A day to day acount of the whacky and wonderful world of Muggaz - i tend to be having too much fun these days, and often cannot remember moments due to debauchery - its time the internet repayed my loyalty by recording my antics.
not feeling 100%
Published on May 5, 2004 By Muggaz In Just Hanging Out
I have been at home the last few days... haven't been weel enough to go to work.

A real bad flu has taken hold of me, and i have got to say, I really hate feeling like this. It was actually a new dude who started at my work on Monday - he came in with a bit of the sniffles... and by the end of Tuesday, i really did feel quite rank. It reminded me of NickyG's blog about people who go out when they are obviously sick. It really shits me... we wont hold anything against you for staying home of you are sick... heck, I implore you to do so.

So the last two days i have been playing Knights of the Old Republic on Xbox... it's probably the best RPG is have ever played... technology has come so far, back in the day when I used to play my Sega mastersystem, I would never have thought I could be a Jedi with a light sabre actually deflecting blaster shots... the game is truely amazing... Luckily my friend brought it to work on Tuesday, I imagine my last couple of days would have been quite boring without it!

I did get 12 hours sleep last night though, which was great... I probably could have gone to work today if i banged down a handful of Codral Cold and Flu tablets... Pseudoephedrine is great... hehe. I didn't go though because I actually have a black tie service recognition dinner in my honour tomorrow night. I am really looking forward to that, and hopefully I will be back to 100% so I can enjoy the night to it's full extent. I have another balck tie dinner next Wednesday night as well... I was on the team that submitted an entry to the Australian Customer Services awards, and we made the finals... tickets are $160, and work is paying for me, which they damn well should, because i put a lot of hard work into that sunmission! should be another good night...

Oh yeah - a big shout out goes to Sir Peter, I played your show for Linas, and he was most please with your rendition of 'Take My breath away' Anyone who has not downloaded the Sir Peter Maxwell Show, you dont know what you are missing out on.

I need to go drink some more Orange Juice...


Comments (Page 1)
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on May 06, 2004
Awww, poor Muggzy. Shoot the bastard. Get some rest, sleep it off, that's what usually works for me. Plenty of vitamine C too.
on May 06, 2004
Hey Mugz - this might sound nuts the the thing that helps me when I'm sick and for some reason I seem to get sick alot is a really hot steamy shower and a warm milo (or mocha milo & coffee) and vegemite toast - that's the key - I swear by vegemite toast!!! It's good for when you're feeling crap in the morning and peps you up for a dodgy day - I always feel like 200% better.

Go Vegemite mate!!
on May 06, 2004
Ack! Vegemite. I'm sorry, but you guys down there can keep that shit. I can't think of anything more disgusting than putting pureed vegetables on toast.

Excuse me while I wretch.

-- B
on May 06, 2004
Chese and Vegemite sandwiches rock my world...

i stay well away from milk trina - well, when i am sick... it creates too much phlegm... just OJ and cold and flu tabs for me!!!

on May 06, 2004
Awww, hope you're feeling better soon, colds suck! Cheese and vegemite sandwiches, ewww, that just sounds wrong!
on May 06, 2004
Hello Muggaz old chap

I am glad that Linas enjoyed the song, the show has been downloaded over 50'000 times so far.

Get well soon dear boy
on May 06, 2004

Nah, cheese and vegemite sarnies are awesome!

I hope you feel better soon....

on May 06, 2004
Sorry to hear you are sick Muggaz and congrats on making it to the finals !!

Sniffs the glass suspiciously ...whats in there besides juice hmmmm.

Vegemite ..best hangover cure there is

on May 06, 2004
Well,well, well......

.... I hope you get, Muggaz!

Dharmagrl..... yet another rung you climb on my RESPEK ladder....

There's throwback there somewhere with you..... someone, somewhere in your family has been Aussie-fied.

Vegemite is awesome!


on May 06, 2004

I'm about out, Wreckless, I'm going to have to go buy some more today.  Nothing like a cup of coffee and some vegemite on toast in the mornings. Gives me the caffiene and carbs I need to pull off a marathon swim.

I'm British, dude.  That's where I get the taste for vegemite from.  I was raised on Marmite, but I have to say that I prefer Vegemite now. 

on May 06, 2004
You guys are all sick! I asked about the components of it once before, and even without tasting, I don't think it's something for me.
Mug... get better! Miss you.
on May 06, 2004
Ack! Do you guys *see* what you're eating? Concentrated yeast extract. Bleagh. That sounds as appealing as eating dog shit on toast.

-- B
on May 06, 2004
It's the best stuff in the world!!!!!

and dah - sorry mugz - i stay away from milk when I'm sick too.

Better then vegemite & cheese - is TOASTED vegemite & cheese - zebras - and better then that is french toast with vegemite & melted cheese.
vegemite and lettuce is also good!!!!
on May 06, 2004
You guys are awesome...

I am back at work today... I think i got better because of all your kind words and wishes!!!!

Ready to crank it all again!!!

on May 06, 2004

Vegemite rules!!

That's all I have to say 'bout that.

P.S.  Glad you're feeling better, Muggaz.

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