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Muggaz Adventures
A day to day acount of the whacky and wonderful world of Muggaz - i tend to be having too much fun these days, and often cannot remember moments due to debauchery - its time the internet repayed my loyalty by recording my antics.
because i can.
Published on April 25, 2004 By
This weekend has been fun... as always... I have been really happy with the people i have been with and had a lot of fun. Got plenty of rest, and i am ready to take on the next week.
I was at Eoin's house party on Friday night, and had a splendid time. I drank a fair bit of alcohol and dabbled in a little narcotics, but nothing extensive at all. I ran into an old friend from my high school... Its funny, I used to have the hots for this girl something chronic, but that was in the old days when i didn't know how to handle myself around women... how pleasing it was to see the shoe was on the other foot now... I could have taken advantage very easily, but she was a little drunk and taking advantage of a young drunk girl isn't my style... she invited me to her party next Saturday night... I am guilty of playing games here, but i deliberately told skirted the issue.. she pleaded and pleaded, but I always had full intentions of going... I will rock up with Eoin as a surprise.. but i will get there a bit early, the ground work has been laid
My Brother... well, didn't he provide a laugh or 9 on Friday night. He polished a whole bottle of Jack Daniels off... along with some candy as well, most entertaining. He passed out at about 3.00am and i wrote 'n00b' on his forehead witha balck marker... we also got some pictures of it... when i obtain them i shall be sure to post them!!!
I slept most of the day on Saturday... when i woke up i watched a movie that will touch me forever! It's called 'Hero' with Jet Li - I am not sure who directed it - i think it was nominated for best foreign film in 2002 i think... I was the best martial arts film i have ever seen... I have encouraged Phantom of the night to watch it and do a review - i think he could do a much better job than me... I hope he does it! for your sake! just take my word it was a fantastic movie, or better yet - decide for yourself!
I went dancing last night and listened to some funked up tubo house hard stylez. I started drinking earlier on, and there were a lot of people down at MTC that i recognised and love! MTC always gets a fantastic crowd. Its one of those places that i will definitely go to if i have no important engagements... Its a monthly evening, and the music is slamming! You will always find me front and centre of the dancefloor with a gin and tonic and a ciggy in hand! enjoying the audio experience in a friendly and fun atmosphere! I did a bit of promotion for the Advent... they are coming out on May 15th, and i am really looking forward to seeing them.
Today i was woken up by a friend tecting me... I am glad she did because i would have slept all day otherwise! Today is Anzac day... I was going to write a blog about Anzac day and what it means to me, but i might do that tommorow... I had to play soccer today - we won by one goal! I also spoke to my mum and sister... I have a pretty busy few weeks ahead of me, i assure you of that!!!
I have also done some long and hard thinking about my overseas adventure at the end of the year - I think i might postpone it for a while. Its something i have been looking forward to immensely, but i asked myself today why should i leave when everything is so good right now??? I think maybe i was afraid or something, and thats why i was so keen to go overseas... I have everything good right now... almost perfect - my living situation and work is fantastic, and I would really like to be arround for my sisters when their babies are born... I will think about it for a bit more, but i kind of have an idea on a few things i would like to do... go with the flow i suppose...
I hope you all had a good weekend, and may the forthcoming week be quite pleasant!
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Comments (Page 1)
2 Pages
on Apr 25, 2004
Another fine blog from the ever-likeable Mugman... ( i would have put ever-loveable, but we're both dudes)... great to hear that things are going well my friend. keep on keepin on...
keep writin' them blogs and we'll keep readin' em. even if we don't always reply
on Apr 25, 2004
If you were to go on an international adventure--where are you thinking of heading?
I think you are semi-right about being afraid--when things aren't always going just as I planned, I start to plan my international escape. Most of the time, life gets back on track before my plans are finalized. That's not to say that moving abroad for a while wasn't the best thing I ever did--I most certainly recommend it to everyone!
I enjoy reading your blogs--they make me smile!
on Apr 25, 2004
So you're not coming to England next year? That makes me sad. I had been looking forward to a pub crawl with you.....
on Apr 25, 2004
Never say Never Dharma!!! I might be there next year... just very late...
I have decided everything is perfect right now, thats all, and i want to go back to University and get a degree before i leave... I would just like to have a piece of paper that tells everyone how good i am, rather than them just taking my word for it!!!
Shades, I feel like i have made a new friend!!!, my blogs make me smile too!!! we have something in common
on Apr 25, 2004
Good to hear it's all good mate
on Apr 26, 2004
You sound so enthusiastic! Perhaps if you become a writer and write with a similar passion you can make the reader feel to have lived your tale!
Indeed, brings many smiles.
Sally jacobs
on Apr 26, 2004
Ok, prepare yourself for retarded question, soccer, is that the same as english football or is it some kind of aussie rules soccer? I apologise again for my stupidity.....
on Apr 26, 2004
hehehe soccer is soccer is english football -- no weird aussie rules exist as far as i know
muggaz, what are you studying?
secondly, this is something that i realised the other day... do you ever watch merrick and russo? i realised that when i read your stuff, i imagine you looking and being a lot like merrick. isn't it weird how you can form impressions like that? (yeah, and if you plan to reciprocate and say i remind you of some other australian personality... indulge me... i remind you of megan gale -- RIGHT???)
on Apr 26, 2004
- If you reminded me of Megan Gale, I would be on the first plane up north and be trying to Woo You!!! hehe.. I LOVE Megan Gale.... my feelings for you aren't so strong yet though
Its funny that you say that... I do watch it... I used to be the biggest fan of theres when they were on JJJ, but then they sold out to commercial radio the fukers... hehe... Nah, they are great, not unlike myself
I am not studying anything at the moment, I am entertaining the idea of doing a bachelor of Business... Journalism is something i do want to get into at a latter date!!!
And sorry Sally, i should have called it football!!! but I am on an American site, and they are un0educated in the beautiful game, so i did it for their benefit!!!
This is awesome... I have a whole legion of new female fans!!! hahaha... sorry... I am just lapping it up!!! Firefly, your compliment made me feel warm and fuzzy inside!!! I dont think i have the patience to be an author though!!! short social commentaries, that is where i am a viking!
on Apr 26, 2004
Well, Mug Man, I'll be in England for 4 years, so we'll have plenty of time to catch up.
You do seem to have acquired quite the following of chickies, don't you?
Sally jacobs
on Apr 27, 2004
Ahh ok, no probs, do you support a team or just strictly play it?
on Apr 27, 2004
I am a staunch supporter of Manchester United!!! My dad was born in Manchester, in Stretford or something like that... one of my great uncles used to be a security guard at Old Trafford, back in the day of Busby's Babes...
Aussie footy is pretty good as well Sally!!! do you know much about it?
Dharma... what can I say
I love you all!
on Apr 27, 2004
Dharma... what can I say I love you all!
And we love you too, Muggaz. In a purely platonic kind of way because I'm married...if I weren't things would be different....
Sally jacobs
on Apr 27, 2004
I'm a huge Man Utd fan!! I'm also lucky enough to live in Manchester, so I even get to sit in the fab Stretford end now and again! I'm so upset about arsenal....I'm afraid I know very little about Aussie footy, although you provided us with Harry Kewel and your National team can beat England (not that, that's difficult!)
on Apr 27, 2004
Sally, you just went up a notch
It was one of my agendas to get to Old Trafford when I went over to England... perhaps when i get there eventually... I cant wait to see the trophy room!!!
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