It happens every now and then - you see something on the forums, and you quickly think to yourself...
"Why the devil am I here? Why do I share my thoughts and feelings amongst utter morons?"
I had the feeling last night, and I am sure many of you have at one time or another, asked yourself the same question.
For some people, the answers to those questions point to far to the dark side... the cons out wiegh the pro's... so, they quit.
For me, I dont have to think about it for to long - I just think about the Magical Schoolbus.
When blogging, I know I am in an environment of people I would never socialise with on a daily basis, if at all. These people come from so many different walks of life, and live in different environments. We also come across people we hold dearly as friends, who share many similar inteterests and ideas... from all over the world in varying demographics.
All of these people ride the Magical Schoolbus, I love riding the bus with my friends.
Some people, you just can't get along with. I deal with this by not taking anything personally... I can still respect someone as long as they pay the obvious respect in return.
They need to catch the bus as well!
It takes a while to learn where everyone is coming from in a Net community, no one denies an inevitable degree of hostility when opinionated and sometimes stupid people clash.
JU's greatest strength is a sense of perspective. From any side of any argument, you can always count on a rational and responsible comment. Unfortunately, threads can be littred with vitriolic crap written in the haste of an emotional feeling.
There are always some bullies on the bus... as well as disrespectful doofus'... if it gets too much, they will be booted of the bus, usually the voice of reason prevails... Everyone respects the bus drivers...
Blogging is a Magical Schoolbus... for me, it's a vehicle for humor, releif, insight, and education. I have a lot of reasons to come here, and alot of people come for the very same reasons... You have to respect those reasons... The Magical Schoolbus has kiddies from all walks of life!
Just try and enjoy the ride!