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Muggaz Adventures
A day to day acount of the whacky and wonderful world of Muggaz - i tend to be having too much fun these days, and often cannot remember moments due to debauchery - its time the internet repayed my loyalty by recording my antics.
Getting one over Big Brother
'I have a dick'
Published on June 15, 2004 By
I have had an entertaining last few days indeed. I was feeling quite blue over the early stages of the weekend, which was crap, but I can’t go around being happy all the time, we all know it’s just not possible! So it’s good to have little downers every now and then… I was lifted out of mine quite well… We had a public holiday to celebrate the Queens birthday on Monday, and the day of was welcomed – I went to the footy with some mates and my brother, and My team won, so that automatically lifted my spirits!!!
Last night I went to dinner with my friend Anna… She lives across the road for my mum, and is something of a paradox in my mind… she doesn’t make sense… she is 20 years old, really attractive, and also extremely smart, and a girl!!! I mean, based on recent experiences, she epitomises the word ‘paradox!’ We have both come to the agreement that should we be single when we are 30, we are going to get married… that wouldn’t be bad I suppose, but she is kinda like a sister, so it would be weird
She is one of my only female friends who I really enjoy talking sociology with, granted, she is probably the only one I have deemed worthy to bust the topic on… none the less, I had a lot of fun talking about the big issues… neither of us appreciate small talk!!! She is majoring in Psychology and Literature, so we always have something to say to each other! I have been an a$$hat and neglected her a bit as a friend since I moved away from my mums house, but after last night, I have realised how much of a mistake that is, and I will be making a concerted effort to make sure Anna is a friend for life
I got home fairly early and just played some chess with Linas… Pete and Vlat came over, and then the fun began. I am not sure how many of you know about the TV series ‘Big Brother’ It’s basically a reality TV program where a bunch of dudes and chicks are lumped together in a house for the general publics enjoyment, and this series has been quite enjoying indeed!!!
They had a ‘thing’ called Miriam enter the house – I say ‘thing’ because Miriam was born a man, but she is a chick (still with package included though)… and a really hot one as well… I mean, she is so outrageously hot; it’s somewhat unsettling to a red blooded male to see how hot she is… I tried to find some pictures on the net, but I don’t have time at the minute… just take my word for it… Anywho… I was extremely impressed by this ‘Miriam’ character… She/He/It is only 21 years old, and really comfortable as a person. I imagine being a transgender would be really quite character building, and she seemed really genuinely nice as well, however, she was still the butt of our jokes, and if you find most males immature and repulsive… stop reading now
We were mucking around, as guys do, and we were just envisaging scenarios where Miriam would meet dudes, and just say ‘I have a Dick’ It’s hard to write about, but imagine if you were just talking about random events, issues, whatever, and then someone says “I have a dick!” I guess you had to be there, but we were all in stitches… last night was one of those nights where you laugh so much your stomach hurts afterwards…
We were watching ‘big brother up late’ that’s basically where some absolute yeti is just talking crap, whilst the housemates are all sleeping… This dude reads emails out from the people watching, so we had a novel idea. They mustn’t have much of a screening process, because we sent an email in, and all it said was “I have a Dick” and he went to start reading however, stopped just on the “D” and said he cant read anymore!!! You cant imagine how much we were laughing in my lounge room… our stupid little joke had almost made it on national TV… that wasn’t the end of it though…
We started sending more elaborate emails, seeing if we could bust ‘I have a Dick’ in a flowing sentence, however, our original haste had back fired, as we noticed he was now highlighting the emails and reading over them before he read them aloud!!! They then have this word puzzle thing, and if we weren’t going to get our email read, we all entered the competition, and hopes that he called one of us back… he didn’t
Damn we are a bunch of idiots
Tonight, I will be going for a swim, and going to sleep at 9.30pm… our little antics last night had me awake till 2.00am!!! I just hope today doesn’t go too slow!!!
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Self Loathing and Doubt.
on Jun 16, 2004
Nice to see that fart and dick humour is alive and well in the Southern Hemisphere!
-- B (I have a Dick!)
on Jun 16, 2004
on Jun 16, 2004
LoL, funny stuff. Poor guy was prolly ready to bust a gut himself once he realized what you guys were doing, but had to keep a straight face!
Yeah - we automatically felt sorry for the dudes that were supposed to be screening the emails... he probably went nuts at them on the add break... and whats worse is the fact this guy is an absolute wanker... it would make a lot of people happy if he made a fool of himself on national TV!!!
Froggy... you have no Idea how funny that is... by the way... J.I.H.A.D. is not some call to holy war - it is "Join I have a Dick!!!"
Yes... we are still idiots!!!
on Jun 16, 2004
I knew the I.H.A.D - but I couldn't for the life of me think of what J meant ----- dah.
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