A day to day acount of the whacky and wonderful world of Muggaz - i tend to be having too much fun these days, and often cannot remember moments due to debauchery - its time the internet repayed my loyalty by recording my antics.
Like Karaoke!
Published on August 9, 2004 By Muggaz In Internet
Yo Gang,

I haven't been around much... I guess Ralph has just kept me busy and I have been inspired to do other things

I was just having a look at web-searchs related to 'Muggaz' though - I want to know if stalkers can track me down... hehe, not really, it was appealing to the inner narcissist in me, and I came acorss this really cool site Link It cracked me up somewhat!!!

I dont know why, but i just think it was really cool! The internet is cool! haha... all those jocks playing sport and going to parties getting wasted, they dont know what they are missing out on!!!

Anywhos... I shall return sooner or later from the abyss, and I will have something entertaining for y'all! I have heaps of things I want to write about, but articulating them into actual articles - well, that's the hard part for me right now...


on Aug 09, 2004
Hehe that is pretty cool! Hurry back Mugz, I'm missing you!
on Aug 09, 2004
word to that Sally! I guess lately he's been too "cool" for his fans! I'm ur #1 fan!!!! haha

Hey Sally, keep this on the DL but I'm Mugz' stalker, don't let him find out though, cause I'll get in trouble by the cops, and I already have a horrible criminal record so they won't be nice this time! lol
on Aug 09, 2004
We miss you mugs!
on Aug 09, 2004
Oh my god people......... could u give him a bigger head????
on Aug 10, 2004
Yeah i agree with H-Bomb on this one......all you guys are giving him the biggest head.....he can't fit thru doors nemore!!!!!!
on Aug 10, 2004
If you were this good, you would have a big head as well n00bs

I am not conceited, just convinced

You guys are great sports!!!

on Aug 10, 2004
keep this on the DL but I'm Mugz' stalker, don't let him find out though, cause I'll get in trouble by the cops, and I already have a horrible criminal record so they won't be nice this time! lol

Hehe, Mandy hunny I'm sure he'll enjoy every minute of your stalking! I keep missing you on msn !

Oh my god people......... could u give him a bigger head????

It has being scientifically proven that it is impossible for Mugz head to get ANY bigger

If you were this good, you would have a big head as well n00bs

You're right I don't have a big head because I'm not as good as you, I'm better

on Aug 10, 2004
Not Conceited, Just Convinced

haha, mugaz glad you putting my line to use!

Sally! I miss you on msn too.....man this sucks, I like our little girl chats!

on Aug 10, 2004
something trina-p's husband always says: "It's not arrogance if you know it's true"

you're rad mugz. and you know it
on Aug 10, 2004
you're rad mugz. and you know it

Hmmm... and so do you it appears!!! hehe...

Trina gave me you msn, so consider yourself harrassed and an automatic cure for my boredom!!!

Thanks for commenting guys - catch you flip side
