A day to day acount of the whacky and wonderful world of Muggaz - i tend to be having too much fun these days, and often cannot remember moments due to debauchery - its time the internet repayed my loyalty by recording my antics.
to 250 articles... to 250 more!
Published on July 22, 2004 By Muggaz In Blogging
Well… 250 it is… I saw CS guy is up to his 99th, and looking for ideas… When I write about blogging, I am always thinking what I want to achieve out of blogging, have I achieved that? Or am I even close?

I have obtained more that I could have hoped for when I wrote this article I am glad as I read through it, that my goals have not changed.

The sense of perspective I have developed whilst sharing my thoughts and feelings with you guys is amazing. For the people who have been here from my original blogging days, while I haven't changed all that much, I hope they can see that I have always been learning and developing, and inadvertantly or not, they have been there helping me along the way.

I sincerely hope that at least half the people here achieve what I have from blogging - awesome friendships, brilliant advice, and a sense of perspective that has helped me grow as a person.

All I have to do now is thank the people that made is possible... I can tell you all, I have been warned, and barely an inch from being banned by admin almighty Brad, and I have certainly aggravated Kharma on at least one occasion I am sure... I can never stop to appreciate enough what people from all over the world have taught me, and I certianly appreciate the patience displayed in moments of pure insolence on my part - thanks heaps.

If I have contributed any ideas and thoughts to anyone else, well, that is fantastic, alas; I cannot express my gratitude to you guys enough, well... for just being there.

Here is to 250 more right? You think you can hack it? *grin*


on Jul 22, 2004
Those of you who expect something insiteful from all journal entries, you may just be let down - because this journal is for my benefit, and not ayone elses - if you like it, good for you, pat yourself on the back or something... but i have to admit, there will be plenty of entries with a lot of happenings and experiences, and its my guess that some of you would hold me in contempt for some of my views and outlook on life - my message to you, please dont criticise me, but take the time to perhaps see something from another perspective, i am always will to listen to critiques, that doesn't mean i have to act on them though.

Do you still feel this way? Now that you and your blog has become an intrical part of so many peoples lives - I know people who only read yours and their own blog
this journal is for my benefit, and not ayone elses

on Jul 22, 2004
You tell me Trina? what do you think?

Like i said - I could never have imagined how much I would gain from blogging... that statement is testimony to the fact I never expected to acheive too much, although I have, thats why I am so greatful!

Ultimately, the journal is for my benefit, but the fact that so many people also read what I have to say, and listen, well, that is an honour indeed!!! I wouldn't say integral part of other people's lives, but I am so happy I have found a medium to communicate with people all over the globe!

on Jul 23, 2004
tu eres me heroe.

on Jul 23, 2004
Congratulations! When I first started here, I was hesitant about the younger bloggers, very unsure of my welcome, so I commented little. I've enjoyed your journey very much and I'm looking forward to hearing much more.
on Jul 23, 2004
It's been just great to read about the things that interest you, and the stuff that goes on in your life. FC Mugs.
on Jul 23, 2004
I'm not asking for inside info, but I just have to tell you two that I've had some fun coming up with what FC stands for!
on Jul 23, 2004
Congrats!! WOw 251!! a HUGE number indead!

HEy if it wasn't for one ur blogs...I wouldn't have written one myself...even though I don't know if writing the one I wrote was all that great of an idea...but still! And if it werent for one of ur blogs you wouldn't have met such an awesome indian chick such as myself! and we would never become as close as we are... (ALthough i don't know if I want to be that close to a person that tortures animals with windex) Just clowning

I'm ready for another 250 ...bring it on!

on Jul 23, 2004
Thanks for your comments guys...

I dont really mind disclosing FC... It just means Fukin' Champion... and thats what Nicky G is

Mandy, i didn't torture the bird with windex, i was just trying to clean it!!!

on Jul 24, 2004
Congrats Mugz, I read peoples first articles the other day (well a few people who I read regularly) it was so interesting to see how they started off. Its also amazing to see how people have progressed. I really enjoy your stuff Mugz, and I look forward to another 250!
on Jul 24, 2004
I'm new here, but loving your entries!
Keep it up!
on Jul 25, 2004
super effort, that, muggy

mig XX
on Jul 31, 2004
Nicky G is most certainly a champion! She is a tower of strength and a strong support. As are you.