A day to day acount of the whacky and wonderful world of Muggaz - i tend to be having too much fun these days, and often cannot remember moments due to debauchery - its time the internet repayed my loyalty by recording my antics.
What is stopping me?
Published on May 27, 2004 By Muggaz In Just Hanging Out
I just went and saw a documentary entitled Warren Millers Journey. I am not sure if any of you guys would have heard of him, but he has been around for a while, and is somewhat a pioneer in the Ski industry.

I have never been affected by a docco so much in my whole life.

It's approaching Winter in Australia, which means ski season. We dont get the best snow in Australia, actually, calling it snow would be a compliment, it is probably more sleet than anything else - but that doesn't stop me from loving it.

I went snowboarding for the first time in my entire life in August last year, and I had the time of my life. There is something about being on a snowboard, and being immersed in breathtaking surroundings of thousand feet tall mountains. I got to experience that again tonight, if only through a camera lense, alas - it still had the same profound affect on me.

I have spent the last 20 or so minutes figuring out why I dont just quite my job, escape the rat race, and go work on the mountains.

It's hard for me to articulate how i feel through words right now, but I will try - and hopefully writing this down will assist to work through my issues!

I have absolutely no desire for material possesions at the moment. I want life experience. I want to meet new people, I want to try new things, and most of all, I want to test myself. I find myself asking - getting up at work at 6.30am every morning, being first in the office, and helping people throughout the day - is that what my life is about?

I absolutely love my job - however, at this point in time, I have sneaking suspisions that there are several jobs that I would love more. What is stopping me from taking the initiative to find out what the world has to offer?

Is job security that important to me? No, it certainly isn't. I am one of those people that adapts to any situation, and can develop and impress with new skills - learnt literally over night, so I am confident in my ability to learn, and exel - so it's not that.

Am I scared to challenge myself on a mountain? No.

Am I the type of person that just up and leaves my friends and family for selfish desires? No, thats not me at all - and I think that is what is keeping me here in sunny Melbourne.

That is looking awfully like a cop out though - would my friend's and family notice if I was gone? would it really impact their life that much? after all, I would only be a phone call away right?

There was a scene in in Anchorage, Alaska - with three mates carving up a mountain in the morning, and fishing for King Salmon, drinking beer in the afternoon - isn't that what life is supposed to be about?

I am still very young - I have plenty of time to decide which path in life will be the right one for me! It's just good to know that I dont care about who has the nicest car, the biggest house, or the most money. Whilst this movie has made me question my position and who I am right now, it has helped me find answers that I wasn't so sure about earlier.

I know I will rack off overseas soon enough, and go with the flow. I just know the time right now isn't right - and my lifestyle isn't exactly what i would call the Rat Race - I still know how to have fun, in fact, I would say I have my masters degree in that field!

It's just important that I stay grounded, without the ground consuming my soul. Working is fine - as long as you work for yourself, and not for the man. I still get enjoyment out of my work, knowing i have made a difference in someones day by helping them - and I suppose as soon as that fire dies, it will be time to light a new one.

I am glad I was able to question my motives. I am glad I am secure with who I am and what I do. Most of all, I am glad the slopes of Australia will be covered in snow in a matter of weeks!


on May 27, 2004
I'm so jealous, I have never ever been snowboarding or anything like that, considering England is so bloody cold, we have a serious lack of things like that. It does sound somewhat magical, and a change might be good, but the grass does seem to be always greener. You seem, from what I've read, to be pretty happy at the moment, and I would agree you have a masters degree in having fun hehe! Change is what takes us forward, but it is what's right for you I guess, Up until reading the end of that, i would of said, just do it, go, but it seems that's not what you want. Plus if you're traveling pretty soon, then you won't have that need for adventure, it would be already there. In other words, you're going to have adventure in whatever you do, because you are you, and life is what you make it, and you seem to make pretty damn good . Jeez I waffle. Sorry. Liked the article .
on May 27, 2004
For me heading off overseas was one of the best things I ever did (sadly longer ago than I care to admit), and judging by your writing you will just have a blast. There is a big wide beautiful world out there to experience and just think of the blogs you could write while you are there. But I do agree that you have to go when you are ready.
One thing though, you say:
Am I the type of person that just up and leaves my friends and family for selfish desires? No, thats not me at all - and I think that is what is keeping me here in sunny Melbourne.

They will still be there when you get back and you will be surprised how easy it is to slip back into the old lifestyle if you want to....some of them may even come over and visit you, all they need is an excuse to go and you may be it.
Man o man, I am soooooo jealous....meantime, hopefully it will be a good season this year.
on May 27, 2004
Go for it Muggaz. I know EXACTLY how you feel right now.

I have had it with the "rat race" myself. Back in my late teens (I won't divulge how long ago THAT was) I strapped on a backpack and spent a year and a half hiking around the country.

I am currently preparing to do the same thing, but for a much longer time period. Perhaps the rest of my life. I have been putting my pack and gear together for a month now and am just about fully equipped now. I expect to have the remaining gear and supplies together this weekend and will probably set out next week after tying up a few loose ends. (Like quitting my job)

The whole "civilized" society thing wears thin and life becomes about working to buy material crap yuo don't really need anyway. Soon, the only material things I will own will be strapped to my back and I will travel anywhere my feet can carry me whenever I feel like it.

Again, I say go for it. Life is meant for living.
on May 27, 2004

The whole "civilized" society thing wears thin and life becomes about working to buy material crap yuo don't really need anyway. Soon, the only material things I will own will be strapped to my back and I will travel anywhere my feet can carry me whenever I feel like it.

Turn on, tune in, and drop out, dude.

That's what I'm going to do.

Muggaz, do it while you're young....but go for it!  It sounds like a wonderful idea.

on May 27, 2004
""""I have absolutely no desire for material possesions at the moment. I want life experience. I want to meet new people, I want to try new things, and most of all, I want to test myself.""""

I want to test myself too. Just in case you didn't know, Mark, you are one amazine person. It's rare that I meet someone with so much...passion.

on May 27, 2004
on May 27, 2004
Awww Trin!!!

That was a nice thing you said about me! It's not the first time I have been called passionate! Passion can be quite a hindrance though you know! Although I wouldn't change for the world!

Guys, thanks for all your comments!!! I had a nice sleep last night, and thought it out... I do know I will find out what the world has to offer me in due time, and after accounts like your's Gerry, and the excitment of your forthcoming adventure Mason, I really dont understand how any one can be happy to stay home for their entire life!

The world is a big, and truely beautiful place - you can't judge from what you see on TV, and you really need to experience it for yourself.

Hehe... JU is full of awesome people!!!

on May 27, 2004

Muggaz, I can only say experience as much as you can before you settle down with a family of your own.  Sure, you can still travel once you have a family but it is much trickier.  Like Dharma said, do it while you're young.  You have all the physical benefits of youth and you don't have all of the responsibilities weighing you down.

Following selfish desires isn't neccessarily a bad thing.  If you don't, it might cause resentment in life later on. 

on May 27, 2004
Following selfish desires isn't neccessarily a bad thing.

This is very true. Someone once said to me there is good selfishness and bad selfishness.....what you are talking about definitely falls into the good selfishness category.
on May 27, 2004
what you are talking about definitely falls into the good selfishness category

Yes - I have also drawn this conclusion - but we must remember, I am a little aprahensive about leaving my friends and family, It's not solely based on thinking about how they would be If i left!

Personal development is important, but being with my friends and family, and just being the best friend/brother/son I can be is something that is also important to personal development!

Hehe... I am getting excited just thinking about the prospects of what my future holds!!!

on May 27, 2004
The future is a wonderful mystery filled with romance, adventure and endless dreams awaiting fulfillment.
on May 29, 2004
""""Passion can be quite a hindrance though you know! """"

How so? I've found passion to be quite liberating.

""""Although I wouldn't change for the world!""""

I thought you wanted to test yourself....hehehe....just kidd'n. None of us would change you for the world either!!! Well, there's always...well...you know...I'll go one blog without saying it. *winks*

""""The future is a wonderful mystery filled with romance, adventure and endless dreams awaiting fulfillment.""""

Awaiting fulfillment, eh? I like that quote...they're just out there waiting....that's a nice thought.


on May 31, 2004
I would Miss you Markus Graham