A day to day acount of the whacky and wonderful world of Muggaz - i tend to be having too much fun these days, and often cannot remember moments due to debauchery - its time the internet repayed my loyalty by recording my antics.
Welcome to the competative world of Joe User
Published on February 11, 2004 By Muggaz In Blogging
Personally, i dont use the trolling feature... i dont like to put other people down... if they are idiots, they wont get up in the ranks...

Now, i recently reached top 10... no mean feat, i know... but it is still somewhat of an acheivment, it means i am cool amongst bloggers.

I suppose someone has a gripe against me hardcore to the max - they must be dead set losers to go through all my blog and say i am trolling to dock me points, because i lost over 800 points in the space of 3 hours... omfg losers.

I have nothing against you personally whoever did it, or whether it was a consortium of people... but you really need to get a life, and focus on your writing attracting an audience, rather than bringing other people down.

I have built my bridge, and i am over it... i just thought that a forum would be a place you could go to escape the haters of this world...

Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 11, 2004
I feel for you Muggaz... i'm trying to work my way into the top ten as well, and i'm not gonna stop Bloggin until i make it. Losing 800 pts in a day would suck royally, and i agree with you that the perps should be ashamed of themselves.

I agree with ya.. i don't use or believe in the trolling feature, and will never use it...

on Feb 11, 2004
I don't recall ever using the trolling feature, but I am considering it. I've used the other one, but only when something specific has actually made me go 'oh yeah!!!' in either utter disbelief, agreement or disagreement. I think the trolling feature is useful for those few jerks who just feel the need to comment either to earn points or give pain on purpose.
The point system is interesting. I don't have any extreme goals in regards to achieving a certain level; but hell, it's there. I can't help but notice what articles do best. Ultimately, I just like writing, period. Opinions are good as they add to the 'conversation', but the point system can detract from a person's initial interest of putting words down in the name of self-expression.
on Feb 11, 2004
Someone great once said "Trolling is as trolling does." - I think it was Bill Gates.
on Feb 11, 2004
I remember an event in the early days of Joe User when my points plummeted into negative territory. It was like - 10,000 I suspected one Brad Allan of anointing me with copious troll citations, it was a simple investigation, he was involved in my last post before the drop, therefore I indicted him, then I tried and sentenced him, all in the frame of three minutes. I repeatedly zapped the suspected offender Brad Allen with massive doses of troll citations, he plummeted into negative territory with me, and I have never used the button other than that time.
on Feb 11, 2004
Its a good feature to have, thats for sure, and i am positive i would have said something to make a few people angry, but some mofo has taken the time to go through all my crap and deduct 800!!!!!!

I wonder if the powers that be would take the liberty to investigate for me...

Thanks for your comments.
on Feb 11, 2004
I know some people in India that charge $0.07 per hour to click Insightful/Submit for you. We will get you into the top 10 no time. I require a pre-payment of $1000. Please send to...
on Feb 11, 2004
That is crap Muggaz!! I can't believe that. I didn't even know what the word "trolling" meant. Haha, now I guess I can get back at my enemies. hehehehe. Just playing. I'm in agreement with everyone, THAT IS WRONG!!

on Feb 11, 2004
Poet : I have some chinese kids that do the same for $0.06, and they can also write a comment:

"Your words are my words, I believe in you greatness, master ...." for an extra $0.02.

It's a new web site, google "Top10Joeuser.com",
on Feb 11, 2004
I have checked the website, the owner is ...
Brad Wardell
on Feb 11, 2004
I am one that has never taken points from anyone....yet I do give points for insightful or interesting articles. I really don't keep track of my points but would notice if I dropped all of the sudden.
on Feb 11, 2004
That happened to me as well. You shouldn't go trying to bring down the points of those who are suspects though, because Brad will correct it (that's why I'm no longer in rank 2000 something), but if you abuse the trolling thing too, that'll just make you an abuser of the system as well.
on Feb 11, 2004
Muggaz, just read your comment on that other article. Emerill Legassi is a famous chef with a cooking show. Every time he "kicks it up a notch" with spices, he yells "BAM!" Just imagined you thinking "this will kick it up a notch...BAM!!"
on Feb 11, 2004
hehe... Jill.. same concept...

There is a chef on the Fox TV show Futurama... he also BAMs... but its generally when making witty remarks

And on the trolling, i also haven't used it once... Messy... did brad let you know who it was?
on Feb 11, 2004
That's what I think of when I see that too, although since I first saw that on Futurama, I think of that alien chef doing the BAM! thing.
on Feb 11, 2004
This is outrageous. This should not be allowed to happen. Personally, I think it's time for the troll feature to either die or have safeguards put into it to prevent this sort of things from ever happening again.

Should we all go around clicking "insightful" on Muggaz's articles to boost him back up?

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