A day to day acount of the whacky and wonderful world of Muggaz - i tend to be having too much fun these days, and often cannot remember moments due to debauchery - its time the internet repayed my loyalty by recording my antics.
Sexual Fantasies!
Published on May 6, 2004 By Muggaz In Blogging
What is it that really makes you go weak at the knees when thinking about the opposite sex?

Females were put on this world, for me to admire and enjoy, I cannot fathom any other reason… yeah, procreation could be considered, but that is merely a side benefit of the enjoyment factor.

What is it about woman in uniform that really makes me go insane?

This is personal, and what I am about to tell you may ostracise me somewhat and have me classed as a sicko/pervert – but hey, I can deal with that.

School Uniforms. Any female I consider courting, very early in the conversation I enquire as to whether they still possess their school uniform. There is something about the tartan design that just drives me insane, and even when I am an old and grey man, I won’t need any Viagra to stimulate the sex drive if my lady has a school uniform!!!

I remember the girls at school, always complaining that their uniforms looked crap, weren’t cool, whatever, but you found no complaints from me or the other guys whatsoever. Summer or winter uniform, it got my rocks off. Our summer uniform was a light green and white dress… it looked fantastic… our winter one was a tartan green and black skirt, with a blouse and tie, and a green jumper… skirts were very easy to hike!

It’s funny, as I write this, I remember I was only with a few girls from my school, and the relationship never advanced to any serious physical activity… I had the pleasure of enjoying several school uniforms from Melbourne’s eastern suburbs!!!

Now, this is very wrong, but I am not going to lie to you – I catch the train to work in the morning simply because I get to look at school girls – now, I only look at the ones that ‘appear’ to be over 18, let me assure you, the younger ones *are* blocked from my vision – I don’t know, my retinal sensors black out with those younger chicks – just as well! It's an uncanny ability that i consider a blessing to keep me out of trouble!

Cheerleaders. I know, how painfully un-original… but there is certainly something about the way those uniforms accentuate the finer features of the female physique! They also do a lot of dancing, and dancing is something I find most sensual. Girls just know how to move their hips in the most provocative fashion, Cheerleaders especially!

When I was in a naughty adult shop in Canberra last year, I noticed a cheerleader’s uniform for sale, so I rest easily with the fact that it is not only I that suffer from these desires… Of course, not every girl was a cheer leader, so they don’t all possess a nice small, flattering little getup, but my lady can be sure, I will buy one for her! She can perform her own little Muggaz cheer and dance! And then we get it on!!!!

So Ladies, now you know my weaknesses… and they certainly are as much! Please don’t take advantage of me because you know this! I have told you in good faith – I really think you should tell me what pushes your buttons now! It’s only fair!

*No George Bush fantasies allowed!!!*


Comments (Page 2)
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on May 06, 2004

I thought this was a blog about women's fantasies?

Now that I've had a chance to cool off...my other 'thing' I guess is dudes bellies (I told about this on Ted's blog).  More specifically, the part right below the belly button, where some guys have a 'treasure trail' of hair leading down...yummy! Dave has a very, very nice belly....

..I need to go cool off again.

on May 06, 2004
I call it the snail trail...

does it matter if the belly is a slab? or a six pack??

on May 06, 2004

Doesn't matter too much.  If your gut is slapping your thighs then I'm not interested...but a little paunch doesn't bother me. Dave's belly does things to me... I just have the urge to reach out and lay my hand there...to kiss my way down the treasure trail...

..ask him, he'll tell.

on May 06, 2004
Muggaz, I'm relieved your article is trashier than mine.
on May 06, 2004
hmm...my weaknesses...

1. firefighters
2. bartenders
3. dark hair and blue eyes
4. irish accents
on May 06, 2004
Muggaz, I'm relieved your article is trashier than mine.

Way Trashier.

1. firefighters
2. bartenders
3. dark hair and blue eyes
4. irish accents

So an Irish firefighter with dark hair and blue eyes who knows how to pour a drink or two has your vote

on May 06, 2004
yea, but you could probably just say an Irish firefighter with dark hair and blue eyes--the drinks bit might be redundant

Funny guys are also really sexy.
on May 06, 2004
Now, if policewomen would just wear skirts.....

I'd be tryin' to get myself arrested on a daily basis!

But really, any woman in any uniform does it for me!

on May 06, 2004
Dharma I know exactly what you're saying about the "treasure trail" mmm
on May 06, 2004

Funny guys are also really sexy.

Ooooh, yeah.  You can be average looking, but if you have the ability to make me laugh...well, you suddenly become the hottest thing on 2 legs.  Intelligence is another one...I found myself being strangely attracted to Ben Stein at one point.

Long hair used to be one of my 'things' but I'm kind of over that now.  Nowadays it's more likely to be bald heads...totally bald.  Dudes, if you're losing it on top, just go the whole way and buzz it all off. 

on May 06, 2004

Dharma I know exactly what you're saying about the "treasure trail" mmm

Oh cool! I'm glad to know I'm not alone in my fetish!

on May 06, 2004
you suddenly become the hottest thing on 2 legs

Looks like I am set...

I can make a girl laugh easily, if not with me, then most certainly at me!!!

on May 07, 2004
i hear lynddie england is irresistable in uniform.
on May 07, 2004
Who is that?
on May 07, 2004
that cute little soldier-guard who can be seen doing kinky things with a leash in that prison in iraq
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