A day to day acount of the whacky and wonderful world of Muggaz - i tend to be having too much fun these days, and often cannot remember moments due to debauchery - its time the internet repayed my loyalty by recording my antics.
Published on October 21, 2004 By Muggaz In Just Hanging Out
Right now, I have only one predominant goal in life – I am failing in this goal right now, my cocky swagger would tell you as much, I don’t know how to hold my ego back, but I would really like to learn and develop some humility.

For some reason, unbeknown to me, I have gone through life thus far with an inkling of a superiority complex; I know I am not better than anyone, I certainly can’t prove that I am better than anyone, so why do I coast through life with a pompous attitude with my nose haughtily in the air holding many people I encounter with contempt?

I guess admitting this fault is the first step to redemption, alas; I am torn in two with my personality at the moment. I know arrogance is not a desirable trait in any person, and I suppose it has been developed through quantifiable aspects of life – good grades, athletic prowess and a sense of wit and charm that made me easy to get along with, as I grow up though, I realise these are not character traits that make you better than anyone else, and I am learning the hard way.

The word ego gets dirtier and dirtier to me every day; I see what it does to people, not least of all, myself. It seems as though everybody is always trying to be someone they aren’t, whether it is through the clothes they wear, or the company they keep, there is this pretentious attitude prevalent – we are told we need ‘this’ to be cool, or ‘that’ to be hip, and of course, ‘those’ to be successful and adventurous. It kind of makes me sick, because even though I am one of the cockiest dudes I have ever come across, the insolence and posing I see on a day to day basis makes me feel like a saint.

See, even now when I am writing about my desire to kill my ego and superiority complex, ingrained notions of supremacy are plain and simple for all to witness. How does one live a humble life when one doesn’t agree with the way some people live? Who am I to judge someone who thinks they are the bee’s knees because they drive a fast car, big salary and a trophy wife? By the same token, who am I to judge someone who has had an unfortunate life and lives in a trailer?

I guess it’s just something I need to work on, and with time I hope it will come… Sure, to anyone else, I am no one special, I should never care what others think of me, and most of the time I don’t, I don’t know why at times I seek validation from my peers to make me feel important, because I am important no matter what anyone else says, like you are important as well.

I really am no one at the end of the day – perhaps I need to encourage a bit more dissent, eventually, I won’t need other people to keep me grounded, the earth against my feet and the sky as I look up should suffice, I do need to eat some humble pie for some moral fibre.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 22, 2004
Welcome back....
on Oct 22, 2004
humble people are likable, but they also get walked over

That's not humble, that's gullible or weak-willed. Not the same thing at all. You can be humble and still refuse to put up with any shit.
Humility is more like the constant awareness (and acceptance) that there are countless other people who are as good as or better than you in many ways. It is avoiding any instinct to try to set yourself up or present yourself as innately superior to someone else. But it does not involve allowing people to do whatever they want to you.
on Oct 22, 2004

Humility is more like the constant awareness (and acceptance) that there are countless other people who are as good as or better than you in many ways.

Wise words.  Arrogance and self confidence are not the same.  Being humble and being a door mat are not the same. If you feel that you constantly have to prove yourself, or be "better" than others, then you are not self confident. 

Nice to see you back, Muggaz. 

on Oct 22, 2004
TG!!!! You made my day Mark.It's really great to have you back...I missed you.

Haha - it's good to be back mate... I missed you all!

And since I've been reading your blogs, I do associate Australia with Muggaz too. Keep those articles coming....

Damn, I feel sorry for my compatriots, they aren't all as bad as me mate!

Welcome back....

Thanks Kelly

You can be humble and still refuse to put up with any shit.Humility is more like the constant awareness (and acceptance) that there are countless other people who are as good as or better than you in many ways. It is avoiding any instinct to try to set yourself up or present yourself as innately superior to someone else. But it does not involve allowing people to do whatever they want to you.

Thank-you Cithellion - your wise words are appreciated, I am certainly guilty as charged, and thats something I have to be mindful of... like you have pointed out before, you only get so many chances in life, and I don't want to use them all up and think a sorry will always make it better...

Nice to see you back, Muggaz.

Thanks heaps Karma.
on Oct 22, 2004
they aren't all as bad as me mate

Nah, ...but if I ever need lessons

WB Muggaz!
on Oct 23, 2004

I'm happy to see you could swallow your pride and come back to us. ()()().....I couldn't have done it.

I have much to learn from you....and it's nice to know that you're learning it right along with me....if you catch my drift.

Oh, and yes, Dan is a genius, sometimes....

on Oct 23, 2004
You're such a good guy. Welcome back!
on Oct 25, 2004
And congratulations! I see you are back to being a citizen!
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