the number of blog’s is estimated to be at about 2 million, the number of blogs for George Bush supporters dedicated to his campaign alone is estimated to be 400!
While Joeuser is very different to many other sites available to the blogging community, it is still young and evolving. The most common bloggers on the web are teenage girls updating their friends and families the easiest way possible – this leads to the main problem with blogging as far as I am concerned, as documented in
this article
- human contact and interpretations are suffering as a direct result of people’s inability to communicate effectively.
With no rigid guidelines on topics, subjects or political correctness, Blogging is a form of expression for any degree of creativity. While we have plenty of teenage girls, doing whatever it is teenage girls do; the diversity here is plain for all to see. My evolution as a blogger has evolved with Joeuser… I like to compare my relationship with blogging here like a relationship with a girlfriend… I really do love it, but sometimes something really stupid and ridiculous happens that makes me want to break up. Is our relationship one that is built to last? It has done really well, and overcome some adversity, that’s for sure, but only time will tell.
In communicating with the cyber world, so much can be lost in translations, and it can be hard to enjoy what you are doing when other’s are quick to judge, and then use the tool of the blog to flame you disproportionately due to an inability to communicate effectively with people of different mindsets, or due to an outright desire and lust for confrontation. You really have to hit and hope for the best – hope that you have done enough to relate who you are through your scribes, but by the same token – it is the internet, and how much of your personal self do you want to give away?
Am I still blogging for the sake of blogging? Am I in my comfort zone? Like in any troubled relationship – it isn’t the best right now, but I really can’t be stuffed starting all over again some place else. I am forever trying to think outside the square, alas, there are people who are happy in their box, and when you think outside of it, some are all to happy to try and put you back inside yours.
I wonder if this reads melancholically, because that’s how I feel right now – I feel as though I am giving a lecture to my girlfriend, telling her to not be such a moron, and think before she acts etc… when in reality, It’s me that is evaluating my position – it’s one of those, “it’s not you – it’s me” speeches…
Is this just another one of those phases I am going through? I don’t know. – that’s the best thing about blogging, and why me, and you are all here, we know what we are doing, and sometimes the reasons change – yet blogging is able to accommodate those reasons, no matter what, and as far as sympathetic ears and enjoying myself goes, even amongst all the crazy and tough times, Joeuser gives me all I could possibly want out of this relationship – crazy pop culture phase or not, I think blogging is a relationship I will enjoy for some time to come… besides, we all know the benefits of makeup sex…
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Comments (Page 1)
2 Pages
Texas Wahine
on Sep 14, 2004
Excellent post, Muggaz.
on Sep 14, 2004
Nice one Muggaz!!!And yeah, I do hope you stay for a long time!!!
Johnny Masuda
on Sep 14, 2004
dude--blogging is whatever you want it to be. As for people flaming you--fuck 'em if they can't take a joke. Life is too short to let others piss on your day. Keep writing and say what you will. Besides, like you said, it's evolving. Norms and mores will establish itself as we all add our collective voices to the form. Dude, you're a pioneer, buck up.
on Sep 14, 2004
I long for the blogging days of old...to discuss modems and CPU's
Up to the end of august this year i had no interest/knowledge of blogging. I got introduced to it, and now my days seem to be less productive
Dont know if i hate it or love it...havent decided yet
Have met some pretty cool people along the way, but it can certainly become a trap for people to pour their electronic hearts and minds out....I only have question , 'is it at the sacrifice of your true friends, whom you should be sharing a lot of this sort of stuff with?'
I hope no one i have met at JU takes this to offence, i am just raising a question
on Sep 14, 2004
Like in any troubled relationship – it isn’t the best right now, but I really can’t be stuffed starting all over again some place else. I am forever trying to think outside the square, alas, there are people who are happy in their box, and when you think outside of it, some are all to happy to try and put you back inside yours.
I was half-assedly kicking around the idea of changing blogs, but frankly, I couldn't be bothered. I love Joeuser, and the only reason why I considered mixing things up a bit, is because I feel a little... creatively challenged. Yet, I still like blogging about as much as I used to when I first started out. Mind you, I can go for days now without blogging, but it was an addiction at first.
Good article!
Furry Canary
on Sep 14, 2004
This is not intended as an indictment of YOUR contributions Muggaz, but these musings reminds me of a comment I read not so long ago from an American professor of literature (sorry, I can't remember his name):
'There is a school of thought that argues if you had an infinite number of monkeys, each sitting in front of a typewriter, eventually one of them would produce the complete works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the internet, we know this is not true.'
on Sep 14, 2004
Hey Mug...I agree with #3...Blog how you will.
I feel this is where you blog about what you want (following the rules of course).
Some people want to write about politics..some write about humor...some write about what shoes they bought. It is all good...
Keep on bloggin'
Things will always change and evolve...that is a good thing...
on Sep 14, 2004
tell your girlfriend to lighten up and enjoy the ride!
I think blogging is here to stay, too. It's too addicting. It's too ambivalent.
I'm glad you enjoy it and enjoy it here.
Sally jacobs
on Sep 14, 2004
Another excellent article Mugz. These are things i consider all the time. What is it about blogging that keeps me coming back. The fact I am able to voice an opinion, and people will actually listen, is a huge thing. I like to waffle (as you may have noticed) and this is just a way of allowing myself to do that. I have ups and downs with blogging, some days I think I am just a talentless points whore, who should sit chop her hands off rather than write another word, and then other times, I feel pleased, that I can write stuff, and people read and give me feedback. You have to take the good with the bad. I never imagined I would form binds with people like I have, I never thought I would achieve the things I have with blogging, and I think it is something that can only get better
on Sep 14, 2004
For me, blogging is an escape is from the normal writing I usually do -- newswriting. While regular news is an adrenaline rush in itself, writing blogs about entertainment is an escape and a chance to sharpen my skills at the same time.
I once read that once a hobby becomes a chore, it means that it isn't fun for you anymore and that you should take a break from it.
on Sep 15, 2004
Thanks for your comments guys...
I think I have worked it all out... I wouldn't dream of going anywhere... I suppose this article was just to clarify that I accept why other people come here, and that it will always change, and that it's best for all concerned to accept why I come here as well...
I guess I took a lot longer to say it than J - who put it so eloquently in a few sentances
Thanks heaps peeps!
The Crusaders
on Sep 15, 2004
That was a really profound article, Muggaz, that makes a lot of sense and I appreciate you writing it!
I don't question anyone's reason for being here because if I do I think the first person I should question is myself and I have already done that and I am quite content to be a part of the JU community.
on Sep 28, 2004
u know what it hink blogging is about?
I think blogging is about getting attention
oh sure...people bull shit all the time about how it has everything to do with learning and sharing opinions....but i have noticed that when someone doesnt' agree witht he blogger....the blogger never really LEARNS from the other person's arguement or opposition, instead they think of the best way to argue back the person's arguement....and so thus it's just a way for people to talk about stuff and feel good about themselves when they get like forty responses saying, "OH UR SO AWESOME" "I LOVE THIS ARTICLE" "WOW, THIS ARTICLE IS GREAT" and in return the blogger, just to get himself or herself more points writes things like, "thanks" It's like WE DONT NEED U TO SAY THANKS>...and for that matter, we don't need others to kiss up to you simply because u need or crave attention and thus have to get it through the internet by writing pointless blogs.
I don't really like the blogs around Ju anymore.....I thus have stopped reading them...cause it's just a waste of my time. If there is one person's blog I truly enjoy it has to be a friend of mines. And the greatest thinga bout his blog is that its more of a news type...instead of a site with his stricty bias liberal views.....he sees both sides of things and writes both sides of the arguement letting the reader decide for him or herself which one they agree with.....
Texas Wahine
on Sep 28, 2004
u know what it hink blogging is about?
I think blogging is about getting attention
Yes, it is . . . and there's nothing wrong with that. We all have a need or needs that are being met here. If we didn't, we would leave. If we didn't want attention, we wouldn't post to the forum. Yes, I like to have people notice my writing. Yes, I like having people tell me that they enjoyed my article. It is gratifying to me. I enjoy it.
on Sep 29, 2004
don't really like the blogs around Ju anymore.....I thus have stopped reading them...cause it's just a waste of my time
No one is forcing you to read them darling! hehe...
TW is right - I dont blog to share my thought's with myself electronically, i blog to share my thoughts and opinons with the world, and contrary to what you say, for the responses I get when I express my views or opinions, that allows me to evolve my own opinions based on new information and a differing perspective - to me, that is the true value of blogging, personal rational development, rather than Muggaz fanclub...
I have also found a passion i didn't know I had in writing... for the time being, JU remains the place to do that, and I value the opinion of the community, but it is not the be all and end all...
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