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Muggaz Adventures
A day to day acount of the whacky and wonderful world of Muggaz - i tend to be having too much fun these days, and often cannot remember moments due to debauchery - its time the internet repayed my loyalty by recording my antics.
Muggaz' Easter Long Weekend Part II - The Reckoning
Published on April 12, 2004 By
Just Hanging Out
When I left you last we had just checked out Dream nightclub. A waste of my time. It was getting late (Early?) It was about 6.30ish am and the sun was making a showing, but we had all enjoyed too much Amphetamines and such, and we were also all very happy after seeing such a quality act. I knew Tim was at my place, and that Linas would be asleep, I also knew that there was a fair chance that those two got quite stoned playing computer games until some stupid hour, so Linas would be asleep like a baby, and Tim, well, he would be asleep on the couch, but it's my place, so he can freaken deal with it!
So, we all headed back to my place, and proceeded to play some X-Box and listen to tunez. It was so funny, I tried to wake Tim up and let him know there was about to be a room full of dudes, but it was like he was dreaming, and he wasn't acknowledging anything I said - so the look on his face when about 10 dudes rolled on in was one of utter surprise, it was priceless!!! not to worry, I packed him a cone straight away and we hooked him up with a little speed, so he was ready to mingle with the rest of us! If it were me, I would have gone and slept in my room, but Tim is my brother, and with that comes a certain responsibility to not be soft!!!
The morning after going out is always good fun. People are just wasted, and happy to chill and talk crap, both of which I am a formidable figure! It makes it about 10X more interesting when people still have contraband left over that they are willing to share... I stopped with the Amphetamines at about 9.30am though, I wanted to get some semblance of what I call sleep. Everyone left at about 10.00-10.30am anyway... I just chilled on the couch in a sort of half sleep, and then inspired myself to go to bed. Linas woke up shortly after, and told Tim that he didn't hear anything, which was awesome!
The day was made up of broken sleep... I did drill a few cones, because Tim was taking the Bill with him back to his place... so they helped kind of. I got up from Bed at some stage late afternoon, and just chilled. I didn't have any plans at all, and I was happy to keep it that way - but it was Saturday night, and I felt a little on edge and needed to go out! I got a message from my friend Liz, and they were having a few drinks at their house in Box Hill. I am really glad I went, because I had a lot of fun! A couple of long neck stubbies would do me the trick after last nights activities. The beer actually went down quite well! I love hangin' with those guys. Andy Mack was there (as mentioned in Part I - Contentment) Damien, Dave, Liz, Kath, Lee, Mel and some other grouchy sister of Liz and Dave's... Andy and Damien are actually Homo's, but they are really awesome people, and it's guys like them that make me detest guys like Marvin Cooley, because I can categorically say that even though I have never met the dude, my friends are much better people.
We played some drunken' backyard soccer, and that was interesting to say the least! My jeans were dirty and my legs were sore afterwards, but it was great fun!!! So taxing on the energy! After that we continued to drink more and just talk about music and other stuff... Liz was being weird... I think I am what I like to call an intellectual whore. I was drunk one night and once told her that I had considered asking her out, I wouldn't entertain the thought now, and she is actually with one of my mates at the moment - long story. Anyway, when she needs confidence, she will usually call me up, and invite me round or whatever... To be 100% truthful, I think she is keeping me on a string... She tries her heart out to flirt with me, and who can blame her
I basically wasn't up for it though, and spent most of my night fraternising with Dave... I did see it made her angry when I wouldn't let sit on my lap, but when it comes to chicks trying to flirt with me when they have a bf who I consider to be a top bloke, that isn't on.
The Manchester vs.Birmingham game was actually on TV - so we quite happily watched that whilst I filled those present in on the intricacies of British Soccer. I don't know what it is, but it seems to be that most Australian's cannot fathom the concept of one team playing in separate competitions/leagues/cups, and because I actually do know what is going on, I often find myself explaining these little details, and I don't have a problem with it - it actually usually raises my stature within a group! They all think I should be a football pundit, and that is something I do harbour mild desires for, but I will cross that bridge when I come to it!
The night was closed after watching several episodes of Sex in the City - friends, if you can avoid watching this show with two homos and a chick, in fact, if you can avoid it all together, I recommend it!
I set my alarm for 10.45am Easter Sunday. Tony called me earlier in the week and said they will be having lunch at hoe and to be there at 12.00pm. So I drove to Camberwell to get my coffee and then to Box Hill to pick up Tim. Tim had just gotten out of Bed when I got there. I actually checked JU out from there, and may have left a few quips here or there, but he wasn't even close to ready, and we didn't even leave his house till 12.30pm. To make it even more laughable, Mum and Tony weren't even at home when we got there at 12.40pm!!!! I rang them, and they were only 5 minutes away, but they told me 12.00, so I was mad.. I could have got another 20 minutes of sleep, and that is priceless!!!
Danielle came over, and she had plenty of stories to tell us from Port Douglas... Rob came back and went pretty much straight to Germany for his convention. Danielle is really starting to show now, Its only like 5-6 weeks till she is due!!! its so exciting! I have never been an uncle before! We had a BBQ for lunch, and I ate heaps. Mum also prepared a couple of Orange Cheesecakes... for you gourmet chefs, or even you gourmet eaters, I will have to post the recipe here, it is by far my most favourite food/snack/beverage/desert. The afternoon was spent watching the football (Australian) and just catching up on stuff. It was good that Danielle was there, because she keeps Mum busy and she doesn't annoy me or Tim. The Easter bunny also came to visit us, Mum just said he forgot that we moved out!
As we were leaving, I distracted Mum to go and look for something in my old room, whilst this was taking place, Tim went stealth mission stylez to the fridge and stole the remainder of the cheesecake! This enabled us to enjoy more football (Melbourne vs. Western Bulldogs) which of course the Demons won!!! yay! Melbourne are sitting fifth on the ladder, and the season looks exciting!
By the time I got back home, it was pretty late 11.00pm and I was way too stoned. I just passed out on the couch. Linas woke me up not long after as he was coming home from a friends place... We chilled and chatted for a bit, but I was in bed relatively early.
When I woke up yesterday Vlat was over telling us about one of his conquests. It was awesome to see him with a smile on his face, because he was screwed over by his last gf, and he really loved her. I just hope he doesn't make the same mistake with this other chick. She is a young girl, and we all know how bloomin' flippant they can be, but I think he knows the score. Rezo came over, and then Eoin, just basically chillin with the boys.
I suppose the next thing to look forward to as far as events go are Eoin's house party on Friday week. From now until then, I will take it as it comes, I do admit I hope something exciting happens in between, it's not looking too promising in the interim, but I have me health, and my spirit is certainly ubiquitous! Bring it on I say.
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Self Loathing and Doubt.
on Apr 13, 2004
I actually read both parts. I must be nuts. ManU vs Birmingham was crap. One of these days there'll be a tv flying out of my window. So you've survived Easter, well done
on Apr 13, 2004
Was there ever any question that i wouldn't survive?
Can you be honest dude - I thank you for reading the whole thing, it means alot to me, but did you find it laborious and get bored at any point? does my writing flow, can you offer any critiques? I know it's a pain in the bottom to read such massive blog's, especially when you dont have all the time in the world - i just would like to know if you find it easy to read through - and you are just a normal dude, not a pedantic anal retentive gramma yeti, and your opinion counts more than the perfectionists ever would.
As for Man U vs. Birmingham - Saha wasn't really encouraging at all, I tell you what though, provided he doesn't burn out, Christiano Ronaldo is a very, very good buy at such a young age - the goal he scored was fantastic, and Man U looked the better team as soon as he got on the pitch.
on Apr 13, 2004
To make it even more laughable, Mum and Tony weren't even at home when we got there at 12.40pm!!!! I rang them, and they were only 5 minutes away, but they told me 12.00, so I was mad.. I could have got another 20 minutes of sleep, and that is priceless!!!
Sleep is priceless when you've had an extremely busy night. I am always on time for everything... that's just how I am, but it drives me when someone cannot be bothered to put in the same effort it took me to show up. And sometimes that's a
of effort.
Good to hear that your weekend went well.
on Apr 13, 2004
Small world Muggaz......
One place mentioned above (Box Hill) is one of my old stomping grounds (grew up in the next suburb), and Cairns/Port Douglas is my new one.
Got out of Vic when Kennett released those "Victoria... on the move" number plates.
I thought... "what a great idea"..... and left. That was nine years ago. Still miss it down there sometimes (but not the traffic).
Follow the soccer too... Newcastle United. I'd die without my satellite telly, watch most of the games regardless who is playing. Love it.
on Apr 13, 2004
Muggzy, it flows well, didn't find it labourious at all, but then again, I'm biased, I actually give a shit about things that go on in your life, lol
Sir Peter Maxwell
on Apr 14, 2004
It was a good read Muggaz, and this is coming from a man who can only usually bear to read his own articles. Keep up the good work old boy.
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