Hello friends. I was wondering if any of you friendly bloggers out there could offer me some assistance on a few matters. I have seen some pretty blogs on this site, and i would like to change mine's appearance also. I would also like to know how to include a link to my favorites and also how to insert pictures. Sorry for being naive, but i dont know these things, and how am i ever going to lear if i dont ask??? Thanks
I was brought up as a Roman Catholic. I attended Catholic schools throughout my life, and went to church every single Sunday till I was in year 10 (1997) Even though I was going to church from year 7 to 10, there was something that happened in 1994 that made me question my faith immensely, and left me rather baffled. I am not going to tell you what that event was; I am just going to tell you that you would understand. Can you imagine how hard it is for someone who was brought up to believe...
You can check out the winner of this years Philips Digital Arts festival right here . Wait for the web page to load and then pass your mouse over the face in the image a few times. Finally, leave the mouse over the nose of the image. I think advanced interactive PC use is closer than we think - we are a very lucky generation to be witnessing these advances indeed. BAM!!!
Hi Smarties, I am just trying to create a sub site, and i am having a few problems. If you know the answer to my questions, i would be most appreciative. I cant write and feature articles under the subsite (agawria) Other peoples articles are in my recent and top users... Help would be appreciated! Thanks