A day to day acount of the whacky and wonderful world of Muggaz - i tend to be having too much fun these days, and often cannot remember moments due to debauchery - its time the internet repayed my loyalty by recording my antics.
or is there?
Published on September 10, 2004 By Muggaz In Just Hanging Out
“A person who publishes a book appears willfully (wilfully) in public with his pants down.” - Edna St. Vincent Millay - 1892-1950, American Poet

“If you are going to tell people the truth, be funny or they will kill you.” - Billy Wilder - 1906-, American Film Director

"There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about." - Oscar Wilde - 1856 - 1900, British Author

These are three separate quotes that I and any aspiring author - whether they are amateur blogger’s, or seasoned poets - can relate to. How many times has something you have written been questioned so voraciously that you feel like you are being humiliated to the level where your pant’s are at your ankles?

How many times have you remarked something that would normally incite a little hatred - yet you have attached a little joke to it, so it has been disregarded as a passing comment? Or by the same token, how many times have you remarked the same thing, without the joke, and had the hounds baying for your blood?

How many times have you sat in random obscurity, not minding that people aren’t paying attention to you, but kind of wishing they would listen and acknowledge what they have to say? Sure, they might not have some nice things to say about you - but they are still drawing attention to whatever it is that you had to say, and surely you can find some like minded (add a hyphen) individuals?

Ah - the trick of the written word, it can be stated that it truly is a skill to be mastered, and without other communication aids such as body language - anything you say is up to the readers interpretation. The skill in writing lies within making sure the readers perception is in line with your expression.

Any multi-national corporation will tell you that there is no such thing as bad publicity - McDonalds will tell you that their revenue is as high as ever, in spite of anti-globalisation protests and film’s like Morgan Sperlock’s ‘Supersize Me’ Conglomerations like Nike and Coca-Cola will tell you the same, profits are as high as ever, because people know about their products and overlook and negative connotations associated with them - in spite of constant calls by activists to refrain from support of these organisations.

It’s a shame, because even terrorist’s subscribe by this theory, thinking the murder of innocents will bring attention to their cause -I am amazed by this, even though it is bringing attention to their cause, the negative attention they receive surely outweighs any possible advocacy of their objectives?

Would the bombing stop if no one paid attention? Would people write if no one read? Would Nike employ child labour if no one made a fuss? And would Coke corrupt water supplies of 3rd world nations if no one cared?

Any author is familiar with the tactic of hyperbolic titles, it is one we see often, and many don’t seem to care about the negative attention they receive, because, at the end of the day, it is still attention. If you can’t handle the negative attention, you need to ask yourself how you brought it about - it goes without saying, to receive positive acclamations, always be prepared for the detractions you will no doubt receive…

When you have your pants around your ankles - are you well endowed? Or are you going to shrivel up into the cold night air and get back into your corner? - That was me being funny, because it’s the truth, and I don’t want you to kill me.


on Sep 10, 2004
Top Blog Mugz

The art of the written word is used by many, but mastered by few...
on Sep 10, 2004
This blog deserves a hug.....

on Sep 10, 2004

If this is about what I think it's about, you're right, and I admitted as much in my response. It still is fair game, however, to respond to an inappropriate attack on its own merit. If it's not about what I think it's about...never mind! Carry on!

on Sep 10, 2004
If this is about what I think it's about, you're right, and I admitted as much in my response. It still is fair game, however, to respond to an inappropriate attack on its own merit. If it's not about what I think it's about...never mind! Carry on!

Exactly Gid!!!! Read into it what you will... just another innocent blog!!!!

on Sep 10, 2004
The skill in writing lies within making sure the readers perception is in line with your expression.

How many wars could have been prevented if we all spoke the same language?

How many flame threads could have been prevented if we could see the expression and inflection in others as they spoke their minds?
on Sep 10, 2004

Great article Muggaz!!

I just deleted ten lines because I was distracted and forgot my point and reading back it didn't seem to make sense...oh well!!!

I'll try and come back once I have worked out what it was I was trying to say....

See......communication can be so difficult and I haven't even started yet!!

on Sep 10, 2004
"had the hounds baying for your blood"

I loved that phrase. I plan to plagarise at my earliest possible convenience.

"Would the bombing stop if no one paid attention?"
I think yes.

"Would people write if no one read?"
I think no.


"Would Nike employ child labour if no one made a fuss?"
I think yes.

"And would Coke corrupt water supplies of 3rd world nations if no one cared?"
I think yes.

You make a great point, but I think it has limits. The power of publicity is tempered by individuals' and corporations' self-interest. If anything, publicity and self-interest can work for the good of the public (in these cases) when bad publicity brings these problems to light, because then it is in the corporations' best interest to improve.

I really enjoyed this article Mugz. Keep them coming!

on Sep 10, 2004
Great article Muggy!
on Sep 11, 2004
You make a great point, but I think it has limits. The power of publicity is tempered by individuals' and corporations' self-interest. If anything, publicity and self-interest can work for the good of the public (in these cases) when bad publicity brings these problems to light, because then it is in the corporations' best interest to improve.

Spot on Teeg Meister...

In an ideal world the bad publicity brings to light any negativity, and measures are employed to turn it into positive situations...

Too bad we dont live in an ideal world...

on Sep 12, 2004
if no one read my stuff, I would still write. I guess it depends on why you do things and for what reasons. If people do things for attention. Then the attention the recieve, whether negative or not, they will get what they want, attention. This is where it gets complicated though. People need a way of gaining attention, and for the most part negative things get the most attention. Howver if the gain attention from negative things, they then lose respect, and their point becomes less valid, in my opinion at least. So if they are willing to belittle their own point, the negative wya to go. However, if they are truely outstanding, their point will be heard, negative or not. Great blog Mugz...

“If you are going to tell people the truth, be funny or they will kill you.”

Ahh I live by that rule!