A day to day acount of the whacky and wonderful world of Muggaz - i tend to be having too much fun these days, and often cannot remember moments due to debauchery - its time the internet repayed my loyalty by recording my antics.
Published on January 1, 2004 By Muggaz In Blogging
Well... what can i say... What an absolute mahem the last few days have been.

I guess i start at the begining.

Christmas came and went... it was fantastic to see all the family, and drink a lot of alcahol and eat a lot of meat. I have definitely decided that i will make a concerted effort to eat as healthy as possible over the next week.

I saw Steph a couple of times as well... Yes, it was great... but then i started feeling bad, because i realised that, while i do like her, i could not see myself entering a form of relationship with her, because other than the sex - she kind of shits me to tears a little... she is really immature, lazy and self-centred, but then again, that is you average 18 year old female...

I guess she kinda suspected i was holding back, so she stoped returning my text messages and shit like that... i dont suppose it helped that i had remarked that i was dissapointed i missed the second half of a soccer game just for a piece of ass... somewhat insensitive of me... i can usually get away with murder if i just whack in my charming smile... coincidence or not - that was the last night we spent together. She actually came over to Sean and Caitlins at about 1.00am new years day... she was avoiding me like the buebonic plague...

I have to say, i love it when things happen like this - This is my friends little sister, so if i ever broke anything of, or hurt her in any way - i would kind of be dead. This way, i have made the effort by calling her or whatever, but if she dont wanna continue... this is also fine with me, as i am seen to be the 'loser' hehehe...

Yeah so anyway... As all this was happening in the Backgound, Sean, Caitlin, Ellen and Me all went to Seans beach house on Phillip Island for a couple of days... the wheather was tops. like 35 each day, and Seans house is only 100meters away from the beach... so we didn't even have to leave once, so there were plenty a drink to be consumed. I got a pretty wicked suntan as well... and it is only the start of summer - we will see.

New Years was bloody insane... let me just tell you all i spent about $650 Australian Dollars... exactly what i spent it on, you will never know, but we can confidently say i am quite frizzled right now, and i dont think i will be able to party like that for at least another whole year... hehe, i should be in Amsterdam for New Years next year, but anything can happen.

I am not to sure what i am planning for the next couple of days... I dont think the wheather is going to be as good as it has been the last few days, so maybe i will catch a movie or two... I just feel really, really good at this point in time... confidence is sky high, and i think 2004 will be the best year that i have lived thus far... Well, i am sure we can only hope, because sometimes fate deals a nasty hand, but i am the eternal optimist
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