A day to day acount of the whacky and wonderful world of Muggaz - i tend to be having too much fun these days, and often cannot remember moments due to debauchery - its time the internet repayed my loyalty by recording my antics.
a fun test!
Published on September 6, 2004 By Muggaz In Just Hanging Out
Read this short question, come up with an answer and then scroll down to the bottom for the result.

This is not a trick question. It is as it reads.

And no, I did not know the answer either.

A woman, while at the funeral of her own mother, met this guy whom she did not know. She thought this man was amazing, so much her dream guy she believed him to be just that! She fell in love with him right there, but never asked for his number and could not find him.

A few days later she killed her sister.

Question: What is her motive in killing her sister?
(Give this some thought before you answer, then scroll down)


She was hoping that the guy would appear at the funeral again.

If you answered this correctly, you think like a psychopath. This was a test by a famous American Psychologist used to test if one has the same mentality as a killer. Many arrested serial killers took part in the test and answered the question correctly.

If you didn't answer the question correctly, good for you. If you got the answer correct, please let me know, so I can take you off of my email list - unless that will piss you off, then I'll just be extra nice to you from now on.


Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 06, 2004

Thank God I am not a psychopath ....well it's good to get that out the way!!!!
Interesting how they can gauge these questions .......though the correct answer is something I would not imagine ANYONE coming up with!

Can you answer these questions for me, Muggaz.....
Add these numbers.....(try and do this without really thinking...as quick as you can!)

Now....off the top of your head....think of a vegetable...

Will get back to you.....
on Sep 06, 2004
Psychopath, baby!
on Sep 06, 2004
.....(try and do this without really thinking...as quick as you can!)

My Specialty!!!

hehe... I thought of a Carrot... does that make me a pervert?

As a side note - Texas - i think you are a wonderful person, and I dont have enough superlatives to describve how awesome you are! *cheeky grin*

on Sep 06, 2004
My thought was that it was her sister's fiance. So I guess I'm not a psycopath, bet you're glad to know that.
on Sep 06, 2004
well, of course I wouldn't do anything silly like double post here, so...umm, I'm here to sing texas' praises as well...yeah, that's it! I thought of carrot also. Tell us, what does that mean?
on Sep 06, 2004
Ok, guys I have to confess something.............................I'm not a physcopath!!! Yeah my answer was corny. I answered: The guys was her sisters husband/boyfriend and she was jealous. Yeah, corny answer. lol. But then again Gideon had the same answer as me.

hehe... I thought of a Carrot... does that make me a pervert?

Hehehe...I thought of that too Muggaz!! Does this make us all three perverts??

on Sep 06, 2004
Ah we are all thinking carrots .....very interesting....very interesting indeed.....I will leave you hanging for a little while so others have a chance maybe to think of a vegetable.......will be back..........(I also have to go double check the meaning of it all!!!??!!)
on Sep 06, 2004
I knew the correct answer....but only cos i have done that one before......the first time i thought it was something along the lines of it was her cousin or some shit and her sister didn't say nething (gay yes i know but eh thast what u get when it comes to me )

and dunt be fooled markus got the right answer hehehehehehehe

i said a cucumber?????? does that mean im a weirdo compared to all of you cos u all said carrot????????
now is a cucumber a vegetable or fruit?????
on Sep 06, 2004
This test is a good one....

this is a test for an "intelligent" psychopath....

on Sep 06, 2004
now is a cucumber a vegetable or fruit??

I think it is a vegie Haz... it still shows you have a dirty mind though... I wonder what it all means?

on Sep 06, 2004
H-Bomb.....you are rather the unique cucumber aren't you...?

Actually ....apparently 99% of people will say carrot (as I did) for some unknown reason......and those who do not are rather unique for an unknown reason.......I can't find the information I had on the subject but that is the general gist of it!

I have a theory though....the multiplications before hand all add to number 6....carrot has 6 letters in it....and is one of the most common vegetables....so off the top of your head......out comes carrot!!
on Sep 06, 2004
and those who do not are rather unique for an unknown reason.......

BWAHAHAHA - she is unique alright...

She is very special

on Sep 06, 2004
I am not a psychopath and I'm a dirty carrot-loving pervert, apparently.
on Sep 06, 2004
I thought potato - and potato has 6 letters too

And as for the question I thought he was her sisters boyfriend too - I watch alot of cop shows seemed like the logical solution
on Sep 06, 2004
I think I might be close to being a psycopath. I figured there was "no reason" she killed her sister because, perhaps, psycopaths kill for no reason. But come to think of it, they must kill for some reason, i.e. to see the hot guy again. So maybe I'm not so close to being a psycopath. And also a little dumb.

And...I'm embarrassed...I thought of an apple, which is clearly NOT a vegetable.

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