A day to day acount of the whacky and wonderful world of Muggaz - i tend to be having too much fun these days, and often cannot remember moments due to debauchery - its time the internet repayed my loyalty by recording my antics.
Published on August 24, 2004 By Muggaz In Blogging
Or so I’m told. More and more often these days. I take that to mean that people are under the assumption that I think I’m somehow better than they are. For the record, I don’t.

The fact that this rarely happens to me in real life makes me think that the problem is not what I say, but the way that I say it. I enjoy lively debate at the best of times, and never more than with the variety of great minds on JU.

Yet lately I have been feeling the effects of speaking my mind without the benefit of ‘real time’ to allow a conversation, and I admit that, out of frustration, I have let my thoughts and comments get a little out of hand.

I spoke to Mig a little while ago, and she said to me “this is not you”. And she’s right. When it comes to actually considering that I may have hurt the feelings of others, then for me it’s time to cool off a little and take a step back.

I cannot change my views, and I understand that I’m not expected to. Yet I guess I could work a little on the delivery. In the heat of ‘blog battle’, the big guns come out and before I know it I am embroiled in yet another controversy.

For the record, I do regret any personal slur I may have made. Whatever the circumstances were, getting personal is not the way to go.

(Besides, Mig is going to kick my ass if I don’t behave. I’m scared. I really am!).


Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 24, 2004
I'd be scared too.

I respect you Mugz,. Delivery and phrasing is important if ya want to communicate your thoughts. No doubt. Hey, we're all human beings riding around on a big chuck of rock hurling through space and when it's all said and done we've all done the best we could.

I think it's pretty damn great that we can all disagree about stuff and at the end of the day still say that we respect each other and are freinds in as much as one can be friends in cyberspace.
on Aug 24, 2004
BTW, I am actually the morally superior one, but don't spread that around.
on Aug 25, 2004
if thats how you felt mark why delete my comment so no one can see it, instead of backing it up
on Aug 25, 2004
if thats how you felt mark why delete my comment so no one can see it, instead of backing it up

These people don't need to hear or the deatails as to why I think I am better than the people you are talking about - the simple fact of the matter is that you are someone I hold very dear to me, and when you tell me stories about how your 'friends' hurt your feelings etc. It only makes me hold them in contempt and disdain... If you dont want me to think i am better than you 'friends' dont tell me the stories about how they are jerks to you, and hurt your feelings.

I am sorry Hazza.... but thats just how I feel, I hate it when they hurt your feelings... i really do... and because I would never dream of doing that to you - if that makes me feel a better person than them - so be it.

on Aug 25, 2004
I cannot change my views, and I understand that I’m not expected to.

On the contrary. You are the only person who CAN change your views. It's true, people (or at least, reasonable people) don't expect you to change your views just on their say-so, but reasonable people do expect you to listen to a viewpoint, evaluate it as fairly as possible, and if it has compelling evidence to back it up, be willing to at least admit that their viewpoint has validity.
on Aug 25, 2004
but reasonable people do expect you to listen to a viewpoint, evaluate it as fairly as possible, and if it has compelling evidence to back it up, be willing to at least admit that their viewpoint has validity.

this is a good point, citahellion, i'm glad you made it. i do think in a way that is what mugz might have been alluding to. respect becoming a 2-way street. i agree with you (i always do !) that there is nothing better

Reply #1 By: MasonM - 8/24/2004 11:55:09 PM
I'd be scared too.

oh, you should be, mason ! grrr !. i'm so scary !

I admit that, out of frustration, I have let my thoughts and comments get a little out of hand.

i think it's big of you to say that, muggaz

I do regret any personal slur I may have made. Whatever the circumstances were, getting personal is not the way to go.

i agree, and i'm very happy that you were able to say so.

i also agree with you mug, and also with mason, in that timing and delivery can be as important as the sentiments themselves.

mig XX
on Aug 25, 2004
Dear boy the problem is not that you are morally superior, it is that you as a Maxwellian are intellectually superior.
on Aug 25, 2004
It's often good to step back and take a break. I have never seen you as acting superior. And I appreciate the fact that you offer defense quickly whenever you feel it is needed. It's the natural Jedi in you. It is easy to get caught up as NickyG says, it is easy to be misunderstood on here, too. I'm still getting caught up on all of this, but you are one of my favorite people here, and because I really am morally superior, that means a hell of a lot!
on Aug 25, 2004
That is really one of the terrible limitations of communicating on the internet. We lose all those inflections and such that help us understand each other better.
on Aug 25, 2004
Muggaz, you're the only person I think I've ever seen apologize on JU, so even though we would disagree on many issues, that gives you huge points in my ledger. I'm not taking sides on this stupid thing 'cause I like you all. But I guess I just wanted to say, Chin up. You're a cool guy and I've really enjoyed your posts and your replies to mine. I would imagine that we could all work on delivery--I've deleted a couple of my own posts for that reason. My brain works as a consultant but the fingers don't always call it in before putting out their latest press release. Perhaps we have that in common.

My last thoughts are about the polarization that is taking place. JU may not be big enough for all of us, but the real world is (thinking of Dan Kaschel here, think maybe I remember him apologizing at some point, too).



*calls away for brain consultation; Brain thinks mildly that reference to Dan Kaschel might be bad thing, but unsure of why*
on Aug 25, 2004
Angloesque - You really have no idea how much that meant to me...

Sometimes I do take the moral high-road... I try to be the best person I can be, and when I see people writing/doing things that I couldn't/wouldn't do, I obviously do what I realise to be pointless now - state my opinion on the matter. I am also human, and this whole Sir Peter fiasco from months back is biting me on the bottom, and rightly so...

Whats done on this web-site has been done... a lot of people will have pre-determined opinions of me, based on what other people say - such is the nature of the beast. I am just glad there are people like you who can read between the lines - and realise, I am not a hate filled person.

I am genuinely sorry for any personal attacks I have made, and I am not going to resort to a flame war, I am comfortable with what I have said (personal attacks aside) and the people that know me will be happy with my interpretation, but I would just like to thank the esteemed LW for writting a whole blog about me and my vitriolic ways - it makes me feel a little special! Link

on Aug 25, 2004
Well, Muggaz, I'm glad. There've been times when you've said something meaningful to me, too, so .... there.

*grins awkwardly*
on Aug 25, 2004
I am genuinely sorry for any personal attacks I have made, and I am not going to resort to a flame war

And that's all I needed to hear. Done. The incident's over.

I would, however, ask that you ask some of your defenders to ease up a little (at least in my direction). This whole affair, which should have been just a petty disagreement between you and me, has been blown so far out of proportion it's not even funny.

You know I respect you for the most part, muggaz. The things that appalled me I have stated already on separate threads; there's no need to rehash them here. I am asking nicely, though, that you try to consider the way your words are perceived sometimes before replying on others' blogs; on your own blog, I could give two shits; it's your blog and if we come on it, we need to respect that.

For the record, I don't believe the "morally superior" comment was echoed by me (I know I didn't make it first, at least). If so, it was in the heat of the whole incident, and I apologize. I will say on that note, however, that some of your replies do come across as a tad smug, though. You're an intelligent person, muggaz, but intelligence is easy to misuse.

Now let me go take you off blacklist.
on Aug 25, 2004
I think I hurt myself just now, dancing for joy....
on Aug 25, 2004

I sometimes dont think of the repurcussions of what I say, and my stupid little brash comment directed to you the other day is testimony to that. This has been one great learning experience for me, and you have my assurance that i will endeavour with all my heart to not offend anyone - that's not to say that it wont happen, it's just that it is certainly not my intention to go around offending people - least of all friends, and I certainly considered you to be a blogging friend, and I guess thats why I reacted so stupidly to the blacklisting.

Thanks for seeing reason, and teaching me the same.

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