A day to day acount of the whacky and wonderful world of Muggaz - i tend to be having too much fun these days, and often cannot remember moments due to debauchery - its time the internet repayed my loyalty by recording my antics.
Ok, they call him the TheCassMan and he has the esteemed privelage of knowing me personally, and now you have the esteemed privelage of knowing him pesonally! Thats right, another 22 year old, good looking, extremely charming Aussie.

TheCassMan is a very good friend of mine, and if you take the time to read what he has written, you can also enjoy his profound articulation skills and fantastic sense of humor!

I am not just promoting him because he is my friend, I am promoting him because I genuinely beleive TheCassMan will fill an excellent niche within the community, and I know you hearty folk will have no problems making him feel welcome - and also, the next time my character comes into question, just ask TheCassMan - he will happily verify that I am or am not a Wanker - it depends who's asking

I invite you to check out this article and show TheCassMan a good time - after reading that, you will agree, it is evident, my friend needs all the help he can get


on Aug 30, 2004

after reading that, you will agree, it is evident, my friend needs all the help he can get

too funny. 

thnx for the heads-up too

on Aug 31, 2004
You tricked me Mugz! Hehe....As he is a friend of yours I am sure he will be super lovely! a welcome addition to ju. Reading his articles and comments though, I fear he is far to intelligent for the likes of me! Though I will keep reading, I'm sure i can learn a thing or two!
on Aug 31, 2004
Reading his articles and comments though, I fear he is far to intelligent for the likes of me!

Hahaha... don't worry - its all a facade Sally!!! you could probably teach TheCassMan a thing or two!!!

on Aug 31, 2004
you could probably teach TheCassMan a thing or two

Hehe..ahh I have no doubt of that . We got Rooney too *does a dance* Lyndon thinks soccer is not a 'real' mans game! Nuff said....hehe!
on Aug 31, 2004
Hehe, don't worry Sally...Muggaz is right...I could learn a thing or two.....or five or six

Dont get Muggaz started on the stupid moments I have from day-to-day

Your opinion of me will probably shift to the other side of the intelligence scale haha

on Sep 01, 2004
Why did i get a nice blog like this when i started Markus????

But hello Cassman nice to meet u again....
on Sep 01, 2004
Why did i get a nice blog like this when i started Markus????

- Hazza.... I like you to much, I didn't want to associate you with me, because you might be labeled a terrorist etc, and I dont want to sully your good name!

I guess that's too late now - so for anyone who wants to read blog from one of the most awesome people in the whole world, please check out Hazza's Blog!

on Sep 01, 2004
on Sep 01, 2004
on Sep 01, 2004

Update your blog more often, and you might just find yourseld amongst the esteemed on my blog role!!! You can go right next to Kingbee

on Sep 01, 2004
'z your name really Markus Graham?

Damn. Hate knowing real names.
on Sep 01, 2004
Damn. Hate knowing real names.

- no, Markus Graham is a B grade celebrity in Australia, and I have no idea why Hazza refers to me as such!!! hehe...

on Sep 02, 2004

I can go back to the picture of you I always had.

on Sep 02, 2004
Agreed with Sally, being friend of Muggaz he should be a great personality, cheers for bringing some more guys here.
on Sep 02, 2004
Whos kingbee and why do i want to be next to him/her?????