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Muggaz Adventures
A day to day acount of the whacky and wonderful world of Muggaz - i tend to be having too much fun these days, and often cannot remember moments due to debauchery - its time the internet repayed my loyalty by recording my antics.
Dont lose faith.
In ourselves and eash other - listen to the sage.
Published on July 11, 2004 By
As prisoner's of society, we witness greivances as misfrtunes on a daily basis... a broken home, an ignorant acquintance or an offensive blogger. Some people crumble under the pressure, become jaded and closed... un-able to understand perspective or consequences, no consideration for future events, and a hostile train of thought.
Some choose to learn from afflictiions, greivances, and carry what they know to everyone else, the ancient Chinese referred to these people as the 'Sage' The Sage dont know everything about the way, but they know what they have learnt, and with this knowlege, and spirit, they hope to help those searching for the way along the right path... to overcome any affliction with a head held high.
The Sage knows that grief in this world is un-avoidable. This does not mean he embraces the grief - their is a time to reflect, but we dont need to embrace the grief to remember and learn, and hopefully teach. I was fortunate enough to learn about the Sage through my dear friend Mignuna.
We had been speaking about something, and she bestowed the greatest compliment I have received in my short life - she said I was a modern day Sage. I didn't know what this mean't, so I did some research into the Tao, an ancient Chinese Philosophy - and I learnt that to be compared to a sage is a great compliment indeed.
Ever since that day, I have embraced the label 'Sage' The Sage is always learning, and always teaching... He isn't always a great teacher personally, but he inspires thought and reflection from within, and for those that pay heed to advice, they will be following 'the way.' If i can display a few Sage like qualities, I believe I will live a fulfilled and happy life.
This weekend, I have been very busy in my work... not just this weekend - i try to factor it into my everyday life... It's just that this weekend I have spoken to two different people who have so much hatred for someone that they wish death upon them - one was in person after my cousins 21st b'day, and the other was by email, on both occasions, the hatred seemed genuine.
The first person was a border that my auntie has taken in because she comes from a troubled home... she is only 17, but even for a 17 year old, she was very naive. A broken home, and a very, very bad relationship. She touched my heart with her openness and trust with me. Unfortunately, she trusts all too easily, and she has been taken advantage of all too often. She has no role models, no one she feels comfortable with asking advice, she only needed a little direction. The poor girl was so naive she thought I was her savior, well, I am pretty good, but she was throwing herself at me... so under normal circumstances, being a sage has many untold benefits! Alas - these weren't normal circumstances! It is her responsibility to heed my advice... to learn from the tales of my experience, and the pain from hers. I think she will be ok - thanks to my auntie and uncle... a couple of modern day Sages.
The second is a person I hold very dear to my heart. Also a beautiful young girl. She belongs to a minority group in California, and sometimes is subject to bouts of prejudice. I know she is wise beyond her years, and has successfully been able to disregard flippant remarks from ignorant people. Unfortunately for this girl, there is one particular insolent person that has inspired so much hatred, that a beautiful and peaceful heart has been corrupted with wishes of pain. I too have had this intense hatred for people who dont understand my way of thinking, or when I have misunderstood them. I have certainly wished a painful death upon some. When I learnt about the The Tao
I learnt to evict all hatred from my heart, as it only eats you up inside. The ignorant aren't so because they choose to be, they are ignorant because no one has taken the responsibility to endure and teach... the enlightened must share with the misinformed... feelings of hatred aren't the path to enlightnement, we must reflect, understand, and advance. I know this young lady will understand this is the way, and she will be happier for it.
Last night, I have also seen two sisters who practically killed each other in their youth share a loving and genuine embrace... years of trouble, torment, and greivance under the water, all forgiven with some moving words. I have seen my frail Nana hold her great grand daughter for the first time, and break out in tears after so much pain throughout her life time - these were tears of joy.
I have also seen countless articles on these forums that inspire negativity and dont allow for positive growth... I am quite possibly a crack pot hippy... but does it take a 22 year old wanna be Sage to let people from all ages and walks of life realise that hostility is not the way?
I try to advocate civility, and patience. It's hard to be a Sage when you are opinionated like me - I am learning though. There are also many other Sage's out there, who have learnt the way from mentors of the past, I am learning the way from these other Sage's in my environment. The only thing it takes to be a Sage is a good heart, and perceptive ability.
When we lose faith in ourselves, we lose faith in humanity. Hatred is the path to the darkside, and you could be lost to the way, forever. Never underestimate your part to play in the great boardgame that is life.
A good person is a bad person's teacher. A bad person is a good person's work.
It is a grave mistake to disrespect your teacher. It is a grave mistake not to love your work.
-Lao Tzu
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Comments (Page 1)
2 Pages
Sally jacobs
on Jul 11, 2004
Mugz, one thing I will say is you are wise beyond your years, there are lots of things I respect about you and I guess that article pretty much sums all them things up. Hate is all to easy an emotion to let it take you over, the bigger perosn looks past that hate and lets themselves grow from it. Hate is truely a good way to vent emotion, but it isn't productive, it will just eventually make you a person, you yourself grow to hate. Life can corrupt you on the way, your job is not to let it. Smile in the fave of adversity, for no reaction means they lose. Willing to learn and willing to teach *sigh* you are wise beyond your years Mugz. Them two sisters, they're the moments we live to see I think, because love is such a stronger emotion! I'm waffling as usual...loved this article though!
on Jul 11, 2004
After reading that article, I can see why Mig would say that about you. Keep up the good work, Muggaz!
on Jul 11, 2004
Awww shucks guys... *Blush*
Sally, the two sisters were my cousins... they have had moments of uter contempt for each other at points in their lives - to see them embrace, the room was overcome with hapiness and it led to a really great night - you have a sister as well, So i am sure this inspired hope, no matter what happens with her... As long as you have that faith in yourself, and your sister, everything will always work out for the best! You are also wise! all on the JU forums can feel your positive energy! It's like a beacon for all to see! you inspire hapiness with your thoughtful and bubbly replies, your waffling makes us all laugh!!! Endearing qualities indeed.
Teresa - that was very nice of you to repeat the best compliment I have ever received! From what I have seen of your writing, you are quite the harbringer of peace also! Every little bit counts... making a person smile from across the globe is priceless...
on Jul 11, 2004
One of your best articles ever! I used to tell a person on here that they should read some Winnie The Pooh, lol. Have you read the Tao of Pooh?
I have a friend that writes somewhere else now and sometimes tells me to come into the light. I have a hard time giving up on joeuser though.
This is a good article for real life and a good article for blogging life.
Sally jacobs
on Jul 11, 2004
Muggaz thanks for them kind words, unfortunately me and my sister are beyond the point where we will be actual friends. I have two sisters, one I consider to be my best friend in the whole world, and who I know would do anything for me, as I would do for her. The other I would also do anything for, but them feelings are not returned, and the way I feel at the moment I'd prefer it if she wasn't in my life, harsh words I know, I don't hate her, I just pity her, for her actions will catch up with her sooner or later and only then will she realise how much she has lost.
Anyway enough of that, I'm glad my waffling is appreciated, I don't think i would be me if I didn't ramble slightly! You really made me smile, i needed that today, thank you Mugz *hugz*
on Jul 11, 2004
So, i i cant come to an understanding with these folks, i just write em off, not wish them dead. That kind of hatred only hurts the hater, because the object of that hatred probably doesnt give a damn that you hate them anyway.
For someone who has seen as much as you have, without any help from anyone... I can understand why you would have this attitude... You might not be able to come to an understanding with them, but writing someone off is a total display of self dis-respect. I would hope someone with your life experience would have more of an inclination to help, understand, and teach...
I hold nothing against you for it, but hopefully you hold noting against me
When i meet someone i find that ignorant, the urge i have is to educate them, enlighten them, try to get them to understand me, so i can understand them
It seems as though we suffer from the same affliction at times... I am young and fresh though, I still have faith in the world, and the hope to endure, Please try and feel that hope, JU is a great place to see it in all it's glory... the amount of sincere compassion in this place is astounding, If you tell me you write theses people of, you have no faith in humanity, which means you have no faith in anyone... including yourself.
I know you didn't just say that LW!
No one said enlightnement and understanding was going to be easy - you are an icon for all who desire hope though, a true inspiration.
Wisefawn - I have written many an article, so that would probably rank in the top 100 compiments I have ever received
, thanks so much for that! I am glad you haven't given up hope on JU! you are a great character to have around here! always learning and teaching as you go along! I will have to check this Tao of Pooh stuff out! thanks for that!
on Jul 11, 2004
Very uplifting article, muggaz. It is easy to see why you are a favorite around here. Nice work.
CS Guy
on Jul 11, 2004
Good stuff, Mug. I would have to agree with Mig's assessment of you.
on Jul 11, 2004
From what I have seen of your writing, you are quite the harbringer of peace also! Every little bit counts... making a person smile from across the globe is priceless...
I agree...and you just did it here! Thanks!!
on Jul 11, 2004
Very uplifting article, muggaz
Wow - I am glad it had that effect... You guys are all so kind with your comments... I just need to grow a long beard and a moustache with a long fringe... aka - wise old kung fu master in Kill Bill 2!
Thanks for your comments guys!
on Jul 11, 2004
I think your outlook is admirable, Muggaz. In reality, though, aggression and hatred are natural aspects of life, I know you understand that. I think as participants in nature we have to recognize that we aren't going to be separate from it. The more our self-image denies our natural predispositions the more unrealistic it is.
Not that we can't rise above it, I just think that assuming we are already above it places us in a dire position when left to deal with those who would rather not be. You may not be willing to accept aggression and hate as tools, but you will always have to face those that do.
That's why I think the overal view of the US now is unfortunate. Nations that are unwilling to soil themselves rely on us to, then spit on us for doing it. Australia takes the same flack. Do you really think the opinion of the Hague, for instance, will stop anyone capable of atrocity? Nah, but they pretend that somehow they stand in authority over those who accept no such authority.
I appreciate you and your views, no matter how often I post against them. I think you focus on the positive so much that many of your peers think you don't accept the reality of the negative. It is admirable. I wish they could have the same balance you do, though.
on Jul 11, 2004
Wow Baker, that made the alltime compliments list as well... thanks so much.
My philosophical, political, and personal development over the last few months has been nothing short of amazing, and I have JU to thank for the development of my sense of perspective - you have played an integral role in that development, and I cant thank you enough.
We all know the brash, cocky arrogance that was Muggaz when he was first introduced to JU, but hopefully I have shown all involved that my desire for education and perspective is second to none...
That's why I think the overal view of the US now is unfortunate. Nations that are unwilling to soil themselves rely on us to, then spit on us for doing it. Australia takes the same flack. Do you really think the opinion of the Hague, for instance, will stop anyone capable of atrocity? Nah, but they pretend that somehow they stand in authority over those who accept no such authority.
We had a conversation at home last Friday evening on this very perspective of the US - they are damned if they do, and damned if they dont. We must make the best of a bad situation, learn from mistakes, and attempt to work together.
We all know the dark side of human nature exists... like I have said, there is no need to embrace it though, and we need those that have the ability to rise above it, to advocate such thought, and positive energy... It takes a strong person to stand tall in the face of slander and abuse, hopefully, together, that strength can be found from within all of us.
on Jul 11, 2004
That was a beautiful article. It made me think twice about the situation that I told you about. I just realized how much I was to blame for letting that get to me. Once again your my stud! your wonderful and I can see how she would give u that compliment. Your awesome mugz...
on Jul 12, 2004
Thanks for the inspiring article.... It kind of reminds me to turn the other cheek.....
Very awesome...
on Jul 12, 2004
oh, muggaz, you make me smile. this is a great article, i admire your spirit in writing it, and i admire
, muggy.
"I am quite possibly a crack pot hippy... "
nothing wrong with
sweet pea, nothing wrong with that
at all
mig XX
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