Welcome to the competative world of Joe User
Personally, i dont use the trolling feature... i dont like to put other people down... if they are idiots, they wont get up in the ranks...
Now, i recently reached top 10... no mean feat, i know... but it is still somewhat of an acheivment, it means i am cool amongst bloggers.
I suppose someone has a gripe against me hardcore to the max - they must be dead set losers to go through all my blog and say i am trolling to dock me points, because i lost over 800 points in the space of 3 hours... omfg losers.
I have nothing against you personally whoever did it, or whether it was a consortium of people... but you really need to get a life, and focus on your writing attracting an audience, rather than bringing other people down.
I have built my bridge, and i am over it... i just thought that a forum would be a place you could go to escape the haters of this world...