A day to day acount of the whacky and wonderful world of Muggaz - i tend to be having too much fun these days, and often cannot remember moments due to debauchery - its time the internet repayed my loyalty by recording my antics.
Best Overall/Original, Most Entertaining, Most Comical.
Published on April 1, 2004 By Muggaz In Entertainment
I have got to say a great big 'Muchos Gracious' to those of you that voted for me in the JU awards.

At the end of the day, it is of no consequence, because its just blogging, and there are a lot more entertaining and comical people out there, however, it is fair to say there is only one Muggaz!

I really must thank Brad for hosting JoeUser... It is a most generous thing to do, and the community that has grown here has me checking the site 10 times a day. I count you guys as true friends, and if I am in the States, or Europe, it is my full intention to perhaps share a beer or two with many of you, and perhaps a soft drink with Dan.

I must also thank GCJ for hosting the awards, It was a lovely venue, and everyone looked fantastic. It was a shame those woman's liberation hecklers threw eggs at Sir Peter Maxwell, but he always comes prepared for the filthy peasant wenches, and carries a spare Tux with him everywhere he goes.

To my ever faithful readers, and friends, who I can rely on for an opinion and some valuable input... Jepel, Imajinit, Mack, Dan, Trin, Anne, Dharma, Nic, Mig, Sherye, and my dear friend Sir Peter Maxwell, I thank you for hanging around Muggaz Adventures, also to the occasional and new visitors like PoetPhilosopher and Janders, you guys rock also, any one else who read, I sincerely thank you, don't be afraid to make yourselves known! I like to incorporate my audience... (that's the humble way for asking - who the devil are my fans?)

The best thing about this is that you guys see 100% live Muggaz, the real deal... I feel safe and happy being myself around you guys, and i know you will respect/understand where i am coming from either way.

I will continue writing my thoughts and antics... I was really surprised when Anthony R nominated me for most likely to fail - to you Anthony R I would like to say, numbers don't lie, suck an egg, and before nominating me for an award I had no chance of winning, maybe educate yourself on my antics and you might just find yourself 'Entertained' either way... you were WRONG!!!! hahahaha....

Once again, I can't express my gratitude enough for these prestigious awards, and I look forward to continuing my successful career thus far and reading the ever entertaining blogs from you guys!!!


Oh yeah - bring the troops home!!!!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 01, 2004
Gee Whiz... get a grip Muggaz.
on Apr 01, 2004
it's just jest mate... i dont really care what you think!

on Apr 01, 2004
yeah...ummm...suck an egg Anthony.

on Apr 02, 2004
WHOOOOOOOOOO!!!! GO MUGGAZ!!!! hehehehe, go my guyfriend!!
on Apr 02, 2004
You can yuk it up if you’d like Trintitty, but at least I won something here, the twenty five demonic members of the left wing wolf pack you associate with, spearheaded by Gypel, have anointed me, and sir Maxwell of the House of Orange “most annoying,” therefore I have been recognized for a talent, where as you are a complete loser recognized for nothing.
on Apr 02, 2004
oh dear, you need to calm down. No one ever said I wasn't a loser. Then again, tis better to keep you mouth shut and have inquirings about your status, than to open it and remove all doubt.

btw, my name is Trinitie.

on Apr 02, 2004
Oh, and I was recognized for something. I voted, and my friend won, therefore I was recognized as a cheerleader.


on Apr 02, 2004
Congratulation Muggaz, I will be happy to buy you a beer when you will be back in UK...

May the agawrian way be with you

on Apr 02, 2004
Congratulations Muggaz! Always plenty of ice cold beer here in the great state of Ohio. You won't be the first Aussie I have hosted but you're welcome to come stay here anytime. GCJ
on Apr 02, 2004
Yay for The Mug Man! I'll second that pint when you come to England..and I'll even cook you dinner.
on Apr 03, 2004
Hi, your blog is fun but you've heard that from pretty much everyone on this. you should check out this girl's on www.fearandrandomwumph.motime.com, she's pretty crazy, pulling stupid drunken antics and so on, you might like her. anyway, keep writing.
on Apr 03, 2004
Scarlett she sounds like a vile drunken wench, I tried to read a few of her articles and they basically go along the lines of - She went to a bar, got drunk, had sex in the toilets and then vomited.
on Apr 04, 2004
You guys are all so cool.

I would never have won any awards if it weren't for you loitering around from the beginning!!! you are all very dear friends indeed.

*Group Mug Hug*

on Apr 04, 2004

Pashed because someone was trying to say they weren't pished once and said i'm not pashed and ever since it's stuck. Simple really.
on Apr 04, 2004
It may be simple for you...

I use the term pashed for pashing a chick - i.e. pashionately kissing.

nice shameless self promotion as well...

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