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Muggaz Adventures
A day to day acount of the whacky and wonderful world of Muggaz - i tend to be having too much fun these days, and often cannot remember moments due to debauchery - its time the internet repayed my loyalty by recording my antics.
I just love Sharks ok - So What?
they are so cool!
Published on August 3, 2004 By
I recently got a bit hazy in one of my
and I feel the need to justify myself…
I just like Sharks ok – is that a crime? Everyday, I sit idly by, watching people lambaste and criticise the sharks, just for them being lean, mean, advanced predatory machines.
Living in Australia, I hear about sharks a lot. Being a beach boy myself, I have encountered Sharks on more than one occasion. My grandma used to live in a quaint little beach town by the name of Cape Patterson – my auntie owned the local pub, and they lived about 100 metres from Surf Beach #1 – I know, a great original name, but Surf Beach #1 was much better than Surf Beach #2
Anywho – this little 100m walk to the beach, we even encountered snakes, which my grandma’s dog, who’s name was Boss, chased away fervently much to our delight! One day, I was out in the water with my cousin’s ex-husband Dominic, and he was an avid surfer. We had patronised this beach our whole lives, and we knew sharks were out there, but we were comfortable in the water, because we knew it so well.
Dominic and I were about 1km out, at the break on the reef – this was when I was about 9 or 10 years old, one of my first boarding experiences. Dom was a seasoned surfer, so even though I was far away from the shore, I was comfortable in his presence.
I was getting tired, and I began swimming back to the shore, and I was half way there… All of the sudden, I see Dominic telling me to sit on my board, and head back calmly, he looked a bit panicked, but I wasn’t alarmed… so yeah, I just mosey on back to the shore, and apply myself to re-apply (Sunscreen that is)
As I am sitting on my towel, I am watching Dom make his way back at a faster pace than usual, and he actually looks a bit flustered, automatically as soon as he got to walking depth, we could see what had happened, there was a massive chunk taken out of his surf board – the only possible culprit, a big shark.
Dom explained that a shark had taken a crunch out of his board as I was half way back to shore, and ever since that day, I have felt that sharks are not respected nearly as much as they need to be.
The reason that Dominic was not bitten is because he paid the sharks the respect they deserve. Other than humans, they are the most advanced species on our planet, surviving and perfecting their skills since prehistoric times. Dom knew that if he panicked, he was finished. Sharks smell fear.
I am prone to flicking the remote when at home, and when a documentary on sharks crosses my path, I am inadvertently captivated. These creatures deserve tremendous respect. It really hurts my feelings when there has been a shark attack, and the local fishing communities scream bloody murder.
As recently as 3 weeks ago, there was a fatality in Australian waters, and the local community entered a vendetta against the Great White Shark responsible – now, Great White Sharks are a protected species, as the magnificent beasts should be, however, the Australian government have allowed the capture and flakefying of Sharks that commit murder – this is fair I hear you say – no it most certainly is not.
The common denominator in shark attack’s, is the fact that they are all in water, and that just happens to be where the shark lives! Fancy that!!! If there was a shark community and sharks came and chilled on the land for their leisure activities, and imagine if a human killed a shark, because they thought it was food! Would you expect the community of sharks to come and kill that human because it was acting based on natural instincts?
In spite of popular opinion, Sharks don’t get kicks out of eating humans, they think we taste rotten. You can tell from the bite marks – sharks most certainly have the capacity to rip a human to shreds with their powerful jaws, but a majority of shark attacks only end up in scarring – as soon as the shark knows we aren’t their food, they release their grip, and swim off… unless of course, you are flapping about and splashing in a state of fear… doing exactly what a seal or walrus would do.
I have seen people who can stand in water with hundreds of sharks, yet, they just meditate, control their fear, and the sharks do nothing… sharks are our friends.
I am but one person, however, I think the Sharks deserve a bit of good publicity… I am sure our government appreciates the fact they are guarding our borders from crazy New Zealanders, Indonesians and even Tasmanians swimming to the mainland…
So, in summary – I am sorry I got all worked up in defence of the Shark yesterday, it’s a subconscious love as well – ever since I was younger there have always been limericks involving me and Sharks, so there is certainly an emotional attachment… I just think they are adorable, with their big teeth, and smooth gliding style…
Awww… now I am rambling…
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Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages
on Aug 03, 2004
I have the same policy towards rattlesnakes and scorpions
Did you ever consider capturing them, holding them, and then pitting them against each other in a true battle of survival?
That would be so cool.
on Aug 03, 2004
Ah, some appreciation for sharks....finally someone actually comes out with their feelings....I don't really know why people think sharks are evil and that they murder and should be punished by being killed....it's like you jump into someone's house and they try to chase you away by fighting...then the police come later and shoot them.....so...that's a little unfair....
Good Article,
on Aug 03, 2004
So, n00bs, check out the above link, I was just checking my email, and it looks like msn are a bit shark crazy as well!!! It's about how sharks bite their prey - which, remember guys, isn't us!!! coz we taste rotten... etc...
on Aug 04, 2004
Ahhh no, Dori isn't quite the best. I think that crush the sea turtle was!! he was like so totally awesome dude!!
on Aug 04, 2004
I think that crush the sea turtle was!! he was like so totally awesome dude!!
Carebear - one of my best mates sounds exactly like that guy - and he has the long blonde curly hair as well... totally the part!!!
on Aug 04, 2004
Carebear - one of my best mates sounds exactly like that guy - and he has the long blonde curly hair as well... totally the part!!!
That's so totally awesome dude!!!
Sally jacobs
on Aug 04, 2004
Excellent article Mugz. I agree these animals should be shown the respect they deserve. Just like any creature, people should take the time to learn about them, and understand them, instead if just writing them off completely. True of any situation, with anumals or not. They are certainly beautiful creatures.
You really need to Find Nemo...I've seen it loads of times, and never tire of it, it is just a fabtastic film!
on Aug 04, 2004
As much as I love this article...I'm still AFRAID of Sharks...and no matter what you say...I won't get in the waters of Pismo or Newport beach, I instead will still keep my habbit of playing in the waves with the little kids...
on Aug 05, 2004
I think that this was an awesome article. I respect sharks and their power, but fear them as well.
When I surf I try to be aware of my place, because ultimatly I am in their ocean.
2 Pages
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