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A day to day acount of the whacky and wonderful world of Muggaz - i tend to be having too much fun these days, and often cannot remember moments due to debauchery - its time the internet repayed my loyalty by recording my antics.
Cock Blockers
The Workings of the Farm!!!
Published on May 30, 2004 By
Personal Relationships
Cock - (kok)
1. noun.
A) An adult male chicken; a rooster.
An adult male of various other birds.
Cocks don’t really have much use to the everyday person except for getting chick’s pregnant, hence creating eggs, or waking people up in the morning with their sunshine songs. This is a small piece on cock blockers – who are also cocks, but more so cocks than other cocks.
There is one particularly fine chicky commanding the attention of a certain cock, she is pretty funny, outrageously good looking, and she has a nice heart – well, as far as this cock can tell anyway. This particular cock has decided that he shall do what he has been put on this earth to do – and woo said chicky. Cock blockers are making this extremely difficult.
A cock blocker is someone who realises, that as a cock, they are somewhat inadequate, so when they see other advantageously equipped cocks making their moves, and obviously impressing said chicky, they do all within their power to block the other cocks. This may range from spoiling chicky with gifts, or simply never letting her out of your sight – if chicky displays signs of enjoyment with another cock – it is imperative to interrupt chicky and other cock, so nothing can amount from the situation.
Little does the cock-blocker know that this is working in the cocks favour! By spoiling the chicky with attention, gifts – and in particularly smothering them, the chicky is literally getting bored to death. If the cock plays his cards right, and let’s himself get blocked (without letting the situation get out of control), the cock blockers inadequacies will come to fruition for the chicky, and nature’s course of chicky coming to the other cock because she has been impressed by him shall occur.
You can’t really blame the cock blockers for acting the way they do – as a general rule, they simply don’t know any better. It is their right as cocks to cock block as much as they see fit – however, as soon as they realise they have no chance, and that desired chicky obviously has fun with other cock, they should respectfully lay down for the evidently more desirable cock, as mentioned before, the more a cock blocker tries, the more his inadequacies are on display for the chicky to see and disapprove of.
Alternatively - The chicky could admire these traits of weakness displayed by the cock blocker, using her typical manipulative character traits possessed by all chickies! – In which case, she needs to be blocked from this cock!
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on May 30, 2004
very insightful, another cock has explained this 'cock blocking' to me as well, very interesting how males work.
on May 31, 2004
Hah! And I thought "cock-blocking" was a term that was only used in the states. It's funny, I've seen my single friends do this to each other all the time, and it makes me laugh and be thankful that I am married and don't have to worry about blokes cock-blocking me from my woman.
-- B
on May 31, 2004
i think the term was derived from an old pimp strategy as described by the vernerable old mackeral man, iceberg slim (robert beck) , thusly: the first rule of a successful pimp is cop and lock but to ensure long-term success one needs to cop, block and lock.
on May 31, 2004
Hence my awareness and skill at cock blocking!
although - you have to know when to lie down bro...
on May 31, 2004
using her typical
manipulative character traits
possessed by all chickies!
now THAT was a very naughty thing to say ! ... and rather mean spirited of you, pet ... considering that the subject of your article is basically how to "manipulate" chickies.
on behalf of the ahem "chickies" of the world (or, rather, i speak for the
scraggly old hens
of the world when i say): i must be getting very old, muggie, precious. if somebody referred to me as a "chickie", i'd belt them with my handbag.
this article, and the comments, made me look at phil and say "tell me i'll never be
out there
again ?". (but he just said "aha ! ... insecurity ... i want more lamb chops and i will be happy").
men. whatever. i give up
mig XX
on May 31, 2004
typical manipulative character traits
note the word typical - not essential
Sally jacobs
on May 31, 2004
It was naughty to get 'typical manipulaitive character traits' in there, but true I guess! Nice article, though I hate that people view the art of mating as some sort of game, I know that's how it is, but it would just be nice if we could all be straight and honest with each other, instead of behaving like....cocks?
on May 31, 2004
but it would just be nice if we could all be straight and honest with each other, instead of behaving like....cocks?
I couldn't agree more young lady! hehe... Though when a guy is straight and honest with a girl, she most usually gets scared and runs and hides! hide and go seek is a....game?
Sally jacobs
on May 31, 2004
Hide and seek can be a fun game when played the right way, hehe! That may happen when you are straight and honest with a girl, but I find it happens with men to. Ooooh you can't be to full on, play hard to get, grrrr! What ever happened to girl likes boy, boy likes girl, and they live happily ever after, nothing is simple!
on Jun 01, 2004
Muggaz You are too funny! Great article!
on Nov 04, 2004
Cock Blockers should be stopped. Do your part to fight cock blocking by visiting this website and sending a free Cock Block Award:
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